
Heavens Monarch

14Dao_EmperialKing · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chpt. 2 Gaining Entry

The glowing crowned crow turned to look at Ares and let out a screech. Using it's injured wing it waved in an arch toward Ares releasing 3 razor sharp feathers right at Ares's head. With a swing of his father's sword he deflected two rolling to the side to dodge the third. Springing from the roll he leaped up chopping down with all his might. The glowing crowned crow wrapped it's wings around it's body to protect against the attack.

Screeching from pain it spread it's wings and met Ares clashing with his sword. However Ares was sent flying from the impact of the clash. Gaining his footing he could see the glowing crowned crows wing was badly injured. Ares went to charge again at this moment though he heard a viscous roar and the beating of a drum.

A golden coat ape at least a meter taller than the ape Ares killed leapt from the jungle toward the glowing crowned crow. Fearing for it's life in the weak state it was in the glowing crowned crow tried to take off in the opposite direction. Without any hesitation the golden coat ape reached out grabbing the glowing crowned crow by one of it's legs pulling it back toward it with such force it almost ripped it's leg from the socket. Turning toward it's capturer the glowing crowned crow struck at the golden coat ape with it's beak piercing through one of it's eyes. Releasing it's leg the golden coat ape roared in pain stepping back.

Knowing it had no chance to fly with the injured wing the glowing crowned crow leapt toward the golden coat ape with it's good claw taking it's neck. With another pierce of it's beak it was over. However Ares had taken this opportunity of the golden coat ape interrupting his battle with the glowing crowned crow to wait and ambush the winner. Before the glowing crowned crow could lift it's head to look for Ares he was coming down from above chopping it's head off with his level 5 bronze sword. He severed one it's talons and collecting both enchanted beast remains into his expanse ring.

Arriving back at the temple door he placed the talon in the indention and pushed. Rumble..rumble.. The huge stone door began to rise. As Ares entered the hall lit with torches. The walls were all covered with different images of enchanted beast. There was an image of the golden coat ape, glowing crowned crow, burning blood serpent, and dark winged sabertooth. "These must be the enchanted beast that occupy the space rift." Ares thought to himself "Glad I didn't run into one of those other two enchanted beast."

Ares didn't know what to expect in this spacial rift. He and his father had been adventuring outside the kingdom and stumbled upon it when they were mapping a cave system. His father had sensed the spacial distortion and alerted Ares of it. However upon studying it his father said that this spacial rift barely had any energy left in it and could most likely only support one travel back and forth before it collapsed. His father had told him to set up camp in this part of the cave and await his return that he would explore the rift. This was Ares first adventure with his father and he was anxious to make a great discovery and make his father proud.

He had just turned 14 a week ago. He had been training hard since he had turned six awaiting this day. He had honed his battle skills reaching level three in advanced spear comprehension and level five in basic sword comprehension. He had also trained his energy gathering reaching level 5 in basic energy level. Just a step away from advanced energy level where upon reaching he would need to focus on tempering his energy to follow a rule. He had comprehended minor rules of wind and fire respectively, but hadn't made his mind up on which rule to temper his energy with. His body tempering had reached level three of basic body sculpting. His soul comprehension was at the lowest level being level two basic soul comprehension.