
Heir of Wrath: The Celestial Devourer

Tian Jing, the child of the Dragon God and Demon Goddess, carries the weight of his parents' last will and the hope for their revenge across the Nine Heavens. Starting his life anew, he gradually recovers the memories of his father teaching him about the cultivation world and cultivation techniques. Fortunate to encounter two great individuals, Tian Jing learns that the world can hold beautiful things beyond strength, wars, and domination over the weak. This revelation shifts his personality from being always cold and heartless to being cold and heartless most of the time. Embarking on his journey, Tian Jing understands that he is not a tool for vengeance but also an individual with the freedom to pursue his own desires.

GoofySleeper · Fantasy
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25 Chs


"U-Undress!?" Qing Lian was totally shocked. Her face turned completely red. Her mind raced, and her body trembled as she looked at her master's face, trying to understand his intentions. All she saw was an authoritative expression. She timidly nodded and began to undress slowly. It was easy, as she was only wearing rags. When she finished undressing, she closed her eyes, unsure of what to do and trying to calm herself. She didn't even think to cover her body, well she couldn't, her mind was in chaos, she was completely caught off guard by this sudden action.

Tian Jing directly used a Purifying technique to clean her body. She trembled, sensing a tingling sensation, but didn't open her eyes.

Now, her peerless figure was fully revealed. Her body was a vision of curvaceous, athletic beauty. She had a slender waist that accentuated her large, perfectly proportioned bosom. Her white skin was smooth and flawless, with a subtle sheen that hinted at her divine lineage. Her breasts were full and firm, with a gentle, natural curve that spoke of both strength and femininity. Her abdomen was toned and flat, leading down to well-defined hips and thighs that were both strong and graceful.

Every part of her body exuded an ethereal glow, enhancing her regal and exotic presence. Her legs were long and shapely, ending in delicate feet that were perfectly proportioned. As a foxkin, her ears added to her mystical allure, making her appear both enchanting and otherworldly.

Her entire being radiated an aura of elegance and purity. 

As Tian Jing stood there, he felt a swelling sensation in his lower region, a primal response to Qing Lian's ethereal beauty. Despite his immense mental strength, the allure of her figure was overwhelming. He fought to maintain control, but after a few seconds, he realized he couldn't hold back his reaction. He didn't want her to see this, so his voice turned authoritative as he commanded "Don't open your eyes."

Qing Lian complied, keeping her eyes shut.

Tian Jing began to examine her body thoroughly, tracing every curve and contour with his senses. Her flawless skin, the gentle rise and fall of her chest, the subtle strength in her perfect muscles—every detail captivated him. Despite the reaction of his body, he didn't lose control only because of his extremely strong willpower.

After thoroughly examining her body, Tian Jing reached into his storage ring and pulled out a huge amount of spirit stones. 'This should be enough' he thought as he brought out all of the spirit stones.

Then Tian Jing began to use his father's technique. His father had all of the abilities that are unique characteristics of various dragon types, each with its own distinct traits. There were steel dragons, crystal dragons, and many others, each contributing to a vast array of powers and abilities. Drawing upon this legacy, Tian Jing started to channel the Qi energy contained within the spirit stones.

The process was difficult, as creating such complex forms required immense energy. He began to create Celestial Silk, a material as delicate as a spider's web yet stronger than the finest steel, and created fragments of Celestial Crystal, which he created by using some part of the spirit stones. As he worked, the Celestial Silk shimmered with an otherworldly light, reflecting the dark and purple colors of the Celestial Crystals embedded within. The silk flowed like water through his fingers, forming intricate patterns and designs that spoke of both elegance and power.

Next, Tian Jing employed his mother's technique, the 'Shadow Weave.' This was a complex and delicate process, involving the manipulation of shadows and dark energy to create a seamless blend with the Celestial materials. The Shadow Weave technique allowed him to imbue the fabric with protective properties, making it not only resilient but also capable of masking the wearer's aura and presence.

As he wove the shadows into the fabric, the material seemed to come alive, dark tendrils intertwining with the Celestial Silk and Crystals, enhancing their already formidable properties. The result was a garment that was both ethereal and enigmatic.

Qing Lian, still keeping her eyes closed as instructed, was curious and slightly apprehensive about the sounds she was hearing. The process took only minutes, but for Tian Jing, it felt like he had been working for days. The effort left him thoroughly exhausted, his body feeling as if it had been through an intense battle. Despite his attempts to control his breathing, he was left panting, each breath struggling and heavy.

Qing Lian, hearing his heavy breaths, felt a surge of concern. She was about to speak but she heard Tian Jing's voice.

"You can open your eyes now" he said, his voice calm despite his exhaustion.

She slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was the dress Tian Jing had in his hands. It was an otherworldly dress, unlike anything she had ever seen before. The dress was mostly made of Celestial Silk, which shimmered with an ethereal glow. The dress was form-fitting, designed to accentuate her curvaceous figure perfectly. It would hug her slender waist and flare out slightly at her hips, highlighting her graceful curves. The bodice was adorned with intricate patterns made from Celestial Crystals, which sparkled pink and purple colors. The sleeves of the dress were long and fitted, extending to her wrists and ending in delicate points. They were decorated with swirling patterns of dark energy. The dress was not long, it would show her perfect legs. The back of the dress was open, designed to reveal her smooth, flawless skin. It was held together by delicate strands of Celestial Silk that crisscrossed elegantly, giving both support and freedom of movement. Her dark purple hair, flecked with strands of silver, would cascade down her back, completing the dress perfectly. Her eyes, now fully open, glowed with excitement. 

"Master, is this.." Qing Lian asked, her voice filled with awe.

Tian Jing replied, "This is for you" as he handed the dress to Qing Lian. Her eyes filled with happy tears as she took the exquisite dress from him. Just as she was about to express her gratitude, Tian Jing cut her off.

"It's my duty. You are my servant, after all" he said expressionlessly, though his tone was unusually gentle, likely due to his exhaustion he couldn't control it. Then he took a herb from his storage ring and handed it to her. "Continue cultivating, and when you feel any instability, consume this."

With that, he left the room using 'Void Stride.' Qing Lian stood there, still holding the beautiful dress, her heart pounding. She immediately put it on and looked at herself in the mirror. The dress fit perfectly, accentuating her curves and enhancing her natural beauty. She looked at every part of it, marveling at the intricate details.

Her mind could only think one thing: 'It fits perfectly... it's too perfect...' Once again, she turned completely red, her ears trembling at the realization that Tian Jing had looked at every part of her to ensure the dress would fit so flawlessly. Then she realized "AH! Why didn't ı look at his body to see if he had any reaction... " she was a little upset with herself for this blunder. But she could do nothing now, so after looking once again at how beautiful this dress was and knowing it was created by her master, she passionately smiled before she started cultivating.

A little over a month passed, and Tian Jing opened his eyes with a hint of frustration. "It's not working... There is something wrong," he muttered to himself. Then he added, "Haa... Maybe I should start fusing the body refining cultivation techniques. Perhaps I will find a clue as to why I can't seem to create a Qi-gathering technique." He sighed deeply.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come." he said simply. The door opened, and his servant, Qing Lian, entered. She walked slowly, her body trembling slightly, and it seemed as if she was sweating. She hesitated before speaking, "M-M-Master... my body feels weird..." she said timidly.

For the past few days, she had felt a strange sensation in her body. She had tried to handle it on her own, but nothing seemed to work. It had reached a point where it was causing her pain, and she finally decided to tell her master. Seeing her state, Tian Jing sighed inwardly and said, "Come, I will explain to you about your body."

He then explained the same things he had told Xiao Ling about. After listening to his explanation, Qing Lian spoke timidly, "S-So, that's why you gave me that herb. My cultivation is stable for now... But my Y-Yin Qi has started to overflow," she said while lowering her head. She was unsure of what would happen next, waiting for his master to speak. 

Just as the one dreadful possibility that someone other than Tian Jing would help her crossed her mind, it shattered when she heard Tian Jing's authoritative yet soft voice,

 "Get on the bed."

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