
chapter 18

"where Asia and aika?" I asked "they are still sleeping, my king and as for your order to not bother them while sleeping I decided not to wake them up" raynare replied "And Sam?" "It is the same my king"

"So why do you gather us here boss" kalawarner asked while sitting on the couch, "and what's with that look, did Halloween coke early?" Raynare glares at her "You will watch your mouth kala when talking to our, or else you might get your tongue cut off"

"Well you can't blame me, those trainings mess out my sense of time, I didn't even if one day or one month have passed with all the time shit we been doing" raynare look even angrier "Enough you two, and kalawarner your concerns are fair enough, that's why we'll slow down your training, rest is still very important after all, and raynare you have no authority to command nor hurt your comrades or do you want me to do the same as Azazel" I look at her eyes

"I begged please anything but that!!" She grovels on my feet "alright! Alright! Enough of that, now on to the the reason I called you here, want to introduce yourself or should I" I looked at tiamat "taimat here... Blah blah ... Chaos karma dragon ...blah ...blah queen of the familiar" after tiamat introduce her self, she gets back to eating her cereals

*Sigh* "you couldn't get be normal aren't you Boss, turning the strongest dragon king in to your familiar hahahaha" kalawarner laugh out loud "TI- TIA- TIAMAT?!?!" Mittelt screams out as she peed herself from fear "Do worry about her she doesn't bite" I grins and mittelt, and when she looks like calming down "She torches though" mittelt return to crying

"YOUR TRULY MARVELOUS MY KING NO ONE CAN COMPARE" Raynare praised 'damn I haven't pull out my dick, but this girl is already sucking so hard, no matter Azazel looks happy getting rid of you' I Push her away from me "well that said, I would be a little bit hands off for now I still need to tend to my duties and get a hold on this new form I gained, so for now dispersed" I stand back and head straight into the training room in the mansion

"We really didn't stand a chance at beating him at all hehe,and there we are boasting are strength ain't that right, raynare" *sigh* "and that is before, now we know better" raynare rise up from were she was kneeling "anything but my king hahaha you sounded like some kind of junkie haha can't get enough of the little king huh? haha" kalawarner insults her "tch, that is called doing my best, I know it's hard for you to understand but please try to keep up"

"Bitch did you just call me dumb?" Kalawarner shouted "Nooo what makes think that," raynare grins "Oh that's how how you wanna go bitch, what can expect from you, you always been someone's toilet Azazel and now Adam how trying to clean that filthy mouth instead of spewing shit" kalawarner looks raynare in the eyes

"Isn't that why Azazel throw you out," raynare clench her teeth "yeah I thought so, the only your good at is being a slut, know place bitch" "come mittelt" kalawarner and mittelt walks away while raynare clenched her first so hard it drew blood, "you will see, YOU WILL ALL SEE, I WILL BE THE ONE ON TOP AND I WILL MAKE SURE THAT YOU AND BASTARD AZAZEL I'LL SURE YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS HUMILIATION JUST YOU WAIT, I JSUT NEEDED TGAT FOOL TO FALL FOR ME AND YOU ALL WE BE PRAISING MY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" raynare laughs manically, and what appears to a dog came out of the shadow nearby unbeknownst to raynare