
Heavenly Chronicles, Angelic Arc

The earth was created by God, owned by God and Controlled by God. Or so we thought? Angels are becoming rebellious, Demons becoming stronger and the earth is beginning to be filled evil. Some humans are given supernatural powers by fallen angels to join them in rebelling against God, makimg them half angels, some join them while the rest refuse. God decides to fight back, he urges a man to create a school, an acacemy to help keep the good half angels in check and then grants seven humans, extraordinary abilities to fight demons and fallen angels on earth, they were called hunters. Those abilities are transferred from generations to generations. Theo Blackheart, a normal average teen living an average life happens to have his life turned around one night when he is attacked by his date, a fallen angel. He escapes and finds out he is a hunter. He eventually learns that the soul of his father is trapped in his body and he is acting as a vessel for him. Angels, Demons and even angels who refer themselves as "gods" all become his enemy only because he has the potential of wiping out their existence if he masters his power. Disclaimer: Please this earth is different from our own, do not mistake the two, after all it is fantasy Apologies: I am really sorry for the mishap, and delay on release, I wasn't feeling too well this past days. Updates on this novel are Monday, Tuesday and Fridays

David_James_6708 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

I almost fall to my death

I opened my eyes to see the beautiful view below me, the buildings that appeared to be large when I was on the ground, now looked like tiny LEGO pieces.

"Beautiful right?"

I turned my head up and saw Leon, with wings. I was so fixated by the view I forgot Leon was the one flying, meaning he was an angel. Instinctively, I started kicking.

Oh c'mon, if it were you that of attacked by an angel and escaped only to see later on that one was your counsellor flying you over a lot of buildings that can kill you if you were dropped.

"Theo, stop it, youre going to make yourself fall to your death" Leon said with a strain in his voice, so I couldn't hear him well, I only noticed that he seemed to be struggling to keep his hold on me.

God, how badly does this guy want to kill me?

I kept on kicking, I guess he got tired because he let go of me. After a few seconds mid-air, I knew I had taken the wrong choice in making him let me go.

The ground was getting closer by the second, I actually thought I would die. Just when I was about to become mashed flesh and blood, Leon swooped in and took me up again.

"Have you calmed down or do you want another experience on flying?"

My instincts told me he wasn't kidding and that he could drop me at any moment from now. We continued until we had gotten to the highest point in the camp, it was a building that looked like the colosseum but a whole lot bigger, from up there everything looked beautiful. PS: The triumphal arc was the best among them.

"Mr. Leon…"

"That will be Leo to you, Theo"

"Right, Leo, why is the camp not noticeable by the world, this place is a sight to behold"

Leo sighed, "Because it will mean exposing you half naturals to danger"

"This camp has been standing for millennia years and it has been used to bring up great hunters for us" he continued.

"To train, Half-Naturals who either become full angels or end up becoming Dark Hunters"

"Dark Hunters?"

"A few Half Naturals don't become angels, a number of seven, usually the most talented are selected from the lot to join the hunter society and train to become dark hunters"

"So Dark Hunters, are stronger than angels"

"Yep, their role is to ensure the balance of angels and demons in the spiritual realm in respect to natural stuff"

I looked at Leon and let the thought sink in, then I realized something.

"You were a half-natural, weren't you?"

Leon smirked "I am still a half-natural, not an angel yet, training to become one, a lowly angel" For a moment, Leo looked gloomy and scary, but he gave me a smile that eased me.

A sound that seemed to come from a horn was bellowing in the air, I stiffened up for a little bit and looked at Leon. He was facing the place where the sound was coming from.

"Come on, I think its high time we met the other campers"