
Heaven Defyer Wants to Lead a Peaceful Life

A man whose very mention of name would make anyone cower in fear. A man so talented that even the monstrous prodigies in their domains would pale in comparision. A man whose very existence defies heavens and fate. This is a story of a man who reincarnated into the future and decides to lead a peaceful life. PS: This story is a fan-fiction of 'I Will Kill The Author'

Araski · Others
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55 Chs

Warning & Joe

I was currently in the faculty block standing outside Liz's office.

Since this was the first day and weapon selection was the last thing on the schedule, Liz should be here any moment now.

Just as expected, it didn't take long for Liz to appear in my view. 

"Come inside." Without even glancing at me, she went inside, and I followed her.

Her office, just like any other facility in this academy, is ridiculously big for one person use. While I continued to look around the room, Liz went ahead and took a seat on one of the sofas and gestured for me to sit in front of her.

I obliged and sat in front of her.

"So, What did you want to talk about?" I cut right to the chase since I don't want to waste any of my time.

"It's about your attitude. I admit that I was at fault in this case and I apologize for that. But if you continue to behave this way, then sooner or later you will be expelled by the cadet council. I called you here to warn you about it." Liz replied while facing me.

I guess she is what you call a tsundere. Outside she has quite the trashy personality but it seems that she is quite worried about her students on the inside.

"Firstly, I accept your apology Instructor Liz. As for your warning, All I can say is that unless I am provoked I won't cause any trouble."

"That's what I am talking about. You have to control your anger in such situations, otherwise, it will be a big problem for you in the future."

It is clear that she was talking about the military when she referred to my future.

On a battlefield, you have to always stay calm. Otherwise, you could get yourself killed.

But she was wrong about one thing. 

"Let me ask you something Instructor Liz, did I look angry when I confronted either you or Quinn?" I asked


Liz fell silent to his question. She already had her suspicions regarding his indifferent nature when she first saw Lucas, and now the boy himself confirms that he wasn't angry.

"If you weren't angry then why do all this?" Liz was now even more curious as to why Lucas behaved in such a way.

"I am tired of people looking down on me." 

Lucas wasn't lying when he said that. From the age of 9, Lucas was basically abandoned by his parents.

The people who once supported him had shunned him after learning about his talents. He was even severely bullied at school. After his excommunication, things had only got worse.

And that was unacceptable to him. He wasn't some pushover to let bygones be bygones. Every single person, whether his kin or not will suffer if they were to ever pick a fight with him.

"It's time people realize that I am not someone to be messed with." 

Liz had already heard some rumors about Lucas and knew what he was talking about. Realizing that Lucas cannot be reasoned with, she decides to drop the matter.

She can only give advice to her students so that they walk the right path. If they didn't want her advice then there is nothing she can do about it.

"Fine. Do what you want. I am not responsible if anything happens to you from now on. You may leave."

Lucas got up from his seat and headed towards the door but stopped after remembering something. He turned around and looked at Liz to ask his query,

"Instructor Liz, there is something I should ask."

"Hmm, what is it?"

"To whom should I pay that 10 million credits."

"Don't worry about it. I already paid for it. You can directly go to your assigned room. Ah, And don't forget to collect your Smart Bracelet from the main faculty office."

"I see. Thank you for telling me, Instructor." With that, Lucas left the cabin.


On the way to my room, I looked at the smart bracelet on my hand.

The academy's Smart Bracelets functioned as portable storage devices like Dimensional Rings, so they were pretty expensive.

In addition, they possessed several other notable features. These included the ability to function as a larger version of a smartwatch and the capacity to project their screens in holographic form. They also came with a built-in artificial intelligence assistant.

But it seems that first-year cadets can't use the AI assistant until the end of the first semester. However, they could still use their Dimensional Storage.

Not that I care about it since I will unlock the AI myself at the apartment. 

I was very good at hacking in my previous life and it should be a breeze for me to unlock the AI.

In a few minutes, I arrived in front of my new apartment building.

Without much thought, I walked inside and took an elevator to the 6th floor.

The room I was assigned was 189.

So I started searching for room number 189 as soon as I reached the 6th floor.

After walking to the end of the floor, I found the room numbered 189.

There was a fingerprint scanner located below the number plate which spelled my name "Lucas Morningstar."

The room was already assigned to me, so my fingerprint must've already been uploaded to the lock system.

I put my finger on the scanner, and after a short scan, the scanner beeped once.


With that beep, the door opened.

But before I could step in, the door beside my apartment room opened up. It was my neighbor's.

Curious about the identity of the neighbor, I decided to wait and have a look at their face.

It was Grace Godwill.

From what I observed, it seems she is one of the strongest people in the class.

But the relationship between her and Lucas wasn't all that great. No, it might even be worse, since Lucas always tried to get close to her every time they met.

It seems that she too noticed my presence and looked towards me. Our eyes met each other and we both stood still for a few seconds.

As if in sync with each other, we both looked away at the same time. I walked into my apartment while she went somewhere else.


The room assigned to me was quite big compared to the outer district apartment that Lucas rented.

There was a bedroom, a balcony featuring the city's view, a bathroom, and an open kitchen connected to the living room.

Not to mention this apartment came with all the furniture and TV too. This place was huge for just one person to live in.

Slouching back on my couch in the drawing room, I looked at the smart bracelet in my hand.

Its about time I unlock the AI assistant.

Ding–! Ding–!

Interrupting me from taking further action the loud chimes of the doorbell. 

Right after, an electronic, robotic voice came from the other side of the main door.

-"Global Military Academy, year 1 batch 27, academy rank 116969, Lucas Morningstar! Take your parcel!"

It was the voice of a robot. That parcel must be the luggage that I left at the outer district apartment.

Since Lucas originally rented that apartment in the outer district only till February 29, which was today, the landlord must be sending me my luggage.

Getting up from the couch, I opened the door and saw a 5ft short humanoid robot holding a fairly big box.

Taking the box from its mechanical hand, I stepped back inside the room and closed the door behind me.

Putting the box on a table, I used my fingernail to cut the tape and opened the box.

There were many things inside—clothes, daily necessities, instant food packets, etc. I also found a few diary journals.

These were all the things I left behind when coming to the academy. I knew I'd get them later, so I didn't waste my time packing everything.

Most of the things here were useless to me.

The clothes were too flashy for my taste, and I'm not a big fan of instant food. Moreover, I already knew what was written inside those journals since I had Lucas' memories of writing them.

There was also a collection of luxury watches which were bought by Lucas. I will sell all of these since I wasn't a big fan of luxury. It would be better if I invested that money somewhere else.

One by one, I emptied all the box's contents on the table. I was about tidy up the place, but before I could do so, my eyes fell on a shiny-looking red object on the ground.

I picked up the object and started inspecting it with a frown on my face.

It was a red feathered pen—a very expensive-looking red feathered pen, to be precise.

I didn't remember seeing this in the luggage I had left behind. Maybe the landlord sent it by mistake?

I flipped the whole box over the table to see if something else was sent by mistake.

And just as I thought, there was indeed something else inside the box. Something fell on the table as soon as I flipped the box.

It was a white envelope.

Narrowing my eyes, I picked up the envelope to see what it was.

The words "-From Joe" were written on the front of the envelope….

"Who the hell is Joe?"