
Heir Of Dragon Lord

After dying tragically many eons ago, Crimson Dragon Lord finally found his successor Fu Jinlong a poor orphan to discover and complete his unfinished purpose Come and witness Fu Jinlong spreading his dominance from Earth to the vast Universe, with beauties by his side.. Bloodline: Ultimate Abyssal Chaos Dragon. Caution: Please don’t mix the novel with reality because It's a pure fantasy. #Cover photo credit goes to real owner.

Zilia_Translations · Urban
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63 Chs

Chapter 14: Performance

"Brother Fu, who is your wife? And when did you get married?" Yan Chu's brows furrowed.

"Eh!.Don't misunderstand, we are just married inside the game. Fu Jinlong continued, "You can level up faster in the game, if you play together with your partner. I don't even know if he is a male or female."

"Oh." Yan Chu relaxed and continued, "Brother, you haven't heard her voice till now?"

"No, she always uses a voice changer," He said calmly.

Soon, a female character with a notification appeared on the computer screen.

[@Princessfight joined the team]

"Honey, why were you absent during the last couple of days?" She opened his mic and said in a strange voice. Obviously she was using a voice changer.

She continued, "And who is this monkey named MadDog?"

Fu Jinlong still feels awkward whenever she calls him Honey.

"I had some problems at home and he is just an acquaintance of mine," He replied.

Yan Chu: "Ah, Come on, brother Fu. At least, introduce me as your brother."

Fu Jinlong acted like he didn't hear anything. He continued, "Let's start playing, we only have 2 hours in our hands. We will play the ranking matches."

"Fine.... brother," Yan Chu deeply sighed in defeat, getting no response.

"Alright, Honey." @Princessfight agreed excitedly.

"Brother Fu, What's your current rank in the leaderboard? Yan Chu suddenly got curious.

"My rank? It might be around 2000, I guess," Fu Jinlong said.

"Woah! That's awesome, brother Fu. I heard there are millions of people playing this game."

Fu Jinlong just nodded.

Soon, the game began. Fu Jinlong landed on ground with his teammates. They were playing a team match with four players. Number four's IGN was I Am AFK. Yes, he was really mute the whole time like an AFK. Fu Jinlong picked a gun and started his crazy fight.

His fingers on the keyboard and mouse began to move ten times faster than before. Afterimages of his fingers appeared on the keyboard. Soon, just click click, tap tap sound could be heard in the whole room like a hurricane. His keyboard pressing sound overshadowed others. All the young boys and girls noticed his abnormal speed.

"Oh, My, God! Who is this guy?

"So fast?


"Is he still a human?

"What is he playing?

"It's Legends War," Someone answered.

Soon, many eyes were staring at his screen. On the computer screen, just kill notifications kept popping up one by one.

"Double kill."

"Triple kill."

"Quadra kill."

"Penta kill.

"Over kill."

He kept intercepting with enemies and continued killing.

"Bro, look at that guy, he is a beast."

"Yeh, I can see that dumb*ss." He said in a envious tone.

"How good would that be if my speed was as fast as him," He wished.

Fu Jinlong's movements were fluid and extremely fast as his brain processing became faster after his soul level increased. His full concentration was on the computer screen.

Soon, there were only fifty players left out of hundred players, in the entire match. Fu Jinlong's kill count reached 42.

"Holy Sh*t, look at his kill count bro, It's fuck*ing 42. He continued, "Where did this ultra pro player come from?"

"Is he trying to break the world kill record?" Some one wondered.

"Yeah, most likely. Look, his kill count is still increasing."

A few minutes later, his kill count reached 60.

"Damn! Hell yeah bro, he has broken the kill record. "Oh, My, God!" Someone shouted.

Hearing his shout all the players gathered around Fu Jinlong. When they saw Fu Jinlong's playing speed and control, they were surprised.

But, when they looked at his kill count, their eyeballs were almost about to pop out of their sockets.


"Mother fu*ker! How is that possible?"

"Ehh! Is this guy cheating?

"No, I don't think so. Can't you see?" But I think no one would believe that someone killed 60 plus in a ranking match.

"Bro, record his game playing video, quick. You can release the video on your page and get credited," A young man suggested his friend, who stood beside him.

Fu Jinlong naturally saw them recording video, he didn't mind as long as they didn't reveal his face. He didn't want to be in the limelight.

Whenever someone tried to take his picture he just gave them a cold glare. As a result, they didn't get his picture.

By his side,Yan Chu's mind almost collapsed by the sudden shock. He forgot to play his game, he was just watching Fu Jinlong's gameplay dumbfounded.

On the other side, the only girl on their team kept shouting from time to time.


"Wow! Honey, double kill!"

"Wow! Honey, triple kill!"

"Double Wow, Honey, quadra kill!"

"OMG, honey ten kills."

After 60 kills, "....." She was speechless.

"Honey, are you cheating?" She was in disbelief.

Fu Jinlong didn't reply, he kept his attention on the game.

At the end of the game his kill count reached 72. Evidently their team won. At the end of the match, the number 4 player in their team opened his mic and praised Fu Jinlong. At last, he was out of his mute mode with shock. He got 0 kills because of his crazy teammate.

Fu Jinlong broke the world's highest kill record by 20 kills.

"Erm..Brother Fu, are you really sure that you are not possessed by ghosts?"

Fu Jinlong didn't reply, rather his lips just curled up.

"Stop spouting nonsense, let's start another game."

He tried to move his attention from that particular topic.

"Alright, brother Fu." Yan Chu was obviously happy to play another game with the World's highest kill record holder.

Then they continued playing in excitement.