
Heavenly Chronicles, Angelic Arc

The earth was created by God, owned by God and Controlled by God. Or so we thought? Angels are becoming rebellious, Demons becoming stronger and the earth is beginning to be filled evil. Some humans are given supernatural powers by fallen angels to join them in rebelling against God, makimg them half angels, some join them while the rest refuse. God decides to fight back, he urges a man to create a school, an acacemy to help keep the good half angels in check and then grants seven humans, extraordinary abilities to fight demons and fallen angels on earth, they were called hunters. Those abilities are transferred from generations to generations. Theo Blackheart, a normal average teen living an average life happens to have his life turned around one night when he is attacked by his date, a fallen angel. He escapes and finds out he is a hunter. He eventually learns that the soul of his father is trapped in his body and he is acting as a vessel for him. Angels, Demons and even angels who refer themselves as "gods" all become his enemy only because he has the potential of wiping out their existence if he masters his power. Disclaimer: Please this earth is different from our own, do not mistake the two, after all it is fantasy Apologies: I am really sorry for the mishap, and delay on release, I wasn't feeling too well this past days. Updates on this novel are Monday, Tuesday and Fridays

David_James_6708 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

I blow up a train

My hand immediately went to my Katana, I tried keeping my cool, I mean I killed her before, I could kill her again. She stared coldly into my hands, I had a feeling she was more powerful than the time I killed her. Leon hands went for his bag, he took out a whole line of knives and started throwing them at her direction.

Time seemed to slow down, one of her minions started glitching and I swear I could see her move her feet before disappearing. I felt the air behind me tense, instinctively I bent my body backward, I saw one of the minions above me with three of Leon's knives before she glitched and disappeared, if I had hesitated for even a second, I would have been dead.

Before the next one could move, her head fell off, then she blew into golden dust and Iris shimmered from the air behind her with her dagger stained with gold dust. She must have used that split second used to attack me as a distraction to turn invisible and kill one down.

But she should have waited until she had gotten back before appearing, Taylor released her wings and one side hit Iris sending her into the far back of the train knocking her out, leaving only me and Leon. Her wings were black this time, I remembered what Iris told me about Angels, wings was a "must to have", Angels have white, Fallen Angels have black.

Taylor must have become a fallen angel but why?

Her minion glitched, I tensed again, I didn't feel anything for a while then I heard blades clicking, I turned to see Taylor's minion and Leon having a little brawl, would I call it little?. Leon and her seemed to be moving at the same speed, I didn't think of it too much because Leon was a half Angel before so I suppose he would know how to move in sonic speed.

I turned back to face Taylor but she was already at my face before I could react she kicked me and I was sent flying. Luckily, I landed in one of the couches, Taylor came at me again, she tried stabbing me with her sword but I was quick enough to dodge.

She followed me up and I kept on dodging, I hadn't had time to release my Katana, God knew what was up because an opportunity showed when she advanced for my heart, I dodged to the right with the sword grazing my chest, I kicked her legs and she lost balance, crashing into one of the poles. I pulled my sword out and went for her head. Unfortunately, She had already recovered from the shock, she dodged and advanced for my chest, I parried it and hit her hilt, sending her sword flying to the other side of the train.

I pointed the sword at her throat.

"Stop Taylor, you lose"

She smirked, "Really?"

With that she snapped her fingers and the train started to explode from the last cab, Taylor shimmered into the air. I started runnning back to the middle cab, Leon and Iris were there. I was at the middle cabs door, when I heard a loud boom and felt a sharp pain behind my back following heat that seemed to burn my skin, I blacked out, the last thing I saw was Iris and Leon covering themselves.