
Heir of Abraxus - A Harry Potter Fanfiction

One day truck-kun found Julius, but he survived or did he? This is a story about someone who, after getting his wishes after his meeting with truck-kun, awakens in the world of Harry Potter and his rise to the top to explore this new world. This is my first story if anyone actually does read it I would be happy about constructive criticism. - - - - - - - - - - Update: My uplod schedule has become very irregular so be warned. I do intend to see this through until completion but after the end of a volume (probably after every year at Hogwarts) I do plan to take breaks in the hopes that I‘ll start into the new volume with more of an idea where I wanna go with it.

LesendeTaube · Book&Literature
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Waking up the first thing Julius did was make sure he didn't dream about what happened yesterday sighing in relief when he found his magic as active as he remembered though he noticed a slight inaccuracy in the use of his magic,

'This is probably what people use foci for but if I go by the levitation I was able to use yesterday I guess it is probably just important while using stronger spells than this so I should be okay for now and if everything goes by the plan I should be able to get a wand soon.'

"Are you here already?"

"Yes boy, we are ready to do what we've been paid to, we're just waiting for the sign we agreed upon."

Zero was a part of a mercenary unit that was often times paid by George on Julius' request to help with one thing or another. They were only seven in total publicly having only a number for a name and each and every one being completely loyal to the one who paid them. They were trained in a few combat spells as well as a big number of restraining and stealth spells with which they also got into the Greengrass family's mansion, well, and with an artefact of the Abraxus family which was given to George and which he used since the death of the last of the family to disappear from the radar of most wizards, not counting the friends of the family in Japan where George was living until the day his young master would call for him which was also the "difficult situation" he spoke of when getting into contact with Julius for the first time.

"Then you should start the plan just let me speak with my father one last time before executing this part of it. It is almost time for breakfast so there shouldn't be any problem with that."

Whistling some merry tune he picked up in his last live he started his little walk to the dining hall, after all today he would make the live of himself, his little sisters and obviously his mother much easier.

When he arrived in the dining hall his father looked up unwillingly; it seems he had lost grasp of the time while strolling here.

When his father opened his mouth to complain Julius interrupted him turning to his mother who was sitting next to his father.

"Mother can you please take Daphne and leave the both of us alone for a while? I want to discuss something important with him."

At first his mother seemed unwilling to leave him alone with his father but when she looked into his eyes she saw something she had last seen with her grandfather Aurelius Black, an imposing man, so she clenched her teeth and left together with Daphne even though being still not completely convinced.

After the doors closed behind them Julius turned towards his father again which seemed to be ready to use lighter curses and hexes to punish Julius for this apparent disrespect though he was still holding himself back surprised by Julius' first such blunder in three years.

"You better start explaining yourself brat, before I make sure you aren't going to walk anywhere for the next few weeks."

Julius couldn't help but smirk at this, it seemed as if everything was going to go exactly as planned.

"You know <i >father I don't think I will need the permission of a wanted criminal anymore."

At first his father already opened his mouth, his wand already pointing at Julius, ready to start his punishment, when he realised what Julius had just said.

"What are you talking about? Why would I be a wanted criminal? The ministry wouldn't go against me for anything short of a major breach of the law."

"Well there lies the problem, the ministry just received "prove" of your use of the Unforgivables against muggles. Obviously this wouldn't be a problem if everything was as usually. But it isn't like usually this time.

They won't be able to catch you and give you a chance to explain yourself and you won't be able to bribe your way out of it either. When the aurors arrive here they will find you in your own room, dead. And it will be a suicide with your own wand being the wand with which the spell to end your live was casted and next to you a message in your own handwriting explaining how you killed yourself when you heard the aurors were on the way here to not dirty the name of the Greengrass family.

Obviously both of us will know the truth, but you will be unable to speak and I won't."

After his little villain-worthy monologue Julius gave his father a seemingly friendly smile before using a line he had wanted to use for a long time.

"Any last words?"

This question seemed to break his father out of his stupor, who immediately tried to fling a probably really nasty curse in Julius' direction before his his wand was suddenly blown away and chains materialised out of thin air to bind and gag him while the mercenaries Zero, Four and Five suddenly appeared next to him, dragging him away while he kept struggling. While Julius looked at his father one last time before turning away and walking to his mother.

'This will be a difficult explanation. But mother should be happy right?'

Julius was already thinking of the harder part of this day pondering about the best way to explain to her, that her son had been scheming to kill his father since he was four years old.

Elsewhere George suddenly smiled happily after receiving a message on his personal Mirror.

His assistant was shocked for a bit before resuming speaking.

"I'm sorry sir did something good happen just now?"

George was usually more of a calm person maintaining a polite expression.

"Yes something good certainly happened Tom, but let's continue with your report for now. You will learn of it soon enough."

"As you wish sir."

Despite what he said Tom noticed a real smile creeping over Georges' face a few more times while giving his report despite not mentioning it again and he started getting more and more curious about the reason of the apparent happiness on the face of the CEO of the Thea company.

As always I would appreciate any constructive criticism and also (Spoiler warning) I will give the mc his focus in the next two chapter if everything goes as planned. Stand now the grimoire is also in the front with 4 to 0 votes,

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