
chapter 17

*roar* a giant brown stone dragon roars at me as it swallows, I scream in terror then I wake up in my room, after my Victory of tiamat I couldn't remember anything further done that, I tried to stand up when I feel a wait In my chest, I look down "RossWeiss?" I see her slowly waking up

"Hmmm Adam?" She scratches her eyes, she looks and sleepily when all of a sudden she started tearing up "Adam!!" She hugged "what's going rose?" I hugged her back, that is when I noticed that I'm still in my "ASURA" form, I look at my golden arms, while hugging her with the other pair

"You stupid, stupid why do you always, do this, why do always felt the need to risk your life, you big dummy, you promised you promised that you will come home, you didn't how much you worried when you didn't return" she keeps hitting my chest, I can't do anything but to hug her tighter, 'she's right I have been too selfish, my pursuit of power is getting out of hand, I'm losing myself to the thrill, I couldn't do that I'm already and have child (eri) I couldn't be as reckless as I used I should also get them involved someway other than training'

We stayed together like for close to half an hour until she falls asleep again and tuck her in the bed while I go outside to get a report on what happened, that's when I see tiamat sits in our couch eating cereal while watching tv "uhmm, you finally awake" I couldn't help but let a little laugh at her greeting

"Is here when we get executed or something?" Tiamat tilted her head "huh?" "Tch, don't mind me," I shake my head, is sit right next to her in the couch "what happened, after our fight, I couldn't remember a thing" I shake my head with a palm on my face

*Chew* *chew* *gulp* "you burn yourself out, you pushes your body to it's limits even though you have evolve you body is still hurt only adrenaline is what keeping you up, hehehe and that's me not taking you seriously hahahah, I didn't need to use my magi-" "and what makes you think I'm also taking our fight seriously"

Tiamat turns her head to face me, and only see me grinding "thank you though for pushing me to the limit of my body" "hehehhahaaahah" tiamat laugh so hard "oh your very funny" she pats my shoulder as she looks into my seeing I'm dead serious

"You serious kid?" She was shock by that

"Hehehe, maybe you haven't watching the news" I can't the channel on the tv to a news of securing another company in the human world "I'm also a magic type myself just like my father" the finally announced my name "Artourous Stolas Astaroth, the son of our very Satan-" taimat cuts of the news "ajuka Beelzebub" her eyes widened "and imagine that, I beat you pure physical strength" I take the opportunity to eat her cereals "now what would do you think would happen when when started busting out kankara formulas"

"My wanna close your mouth, you might swallow a fly" with that she manage to break out of her shock, and smiles "tch don't get ahead of yourself kid, power isn't what makes victories," "it sure do make it easier, so with your pride humbled, mind telling my I still look like a ten foot, white hair, demi god"

"Didn't you hear me you have evolve, that is now your based form, you basically now a kijin" "kijin?" I raised my brows "that is the ancestors of oni, you can call them pure oni, oni that is transformed and not birth, for example shuten doji"

"I already know that, tell me something that I don't know" taimat looks questioningly "huh, what do you want me to do, I already tell you everything I know" I massage my eyes "what I mean how can I transformed back?" Tiamat shrugs her shoulder"to the hell I Know" "what's that supposed to mean huh?"

"Like I said, I know jack shit our transformation is different from your kind, you'll got to find a kijin like you if you want to transform back" *sigh* "why do I even expect something" taimat squint's her eyes "what's that supposed to mean" "I say it's pretty stupid of me to ask, an obsessed ex who only know one thing but her ex" I look to the side "what did just called, wanna go kid?" She stares at me with fire in her eyes "no, passed not interested with hand outs" I let a disgusted look "OKAY THAT'S IT YOU'LL GETTING WHERE YOU LIKE OR NOT" she tried to attack me "hehe giving me trash wouldn't make me respect you, even it's free it's still trash" tiamat roars "aaaaaaagggghhhhhh"