
Heimarian Odyssey

Locke is a middling officer in the Kingdom of Faustian’s army. He happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, or the right place at the right time, depending on your perspective, and happens to save the kingdom’s princess. As fortune would have it, love prospers, but in a world of peasantry and nobility, a middling, peasant-born soldier has no right to love a princess. Locke is nothing if not determined, however, and sets out to become someone worthy of loving the princess, someone her family can accept. But that path is neither short, nor safe, as our hero will soon discover. Tags : Army Building, Caring Protagonist, Cold Protagonist, Death of Loved Ones, Empires, Evolution, Fan-fiction, Harem, Incest, Kingdom Building, Kingdoms Knights, Knights Level System, Long Separations, Male Protagonist, Near-Death Experience, Older Love Interests, Pregnancy, Slow Growth at Start, Strong to Stronger, Wars, kufsten translation

Kufsten · Fantasy
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291 Chs

Morning exercise

At night, after answering one strange question after another from his subordinates, Locke lay in bed and thought about something. The specific order hadn't been given yet. It would probably be given tomorrow. What exactly was impetus? Locke touched his belly button. There was nothing on the outside, but he could feel a white spot the size of a grain of rice inside. Wyr said that it was an impetus whirlpool, but he couldn't tell that it was one at all.

Since he couldn't figure it out, he decided not to think about it. Perhaps he could ask Uncle Yoshk. Locke thought of Suzanne, the beautiful lady boss in Giza outside the camp. He hadn't visited her recently, so he decided to go tomorrow and bring her a gift.

He wondered how his family was doing. His parents had sent him a message saying that everything was fine and that he should pay attention to his safety. He wondered if his parents had used the money he sent back. Based on his understanding of them, they probably saved most of it for his future marriage. Locke grinned at the thought of marriage.

In this era, marriage was a lifelong event for ordinary people. If he could marry a virtuous wife who could do housework, he would wake up laughing even in his dreams. Locke was full of fantasies about his marriage. Suzanne wasn't bad. She was pretty, knew how to brew wine and write, but she was already married, so his parents probably wouldn't be satisfied with her.

Locke suddenly thought of his sister. In his opinion, his sister was the most beautiful. Moreover, it was his sister who did the housework for him during the few years he left home to join the army. His sister was definitely the most virtuous. If only I could marry my sister... Locke fell into a daze again. He didn't know when he fell asleep.

The next morning, Locke arrived at the training ground outside the camp early. There weren't any platoon jarls training here yet. He greeted the soldiers on duty at the door and walked straight to a relatively small area of the training ground.

He came today mainly to see the changes in his strength after practicing impetus. According to Wyr, he was now a beginner-level Knecht and his impetus was still in its seed form. At this stage, impetus could only be used to repair injuries and increase strength. When the impetus seed condensed to the size of a pigeon's egg, he would be a peak beginner-level Knecht. At that time, he could advance to a low-rank Knecht.

Wyr had only taught him the beginner-level Knecht cultivation method yesterday. When he reached the peak of the beginner-level Knecht, he would be taught the next cultivation method.

Locke walked towards a boulder in the training area. According to his previous strength, he could only lift half of a boulder with the strength of an adult, and he could only hold it for a short while. Without using impetus, Locke hugged the boulder with both arms and shouted, "Up!" The boulder was lifted by Locke's tremendous strength, but he could only keep it at his knees. After holding on for more than ten seconds, the boulder fell to the ground with a bang.

A few minutes later, he was done resting and stood in front of the boulder again. He recalled the method of using impetus that Wyr had taught him and transferred a bit of impetus from his abdomen to his arms and abdominal muscles. He then hugged the boulder with both hands. "Rise!" Locke shouted and lifted the boulder to his chest. He felt a slight chill coming from his abdomen, which was a sign that impetus was being rapidly consumed. He felt that the impetus seed, which was originally the size of a grain of rice, had shrunk to the size of a grain of rice. He hurriedly used all his strength to throw the boulder.

Boom! The boulder was flung five meters away by Locke's impetus. Locke looked at his moving hands and couldn't believe that this was divine power after infusing impetus. It actually increased his strength by two to three times. Although it only lasted for a short time, it was because he had only practiced for a day and had too little impetus.

Locke also felt that the impetus didn't improve his muscle strength in essence. It was just a buff. Lifting the boulder earlier caused his muscles to ache all over, especially his arms. At this moment, the impetus seed in his abdomen released a clear stream of energy that flowed upwards from his abdomen. Locke felt refreshed wherever it passed. Finally, the clear stream stopped at his arms. Locke knew that this was what Wyr meant when the impetus automatically protected its owner after an injury. If he mobilized his impetus to heal his injuries, the effect would be better.

Locke felt the impetus seed in his abdomen shrink again and decisively gave up on this idea. Wyr told him that the accumulation of impetus depended on years of practice. If he didn't improve, he would fall behind. He had to inhale for more than an hour every day to ensure that his impetus was growing.

Locke looked around the empty training ground and sat down cross-legged to inhale impetus. Time passed unknowingly while he was practicing. When Locke opened his eyes again, it was already three hours later. It was now ten in the morning. Locke felt that his impetus seed had returned to the size it was yesterday, and it didn't seem to have grown any bigger.

At this time, there were four platoon jarls practicing in the training ground, including Yoshk and Wyr. Just like Locke, they each occupied an area of the training ground to inhale impetus. Wyr occupied the largest area in the middle of the training ground.

While practicing impetus, one couldn't be disturbed. Otherwise, it would affect the absorption rate and irritate the practitioner. Although he didn't know what the consequences would be, Locke didn't want to experience it. He used the longsword on the training ground to practice while waiting for Yoshk and Wyr to finish their practice.

After another hour, Wyr, Yoshk and the other platoon jarls woke up from their practice. Yoshk looked at Locke who was practicing swordsmanship not far away and smiled. "I saw you practicing here early in the morning. You're a good kid. Come, let's go eat. "

Locke then left the training ground with Yoshk and the others. On the way, Locke learned that he and Jersson were assigned to 4th Platoon. He was the vice-jarl and Jersson was the jarl. Locke didn't say anything. Jersson was indeed more experienced and capable than Locke, so he had nothing to say about him being the jarl.

On the way, Locke asked Yoshk about cultivation. Yesterday, Wyr had only taught him how to cultivate impetus and didn't mention the details or tricks. Obviously, it was because Locke was an outsider. Locke knew that Yoshk was the closest person to him and only he could learn real knowledge from him.

Everyone had their own set of insights on cultivation, which couldn't be passed on to others. The other platoon jarls also knew what the two wanted to talk about, so they tactfully said goodbye and left. Yoshk and Locke walked very slowly. Locke asked Yoshk questions along the way and Yoshk answered them.

When Locke asked why his impetus seed didn't make any progress after practicing for the whole morning, Yoshk slapped him. "Kid, I've been practicing impetus for more than a year and now it's only the size of a soybean. You've only been practicing for a day and you're already thinking of going to heaven?" Locke covered his head and looked at Yoshk innocently.

"We can only rely on ourselves when it comes to impetus cultivation. The harder you work, the stronger you'll become." Yoshk sighed.

"Is there no other way to speed up cultivation?" Locke asked.

Yoshk glanced at Locke and said, "Yes, there are some treasures that can speed up impetus cultivation. Some precious ones can even directly raise your strength by a level, but I don't think you'll be that lucky."

Locke could only pretend to be disappointed. However, he remembered the plant limb that Solon had given him before. It was called a redsea flower. He gave it to Suzanne when he returned and asked her to plant it in a pot. He wondered how it was doing now. If it couldn't be planted, he could only follow Solon's advice and eat it.

Yoshk consoled him when he saw the disappointment on Locke's face. "We're commoners, so it's good enough that we can practice impetus. According to Wyr, those who practice impetus can live twenty to thirty years longer than ordinary people because of the nurturing effects of impetus. That's a good thing. Don't dream all day and think about unrealistic things. "

"Oh," Locke answered absent-mindedly, still thinking about his redsea flower. He was still young and didn't have a deep understanding of lifespan.

"Now, besides relying on ourselves to cultivate impetus, there's another way, and that's to take potions," said Yoshk. "You can exchange military merit for training potions. Only first-class soldiers and above are qualified to exchange for them. We only have one type of hemostasis potion in our battalion. If you want to exchange for potions, you can only go to the corps headquarters or the military. That requires a lot of military merit. I know you have a lot of military merit, but how much will you have left after being promoted to platoon jarl? Also, the military logistics potions are extremely expensive and there are a lot of people who exchange for them. We're not from the corps headquarters, so we can't exchange for potions even if we have military merit. "

"Looks like we can only work hard every day," Locke said helplessly.

"Of course. Don't you see someone as high-ranking as Wyr practicing every day?" Yoshk said.

"Uncle, what rank is Wyr now?" Locke asked curiously.

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