
Heimarian Odyssey

Locke is a middling officer in the Kingdom of Faustian’s army. He happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, or the right place at the right time, depending on your perspective, and happens to save the kingdom’s princess. As fortune would have it, love prospers, but in a world of peasantry and nobility, a middling, peasant-born soldier has no right to love a princess. Locke is nothing if not determined, however, and sets out to become someone worthy of loving the princess, someone her family can accept. But that path is neither short, nor safe, as our hero will soon discover. Tags : Army Building, Caring Protagonist, Cold Protagonist, Death of Loved Ones, Empires, Evolution, Fan-fiction, Harem, Incest, Kingdom Building, Kingdoms Knights, Knights Level System, Long Separations, Male Protagonist, Near-Death Experience, Older Love Interests, Pregnancy, Slow Growth at Start, Strong to Stronger, Wars, kufsten translation

Kufsten · Fantasy
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291 Chs

Tough battle

Just the first wave of the siege lasted for nearly the entire morning. Thousands of 3rd Division soldiers paid the price of more than 2,000 casualties before they were within 300 metres of Audis.

This was only the situation at the west and north gates. The situation at the east and south gates, which were initiated by Lion, was even more intense and changeable.

Among Kenzir's Lion Corps, there was no distinction between trump cards and inferior ones. Almost all of them were trump cards.

Kenzir had also sent nearly 10,000 soldiers from the Lion Corps to act as the vanguard. The more elite soldiers of the Lion Corps did not fare much better than the Falcon Corps.

Perhaps because the king of Shalor was standing at the south gate, the magic cannons on the gate had not stopped firing since the beginning. Every time a beam of light that represented death passed through, it would always suppress a small wave of offensive momentum.

Kenzir, who was watching the frontline from a distance, clenched his fists. He really had no way to deal with Shalor's trump cards. Faustian's military strength was indeed stronger than Shalor's, but their magic strength had always been in the middle. Not to mention the magic cannons, even ordinary magic equipment was extremely expensive in Faustian.

"It's a pity that several of the top powerhouses are restricted from taking action," said Kenzir in a low voice, "Otherwise, we could form a few dagger squads and do something." In addition to the magic cannons, there were too many catapults and other equipment on the walls of Audis. This made the Faustian side feel that they were not fighting with humans, but a pile of military equipment.

So far, thousands of Faustian's troops had died in battle, but they could not even reach the gates of Shalor. Shalor's losses were almost zero. Only a few unlucky fellows were hit by the stray arrows shot from the bottom of the city.

Although the ratio of casualties between the two sides was extremely disparate, neither Kenzir nor Marmen on the other side were in a hurry.

As long as the vanguard troops could hold on, the follow-up soldiers would be able to avoid most of the long-range attacks.

There were many discerning people on the battlefield, especially spies from various countries. Many people had discovered that although the Faustian side had suffered heavy losses at this time, as long as they got close to the walls of Shalor, the situation would be unpredictable.

There were many capable people in Shalor. At this moment, Felippe was already standing in front of his king. "Your Majesty, please retreat!" said Felippe in a tone that was neither servile nor overbearing.

However, the Shalorian king did not want to listen to Felippe's advice at all. His attendants had pleaded with him to retreat to the palace, but he ignored them all. He wanted to see the Shalorians resist the Faustians with his own eyes.

"Escort His Majesty back to the palace!" Marquis Philip did not continue with the nonsense and directly shouted to the attendants beside the King.

A whole team of Shalorian guards appeared, and a few attendants dragged the king down the city by his arms.

"How dare you?!" The Shalorian king yelled as he was dragged away by his attendants. "I'm going to remove you from your position as military minister!" The king's curses were getting further and further away.

Although the king of Shalor was not a great strategist, he was still a wise ruler. But now that the two countries were at war, there was nothing the weak king could do except to boost the morale of the people.

If the king were to be shot by a stray Faustian arrow, it would be a big problem. The Shalorian soldiers guarding the city would probably collapse in an instant.

Apart from that, what Felippe couldn't stand was the fact that the magisters were firing their cannonballs like they were free. To be honest, most of the magic crystal cannonballs were accumulated little by little by Felippe using his own assets. Although he was not good at military affairs, it did not mean that he was completely clueless about it.

It was said that the business world was like a battlefield. This famous' god of wealth 'also had his own understanding of war. Now that the battle had just started, the most powerful magic cannons had already been used, and the number of cannonballs was decreasing at a visible rate. This was an extremely abnormal phenomenon.

He wanted to remind the magisters to save some ammunition several times, but every time the words reached his mouth, he swallowed them back down.

It was none other than the fact that the king was dancing with joy when he saw the Magic Guide Troops displaying their might. This made it even more exciting for the magisters to fire at the Faustian soldiers under the city.

Felippe was Shalor's military minister at this time. Shalor's system was very strange. Although the king was by his side, the minister of military affairs was in charge of military affairs. Even the king could not intervene.

Of course, such situations were rare. No one would be idle and disobey the king's orders.

This time, it was Felippe who couldn't stand it anymore. Shalor only had one city left anyway. Since he was staying in the city, he had to do something.

As one of Shalor's three pillars, it was impossible for Felippe to not have any thoughts when the other two margraves had sacrificed their lives for the country. Everyone was hot-blooded. Felippe didn't want to be dug up by the Shalorian survivors after his death.

"Reduce the frequency of the magic cannons!" Felippe began to give orders from the city gate.

"Bring the kerosene up and be ready at any time!"

"Where's Blackwood and Rolling Stone? Hurry up! Get the militia to hurry up. "


Apart from Felippe, some young Shalorian nobles who had the ambition to serve the country walked to the top of the city wall and gave orders to defend the city.

Most of the upper-class nobles had followed the king to hide in the palace. Now, the hot-blooded young nobles had the most power here.

The moment the firepower of the magic cannons on top of Audis weakened, Marmen and Kenzir immediately noticed the situation.

"Good lord, you finally know how to be frugal!" The corner of Marmen's mouth curved.

"Let the rest of the soldiers of 3rd Division press forward!" Marmen ordered a herald beside him.

"4th Division, get ready!" The order was issued in an orderly manner.

Every division was equipped with a few casters, so the transmission of orders on the battlefield at this time mostly relied on magic. Every order issued would reach the frontline at an extremely fast speed.

Sure enough, there was a change in the Faustian army at this time. In addition to another wave of soldiers rushing towards Audis, at least one division of soldiers was divided to follow.

It was the same on Kenzir's side. The soldiers of Lion were far more elite than those of Falcon. There was no distinction between inferior and trump cards here. Almost every wave of attack was an all-out attack.

If it weren't for the fact that Shalor had placed enough magic cannons at the south and east gates, and the firing frequency was also the highest, the defense on his side would have become even more difficult.

The remaining soldiers of 3rd Division had also rushed forward. A total of 10,000 soldiers of 3rd Division of Falcon were scattered outside the north and west gates of Audis in just a short morning.

The war had become white-hot. As the Faustian soldiers got closer to the wall, the archers belonging to the Faustian side could also display their abilities. In addition, more and more siege weapons had also reached the top of Audis.

After all, the space that the Capital Guardsmen could protect was limited, and they couldn't cover everything. Casualties among the Shalorian defenders had also begun to occur.

Gradually, some of the Faustian soldiers had reached the bottom of the wall, and the scaling ladders were also in place. Some impatient soldiers had already begun to climb the wall.

"Where's the boiling oil? Pour it down! "shouted the Shalorian sergeants on the wall.

The Faustian soldiers were still climbing the scaling ladders and waiting under the wall. Some of the oil was poured on their heads, but the Faustian soldiers below who didn't have time to climb up to the top of the wall suffered. The fire was boiling hot. Not to mention being poured on their heads, even a drop of oil on their skin could cause big blisters.

In just an instant, screams could be heard from the scaling ladders and under the wall. Countless Faustian soldiers were scalded by the oil, and even the skin on their faces fell off, revealing bloody flesh and ghastly white bones. The scene was so tragic that it was unbearable to look at it.

It wasn't over yet. After seeing that all the oil had been poured down, the young noble generals on the wall continued to give orders. Some of them stretched half of their bodies out of the tower and shouted, "Fire the arrows! Light the oil!"

Following the orders of the officers, the Shalorian defenders lit the pruning sticks one after another. For a moment, arrows were fired from the wall.

Once the kerosene was ignited, following the descent of the fire arrows, Border City was instantly turned into a sea of fire, followed by shrill screams.

Those Faustian soldiers who were not affected by the oil or were burned were in the sea of fire. Their bodies were on fire, and they screamed again and again. Their screams were so tragic that the Shalorians on the wall felt their hair stand on end. The air was filled with the stench of burnt flesh.

Most of the Shalorians on the wall were recruits and militia organized in the city. It was the first time for many of them to see such a tragic scene.

Marmen and Kenzir, who were watching the changes on the wall from a distance, remained calm. It was as if the soldiers who were dying and injured were insignificant.

The Shalorians on the wall were still panicking. It wasn't that the soldiers of Falcon and Lion were fighting bravely, but it was just a group of recruits. Human fear was contagious. Many Shalorian veterans also became flustered in this atmosphere.

"4th Division! Go! "

"2nd Division! Go! " Marmen and Kenzir, who were on the edge of the war, immediately gave the order to continue the attack.

As the Faustian side invested another two divisions of soldiers, a total of more than 20,000 troops, the bloody battle on the wall of Audis became even more intense.

The sun was setting, and before they knew it, it was already afternoon.

Most of the clouds in the sky had dispersed, and a blood-red glow of the sunset shone down. Tonight was destined to be a night of slaughter.

The siege continued. For the Faustian soldiers, there was no distinction between day and night.
