
Heir of Wrath: The Celestial Devourer

Tian Jing, the child of the Dragon God and Demon Goddess, carries the weight of his parents' last will and the hope for their revenge across the Nine Heavens. Starting his life anew, he gradually recovers the memories of his father teaching him about the cultivation world and cultivation techniques. Fortunate to encounter two great individuals, Tian Jing learns that the world can hold beautiful things beyond strength, wars, and domination over the weak. This revelation shifts his personality from being always cold and heartless to being cold and heartless most of the time. Embarking on his journey, Tian Jing understands that he is not a tool for vengeance but also an individual with the freedom to pursue his own desires.

GoofySleeper · Fantasy
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25 Chs


As Tian Jing and Xiao Ling stepped outside the building, Tian Jing turned to face her. Xiao Ling looked at him timidly, her eyes full of questions. Before she could ask, Tian Jing spoke, 

"You will die if you aren't treated."

Xiao Ling's eyes widened in shock. She had been experiencing some difficulties while cultivating, but the thought of dying had never crossed her mind. 'Dying?' 

Tian Jing continued, "Your body is a little special. You possess the Extreme Yin Physique," The lower heavens had poor knowledge, so he explained in detail about her condition and the imbalances it could cause. "There are two types of imbalances that can occur in those who produce huge amounts of either Yin or Yang Qi."

He began to elaborate, "The first type is Yin or Yang Overflow. Normally, those without special physiques that produce a significant amount of Yin or Yang Qi do not convert normal Qi into Yin or Yang during cultivation. They only passively produce very small amounts, which they naturally eject. However, those with special physiques convert large amounts of normal Qi into either Yin or Yang, storing it in their Profound Veins and specific areas of their body. If this stored Yin or Yang accumulates excessively, it disrupts cultivation and throws the body into imbalance. The body becomes overwhelmed, and to expel this excess, it becomes lustful. Over time, without releasing this built-up energy, one can go mad, being a lustful creature. You cannot expel it by yourself effectively because it requires someone with the opposite energy to draw it out. Trying to expel it on your own results in a minimal release, which is never sufficient."

Xiao Ling listened intently, absorbing the critical information. Tian Jing continued, "The second type is Yin or Yang Imbalance. In this case, your body needs to maintain a balance within a certain range of Yin and Yang. While one can be significantly higher than the other, if the difference becomes too vast, the body cannot withstand the imbalance and begins to deteriorate from within."

"So, your herb will not be sufficient enough from now on; it helped your Yin Qi up to this point because when you break through, your limit of Yin Qi also increases. But now, it's near its peak. Either you should join a dual cultivation sect because as your cultivation increases, to stabilize it, you will need dozens of men, or you can stop cultivating and release your Yin Qi regularly with the help of someone."

Then he turned, his demeanor shifting back to the commanding presence he had shown earlier with the other Xiao members. "You may go" he said dismissively and started to leave.

'Well, it's not like I can transform her. She doesn't meet the requirements. Also, she's not special, really; demon physique is not inferior to hers in producing Yin/Yang,' Tian Jing muttered to himself.

Xiao Ling, waking from her deep thoughts, stuttered, "W-Why did you help me?... It was not for the herb I gave, was it?" she asked. Even though he only lost one minute of his time while explaining still, the knowledge was important to her.

Tian Jing didn't turn back but replied, "Your dress... it reminded me that I should look after for someone" When he first looked at her, the intense Yin Qi had made him think of Qing Lian. Seeing her in those beautiful clothes brought him to his senses. She was her servant. After all, she belonged to him, and Qing Lian was still wearing dirty slave rags and hadn't even washed up. This realization made him feel strange, and it angered him that he should've better master.

Tian Jing arrived back at the pavilion and opened the door to see a happy figure. Qing Lian was beaming with excitement. "Master, I broke through to the Spirit Warrior realm!" she exclaimed eagerly.

'Not bad' he thought to himself, noting her rapid progress. She was indeed fast. He began to speak, "You will grow a tail in specific realms, and you will grow one in this realm as well. I know you should use your special Qi-gathering technique from now on, but you can't use it now."

Qing Lian looked surprised. 'I can't?'

He continued, "Even though you are still a divine beast, you are essentially a demon now. It would hinder your speed, so you should adjust your technique accordingly. It's actually the same technique, only you need to adjust to a demon, and since you already know and have used the technique before, modifying it should only take months, or even faster if you are talented in comprehension."

Qing Lian nodded, immersing his instructions. "I understand, Master."

Tian Jing gave a slight nod of approval then turned back and left, moving to his own room while thinking, 'I am not particularly of any race now, my physique is really distinct; even I don't fully understand it myself.'

He sighed deeply as he stepped inside his room, closing the door behind him. "Haaaa... I am still trying to fuse the Qi-gathering techniques they used, but there's been no progress so far." he sat down to cultivate once more and practice again, attempting to fuse both his mother's and father's techniques. He knew he couldn't just cultivate normally; reaching higher realms that would be too slow for him.

As the days passed, the sect master knocked on Tian Jing's door and handed over the spirit stones. Her face was drawn and weary, reflecting the struggle it had taken to collect such an amount. Tian Jing didn't ask how they had managed to gather the spirit stones; he assumed they had given more than half of the spirit stones in the treasure, and they had likely sold some of the Heaven-rank techniques he had given them. Without a word, he put the stones into his storage rings and closed the door.

A month passed routinely as Tian Jing continued his efforts to fuse his parents' techniques. Qing Lian, meanwhile, had been working diligently on her own and had a sudden enlightenment. Noticing this, Tian Jing's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Good," he muttered, then quietly moved to her room, waiting for her to wake up from the enlightenment.

After a few hours, Qing Lian opened her eyes, joyful at her breakthrough. Just as she was about to stand, she noticed Tian Jing standing before her, his presence was unexpected. Her eyes widened in surprise. "M-Master?"

He was looking at her with a expressionless face, approaching her with gentle steps. Qing Lian's heart began to race, her breath quickening. Didn't know what was going on. 

When Tian Jing was just a step away, he said 


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