
Heir Of Dragon Lord

After dying tragically many eons ago, Crimson Dragon Lord finally found his successor Fu Jinlong a poor orphan to discover and complete his unfinished purpose Come and witness Fu Jinlong spreading his dominance from Earth to the vast Universe, with beauties by his side.. Bloodline: Ultimate Abyssal Chaos Dragon. Caution: Please don’t mix the novel with reality because It's a pure fantasy. #Cover photo credit goes to real owner.

Zilia_Translations · Urban
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63 Chs

Chapter 15: Chaos In Online Forum

For the next three hours, Fu Jinlong and his team played several matches. He had at least 50 plus kills in each match. The crowd was so impressed by his gameplay that they added an extra one hour on Fu Jinlong's behalf.

"Brother Fu, you have reached rank 91 on the leaderboard." He was stunned at first, then sighed. Yan Chu didn't have extra energy left to get shocked anymore.

"Brother Fu, are you really sure that you aren't possessed by ghosts?" He murmured the same doubt again.

Fu Jinlong's lips just curled up at his words.

"The same nonsense again?" He scolded Yan Chu to turn his attention from that particular topic.

"Let's go home now, we are finished for today," Fu Jinlong suggested.

"Ah, so soon?" Seeing Fu Jinlong standing up, Yan Chu also left his seat.

"Honey, are you going offline?" @PrincessFight asked upon hearing their conversation.

"Yes, Princess. It's almost 10 PM, and I need to go home," Fu Jinlong replied, acting like a doting husband. Their relationship was odd.

"Alright then, good night honey," She said softly and left the lobby.

Fu Jinlong and Yan Chu got off their armchairs and started walking towards the exit.

Just as he was about to leave, a red haired young man stopped them.

The young man asked him with a smile, "Bro, you are really a good player. I saw you playing just now. Do you want to join our team?"

"Thank you for your offer, But I don't want to join in any team." Fu Jinlong rejected politely.

"Bro, don't reject me so quickly. Our team name is The Executioners. If you join our team, you will get a lot of benefits. How about now?" He said confidently as if he was sure that Fu Jinlong would not reject his offer this time. But...

"Sorry! My answer is the same again," He rejected his offer again because he didn't want to spend extra time on gaming. He just played it as a hobby.

He wanted to concentrate on cultivation to increase his strength.

"Huh!" The young man didn't expect that he would be rejected again. His smile faded away and sighed in defeat. He couldn't just force others to join.The young man didn't say anything else.

Fu Jinlong and Yan Chu continued walking. When they were walking, a lot of people invited Fu Jinlong to join their teams. But he rejected all of them politely.

While they were on their way home, the internet game forum was on uproar.

[User@Thelittleman: F*ck. Who is this guy with the highest kills in the leaderboard?]

[User@Iamyourdaddy: Holy F*ck. It's 72 kills! ]

[User@Gamermonkey: How is this possible? Is this guy cheating?

[User@Yangboy: He must be cheating ]

[User@Oneslapforyou: F*ck @CrazyFu

"Right, Right. This @CrazyFu guy must be cheating. we should complain to the game's security management," Another player commented.

"Ban Crazy Fu, #Cheater Crazy Fu." they kept complaining one by one.

Everyone thought of him as a cheater and kept cursing him online. A lot of players contacted the game's security management to report him as a cheater.

The game's security management received the complaints and started checking Fu Jinlong's game data to find any proof of cheating.

After checking his ID thoroughly, they didn't find any proof.

So, they published a post on the forum saying that, Crazy Fu's account was not tempered with. They gave their reply fast so that it does not cause any chaos. But what they didn't expect was their statement would cause more chaos.

After seeing the post, the chaos didn't die down. Rather, most of the players didn't believe the gaming company. They even suspected that the company was supporting the cheater. Everyone began to curse the gaming company as well. Legends War was a product of Bing Technology. The company was in a difficult position as well.

Inside the CEO's office of Bing Technology, Beijing.

A beautiful and elegant woman was sitting on the luxurious chair. To her right side was standing her personal assistant, Ming Wen. The elegant looking woman was intently looking on the Laptop screen.

Suddenly a door knocking sound could be heard in the room.

"Come in," Said the elegant looking woman with her calm and commanding tone. Her voice was like a sweet melody with a little imposing vibe on it.

After hearing her permission, a man in his 40s entered the room. He was wearing a typical office outfit and a pair of glasses on his eyes.

He nervously entered the room and handed her a file. "CEO Bing, we are having a problem with the Legends War game. A user suspiciously killed 72 players out of 100 all alone. We have checked everything on his account data but we didn't find any proof of cheating. A lot of players are suspecting us for supporting the cheater, but...."

Before he could finish his report, the CEO flipped her own Laptop's screen toward him and showed its contents. When the man saw its contents he was awestruck. On the Laptop screen, there was information about a player named Crazy Fu. Then he looked at the CEO with a profound gaze.

"Are you here to talk about this player?" The CEO asked calmly, as she was looking at him with her squinted eyes.

"Yes, Ma'am. But how did you know?" The man was in disbelief. He just received the report from the security and PR team. But Ma'am already knows everything about it, how is it possible? "CEO Bing is omnipotent." He began to worship her in his mind.

"Ma'am if you know everything, please tell us what we should do?

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