
Heaven Defyer Wants to Lead a Peaceful Life

A man whose very mention of name would make anyone cower in fear. A man so talented that even the monstrous prodigies in their domains would pale in comparision. A man whose very existence defies heavens and fate. This is a story of a man who reincarnated into the future and decides to lead a peaceful life. PS: This story is a fan-fiction of 'I Will Kill The Author'

Araski · Others
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55 Chs

Power to Edit

Placed on that center table was a red quill feather pen, and beside that pen was a white envelope.

The words "-From Joe" were written on the front of that envelope.

What's going on? And what was in that envelope? And who is this Joe?

There were a myriad of questions going through my mind and I didn't have answers for any of them.


Clicking my tongue, I decided to give up on puzzling my head and open the envelope. Staring at it wouldn't give me any answers.

I sat on the edge of my couch and picked up the envelope. Removing the stamp, I opened it up and found a letter inside.

The letter was folded. I put the envelope aside and unfolded the piece of paper in my hand.

From the looks of it, it was a normal letter so I started reading what was written in it.

``Dear Lucas,

Wait… can I call you Lucas? Or should I still call you Noah?

Hah! That was a trick question!

I will call you Lucas regardless of what you want hehe.

Anyway, after I forcefully made you transmigrate into this world, I reflected on my actions and realized that my anger was indeed a little unjustified.

So, I thought about making it up to you. And what better way is there to make up than to give you a golden finger?

You see, that red quill pen I sent you with this letter is your golden finger.

If you hold that red-feathered pen in your hand, you will be able to see the complete information of any desired object, including all its stats.

But that's not it. With that pen in your possession, you can "edit" any desired object's stats.

For example, if you get a [Gold Rank] sword, you can edit its rank and change it to [Platinum Rank].

Not only that, but you can also add modifications to an object too.

For example, you can remodel a knife to become a sword. You can even turn a normal piece of paper into a rocket launcher.

Exciting, right? I'm giving you the power to temper with reality!

But… there's always a catch.

You will need to gain special points in order to use the red pen. The points that I call 'Edit Points.'

The more Edit Point you have in your balance, the more freedom you'll have in editing or modifying an object.

How can you gain these Edit points, you may ask yourself?

Simple really. You'll need to make the 'story' interesting. How can you do that? By being involved in the story as much as possible.

Making significant changes to the story by altering the ending of story arcs, disrupting the plot, and adjusting the flow of the story according to what you see fit— basically create an interesting story.

The more you do that, the more Edit Points you'll acquire.

If you're still having a hard time following what I mean, then just touch the feathered pen and you'll understand everything.

Oh, and one more thing, you won't be able to edit any living being's stats—only inanimate objects.

This is my gift to make it up to you. I'm giving you the authority to edit a part of reality itself!

-From your best friend!``

Now I feel like an idiot for thinking that my situation would be an exciting case to solve.

Because a lot of my questions were already answered through this letter.

Firstly, this Joe guy is clearly a God. Things like transmigration and altering reality are only possible by God or someone as strong as me.

Second, it seems that someone named Noah was supposed to transmigrate into Lucas's body. 

Transmigrating someone into a body is essentially replacing the current soul present in the body.

Obviously one has to meddle with both of the souls in the process.

And the memories sealed in my soul must have been unlocked as a defense mechanism to fight off the invading soul.

Third, it seems that Noah knew about this world.

Calling this world a story, arcs, and plot is a clear indication that the fate of this world was already decided. And Noah knew about it in the form of some story, maybe as a movie, game, or novel.

These are assumptions I made based on what was written in the letter.

Of course, I know better than anyone to believe in those Gods. They just love to play mysterious and would never share all the details with a mortal. 

But what he might not have expected is that he had awakened me, his worst possible nightmare, in the process of transmigrating Noah.

Now the situation has become much more interesting than I could have imagined.

There are still a few questions, however, which are not answered.


Why didn't I feel the resistance of my soul?

If the memories were indeed awakened to fight off the invading soul, then I should have definitely felt Noah's soul or at least the aftermath of the fight should have been felt. 

But that was not the case at all. All I felt was the pain in my head caused due to the sudden influx of memories and nothing else.


Did Joe not notice the change in my soul?

If Joe really tried to transmigrate Noah's soul into my body, then he should have clearly felt the resistance from my soul and that Noah was eventually driven out.

Yet this letter tells otherwise. He clearly didn't notice that I was not Noah but Lucas himself who awakened his previous life memories.

No matter how incompetent a god is, he should have definitely sensed that something was wrong but it was clear that he didn't know a thing.


Why was Noah transmigrated into the Lucas specifically?

Now that I think about it, there must have been a ton of characters Noah could have been transferred to, heck he could have even transmigrated as a girl. But Joe specifically chose Lucas as the vessel.

One could argue that this might be a coincidence or maybe Joe wanted Noah to suffer because of Lucas's past crimes, but my gut tells me that there is more to it than what meets the eye. 

What's more, given how he wrote I have to be involved in the story as much as possible, there is a good chance that Lucas had little to no part in the original story. At most, he could have been a minor villain given his disposition.


Why does Joe want Noah to meddle with the so-called 'story'?

It is obvious that the fate of this world was written by Joe or some other God. But why would they want it to be changed?

There is no way a God would feel that the fate he had written should be changed. Even if they wanted to change it then he could have just decided the fate of the next generation to his liking instead of fussing over the present.

Instead, Noah was told to change the story for the Edit Points. 

Currently, the information I possess isn't enough to answer the questions but it won't be long before I figure out everything.

I already had a few guesses in my mind as to what really might have happened.

But it wouldn't be a fun game if I tried to reach a conclusion now. For now, I decided to go along with the situation and see what happens next.

After deciding my future course of action I looked towards the red pen on the table. From what has been mentioned in the letter, this pen should be capable of altering reality to some extent.

But the problem here is the 'Edit Points' required. I don't a single thing about this story or its plot, so how am I going to interfere with the plot and gain these points?

It didn't really matter to me whether I could use this pen or not, but I had to deceive this God into believing that everything was going according to his plan.

Just then, all the hair stood on my body. This was the same sensation I felt right after I awakened my memories. Someone was watching me.

First, during my memory awakening and now after I received the letter. If I piece these two pieces of information together, it is clear that the person who was watching was Joe or to say 'a God'.

I tried my best to act as naturally as possible and after a few moments, the gaze which I had felt disappeared once again.

Right then an idea came to my mind.

I didn't know anything about the story or its plot, but it may be easy for me to change the story. 

For any story, there is always a Main Character or protagonist whether it be male or female. If I can guess who the Main Character of this world is, then it would be easier for me to gain Edit points.

Given how the world is centered around the 2 inter-species wars and the alliance between humans, elves, and dwarves, this is clearly a male-centered story.

A typical isekai fantasy you could say. 

And from what I have seen so far, the person with the highest chance of being the protagonist is Nero Dekaruf.