
Heavens Monarch

14Dao_EmperialKing · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Ares wait!! No use he couldn't be heard beyond the special gate. Never the less Xylor couldn't be heard through the distortion of space. Only one person could enter at a time and Xylor knew that all he could do now was wait on his sons safe return.

Inside the special gate Ares could see a vast temple in the distance. "It's probably 2km away I wonder what while be lurking in the short patch of jungle Infront of me?" Ares spoke aloud to himself. As he enter the thick patch of jungle a 3 meter tall golden coat ape hopped from a tree branch about 10 meters away and charged straight for Ares. Ares scoffed and charged ahead drawing his father's sword that he had taken before he ran into the special gate. He spun past the ape and made a backwards chop slicing the back of the golden apes left knee.

A blood curdling snarl left the apes mouth as he fell to his hurt knee the bone had barely been cut into. By the time the ape could try to react Ares had already leapt into the air coming down with a swinging chop toward it's neck. Knowing the scream would've most likely been heard by it's clan he aimed to severe it's head in one cut. Collecting the remains into his expanse ring he shot off toward the temple hoping to not run into anymore trouble. About 30 meters away from the temple the jungle came to an end. Looking up Ares couldn't grasp how tall it really was but he could tell it was at least well over 200 meters tall.

"Screeee!!!!" suddenly an ear piercing screech let out and above Ares could see something take to the air. He took off to the temple once again. Arriving at the massive stone door he could see a talon shaped indention. Above the door in the heavens language it said "Only the worthy shall gain entry by obtaining the key through their own strength." Ares inwardly cursed to himself "Fuck, how am I suppose to find a key?" Glancing at the shape of the key he remembered the winged beast that took from the temple side.

A dark shadow was cast over Ares and dust was stirred into the air from the flapping of wings. Looking up Ares saw a massive bird with crimson and violet feathers covering it's body. It had a 5 meter wing span with a 3 meter body from crown to talon. Its crown was crimson red with 3 spiked tips glowing with a violet hue. A species of glowing crowned crow. With a screech it shot toward Ares dipping down and grasping with it's claw. Ares quickly rolled in a forward motion barely dodging as the crows talons ripped part of Ares's robe.

Flying around for a second swoop Ares took this time to draw a spear out from his expanse ring. A level 3 bronze spear not as strong as the level 5 bronze sword Ares had taken from his father before entering the spacial gate. Letting out another screech the glowing crowned crow went for another swoop. This time Ares was prepared he rolled with his spear and as soon as the crow swooped back in an upward arch Ares threw his spear. Ares struck it right where it's wing met it's back. Crying out the crow plummeted toward the ground crashing into the edge of the woods. Blood poured down it's wing as it stood and tried to take off to the sky, the first flap of it's wings broke Ares's spear leaving the tip in it's wing.