
Heaven Arcane

In a small town that on the surface seems peaceful, teenagers come across old records and then begin to follow their story. However, it soon becomes apparent that these seemingly innocent records hide a much deeper and darker secret. The diaries, letters and documents date back to the 1980s, the authors being students of the same school. The stories contained in these records tell of mysterious disappearances, strange occurrences and complicated relationships between them. The characters begin to discover that events of the past seem to influence contemporary events, and some of the mysteries still remain unsolved. As they delve deeper into history, they discover that some of the students from those years are present in their community and still carry dark secrets with them. Some of the secrets seem to threaten the safety of the townspeople, while others try to hide them at all costs. During their investigation, the teens discover that some past events were connected to the surrounding forest, which itself is full of mysterious phenomena and potential dangers. They must confront not only the mysteries and people from the past, but also the supernatural forces associated with them. This is a true tale of friendship, trust and courage in the face of dark secrets that lie deep in history.

GabrielvanRobern · Sci-fi
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Shadows of the Past

They sat together in their favorite corner of the school cafeteria. The space between the friends was getting tense, as if they needed to solve a hidden problem. Alex was behaving differently than usual - he seemed more closed in on himself, as if he carried a burden on his shoulders that he wanted to hide from the world. 

"Something is bothering you, Alex," Emma noted, sensing a change in her colleague's behavior.

 "I'd be happy to help if you want to talk about something." 

Alex clenched his jaws, his gaze saying more than words. Max and Emma looked as if they were waiting for something Alex was about to tell them. But Alex, overwhelmed by the unexpected revelation from the diary, felt like he was sharing a load of truth that was hard to speak.

 "I feel a little strange after all these discoveries. All of this has somehow overwhelmed me." He muttered trying to hide the true bottom of his emotions. 

With the bell ringing for the first lesson, they headed to their classrooms, but the atmosphere was strange. All the time Alex couldn't focus on the class, his head was filled with thoughts about the girl's words in the diary and how connected the story was now to his life. During a coffee break, Max and Emma approached Alex, who was sitting in a corner of the schoolyard. 

Max: "I found something interesting about these tree symbols. They seem to be related to a local legend." 

Emma: "A legend? Talk." 

Max: "It is said that these symbols represent the guardians of the forest's secret. They are meant to protect it from intruders and ensure that secrets don't get out." 

Alex: "I read about the keepers of the secret in the journal." 

Max: "Exactly. It seems that someone is trying to protect the whole mess, and we are now entangled in it all." 

While they were talking, far away in the courtyard someone was watching them with a gaze full of questions. The figure Alex noticed reminded him of something from his nightmares, but he couldn't clearly identify who it might have been. Was it someone who knew their secrets, or was it another participant in this long-forgotten story? After school, they decided to meet at a local coffee shop to discuss the latest findings and set a plan of action. 

Max: "I found some information about the legend. It has been passed down from generation to generation in our town. But what's strangest is that some of the stories are connected to the events the journal describes." 

Emma: "So these symbols on the tree are like a key? But how to read their meaning?" 

Max: "That's one of the puzzles we have to solve. But I think there may be a connection to the local library. Maybe there we can find more information about it." 

With a unanimous decision, they decided to visit the library later that day. As they entered between shelves full of dust and old books, Alex noticed that the same aura of mystery that had accompanied them in the forest was also hovering among the old volumes. Emma: "Look at this old collection of local legends. Maybe there we can find something about the rangers." 

Alex flipped through the pages, and his gaze fell on the description of strange phenomena in the forest, which were described many years ago. Mention was made of mysterious signs on the trees and of guards who were supposed to keep watch to make sure the secret never came out. 

Max: "This confirms our suspicions. But what about the 1980 girl's findings? How does it all connect?" 

Suddenly, someone stepped out of the shadows from behind the bookcase. It was an older man, dressed in a tattered old suit. 

A stranger: "Hello to you youngsters. I see you are interested in our local legends." 

Alex: "Yes, we are looking for information on various stories about this place for history lessons. Maybe you know something?" 

Male: "Oh, I know a lot of stories. But are you sure you are ready to learn the truth?" 

The friends looked at each other and then at the older man, ready for the next stage of their investigation. Would this conversation bring new light to their mysterious mystery, or would it plunge them even further into the unknown corners of their town's past? The man led his friends to one corner of the library, where an old table covered in dust adorned a darkened lantern. 

The man: "Sorry for the dust and confusion. This place is rarely visited." 

Alex: "It's nothing. Were you talking about Arcane stories?" 

The man, sitting at an old wooden table, began to tell the story, immersing himself in memories of the old days. The light falling from the lamps on the ceiling only emphasized the town's hidden secrets. 

"In those bygone days, when the forest was still old and wild, there was no sign of developed civilization, and even the Indians avoided the area, because they knew that in the depths of those trees lurked forces that could not be understood or tamed. They respected the powers that reigned in it. It was there, surrounded by oak trees, that unusual things began to happen. Everything was as if imbued with mysterious energies. The first settlers of Arcane avoided this forest like a fire, and those who had the courage to venture into it returned with tales of strange phenomena. They didn't know at the time that these were geophysical vagaries, shifts in the earth's magnetic field or radiation penetrating the dens that caused mutations and etc... Something that seemed impossible to understand at the time. "

In the story, the forest appeared to be a place full of unaccountable powers, where nature and supernatural powers were intertwined. Humanity was just beginning to realize that these mysterious phenomena were connected to something greater than they could imagine. He continued, describing how the inhabitants tried to understand and respect these phenomena, although they were not always able to master their influence. As the centuries passed and civilization developed, they began to gain more and more practical knowledge of what was hidden in the depths of the forest. 

"What we call anomalies today, for the people there was something extraordinary, almost divine. Today, looking back over the years, we realize that these were magnetic disturbances, and the radiation affected all forms of life around." 

The man told his story with remarkable precision, and as his words spun, they began to create a surreal panorama of the old days. 

"Then a group was formed, which the locals called the Guardians of Mystery. They were in charge of investigating and protecting themselves from what was beyond the limits of human understanding. They created spells, rituals, mixed alchemy with nature to protect the town from the influence of what could do harm. One could say that they were the first magicians in Arcane." 

As he told the story, they seemed to hear the whispers of the oaks and the rustle of the leaves as they listened to the story. He spoke of powerful symbols that were applied to trees, stones and even the walls of houses. They were supposed to be markings that protected against evil and kept the balance between worlds. The guardians lost themselves in their role and even became obsessed with learning the secrets of the forest. They began to experiment, mixing science, nature, alchemy and old Indian rituals. And the symbols were only a substitute for their obsession, which in time turned into a cult. At one point they left the town to explore the powers of the forest and never returned. Residents, fearing an onslaught of unclean forces on the town, appointed guards again, this time consisting only of righteous young people not imbued with evil.

"The guards passed on knowledge from generation to generation. They were willing to risk their lives to keep the peace of the residents. But even for them not everything was understood. What could be explained by science and nature was explainable, but it was said that hidden in the depths of the forest were ancient powers that could not be tamed, and it was these that consumed the first rangers. I remember stories of nights when the shadows seemed alive and the trees whispered their secrets. Haunting sounds came from deep in the wilderness, and they, though trained, were not always able to control what waited in the darkness." 

The man mused for a moment, then looked at Alex, Max and Emma. 

''Our role was difficult, but important. We protected this place from what could destroy the balance between the two worlds.'''

Max: ''Are you a guardian? Serio....''

Man: "Once upon a time, boy... those were the times when disturbing powers tried to break through into our reality. Sometimes we had to face strange creatures who wanted to violate our safety. We bent the laws of physics, experimented with chemistry, rituals from grandparents' stories, explored the unexplored...until...'' 

He outlined in words images of rituals and mysterious practices designed to maintain balance. As the tale deepened, echoes of ancient prayers and chants could be heard, which in the past had resounded on nights when the Guardians watched over the safety of the town. The man told of nights spent in rituals to avoid the dangers hiding in the darkness. 

"In these rituals we used symbols to protect our town from the influence of what was hidden on the other side. These symbols were carefully woven into the fabric of nature - trees, stones and even the air. You have probably already seen them." 

He told of the betrayal that led to the fall of the Guardians. A betrayal that unleashed old powers, leaving the remnants of the group scattered across the world. In the sound of his voice, the man showed both regret and fear for the return of the old evil.

 "Until...one day one of us, fascinated by the stories of the powers of the forest, decided to use them for her own purposes. It betrayed us and unleashed what we had tried to keep in check...the forces that tried to break into our world became more and more insidious. People began to disappear, mysterious deaths occurred. That's when we decided to deal with it at all costs, and some of us sacrificed body and soul to put an end to it." 

The man's story left tension in the air, Max and Emma thought intensely about the words they had just heard. The town's secrets seemed to be more complex than they had ever thought. Alex was beginning to put the puzzle of the story together with what he had seen and read in the diary. In particular, the passage about the sacrifice had sunk in for him...had she sacrificed body and soul and that's why she was there? This question whirled in his head like a carousel. 

Male: "Now you appear here again...I see you like years ago like shadows of the past carrying questions and curiosity. The diary you hold is an attempt to keep what has been released. But the question is, are you ready for what lies ahead?" 

A grave silence followed these words, and the teenagers' eyes painted reflections and concerns intertwined with fear. Max, with a look of skepticism on his face, broke the silence.

Max: "This town, this forest, these mysterious powers... it all sounds like the fantasy of a lonely grandfather, with all due respect, but it's old fables. I know, I know, we saw signs, a girl once went missing, someone couldn't describe something scientifically, that there are legends, but which town doesn't have them? ''

Emma nodded, agreeing with Max. The man looked at the youth with seriousness, and his eyes sparkled like flames, reflecting the light of the burning herbs. 

"I know it's hard to accept, but I have to make you realize that the world is full of mysteries that science can't always explain. Sometimes you have to open yourself to intangible forces to understand the true face of reality." 

The man turned to Emma: "Young lady, why don't you ask your mother about your grandparents? Sometimes what seems like a fairy tale may have roots in real history." 

A confused Emma asked: ''Grandparents? I don't understand, what do they have to do with this? Did you know them?'' 

''Emma, this is a small town. Here everyone is like one big family. And your grandparents. Well, let your mother tell you.''' 

After which he looked in Alex's direction and added: ''Come with me, boy, I'd like to talk in private. Don't be afraid of the old man. I'm just an old scrooge." 

Alex: ''Exactly. Who exactly are you. I have not seen you before. Emma, do you know him?'' 

Emma:'' This is the first time I've seen him, although I've lived here since second grade and seemed to know everyone.''' 

Max: ''Well, that's right, something Mr. for one?'' 

The man smiled, and his eyes sparkled with an elusive hint of mystery. 

"I'm not surprised, you're young. I am an ordinary resident of this town. Once a guard, as I said. I lived here all my life, but my senile body ordered me to leave here for better health care. In time I will tell you my story. It's already late in the afternoon. Alex, can we talk? Walk me a piece on the way home.'' 

Alex: ''Yes, we can get going. Listen, if I don't show up at school tomorrow, look for the old man.''' 

He threw a smile at his friends and walked away with the stranger. Following the path along the old forest, Alex felt as if footsteps accompanied him from hiding. The man, whom he now called the old man, walked beside him with the experience of a soldier, which could be felt in his every move. 

The old man: "You must understand that what you have discovered is only the tip of the iceberg. The history of this town and forest is rooted in secrets that most people don't see." 

Alex: "What does that mean? Why me?" 

Male: "Your fate is intertwined with the secrets of the Old Forest. This place has its own rights and obligations, and whether you want it or not... you have become its guardians. But now the time has come for you to learn the truth." 

Meanwhile, the old man began asking Alex about the mysterious figure he had seen in the forest. The questions were disturbing, and they made Alex feel as if someone was following his every move. 

The old man: "Did you see that gray faded girl, as if from the past? Is she similar to someone you know now?" 

With a slight uneasiness in his heart, he began to recount his experience. 

Alex: "Yes, I saw her. She is very similar to Emma. What happened to her?" 

The old man looked at him with seriousness, and his eyes emanated a glow. 

The man: "What you saw is a phenomenon that has been going on for many years. The girl you saw is not just a memory from the past. It's something more than that. She is suspended in space-time, intertwined with the present and the past. Your fates are interconnected.'' 

Alex: "Suspended? What do I have to do with it?"

The Old Man: "Here, in the Old Forest, there are forces of nature that most people have not understood. The past and the present are intertwined. It's not time, young man. It's not magic, as your colleague put it. It's a concept that goes beyond the current understanding of physics. To date, there is no universally accepted theory or proof of this phenomenon. However, assuming that suspension in space-time does exist, one could try to explain it by introducing the idea of curvature of space-time around a specific timeline. Analogous to the curvature of space around masses, one could imagine that certain conditions or phenomena could affect the structure of space-time."

At this point Alex felt his brain burning as he tried to understand what the man was trying to explain to him. The old man, seeing the boy's ungainly face, decided to simplify the message of learning the physics of time. 

''In such a scenario, the girl from the past, anchored in space-time, could be a point that curves space-time around herself. This curvature would prevent her from becoming fully entangled in the course of time, keeping her as a fixed element at a given point in the past and present, and since they are intertwined with yours, therefore only you see her. As the young say...you are ''matched'' in time.'' 

Alex: ''Well. Somehow I embrace it. But why does she look like Emma?'' 

The old man looked at Alex with a smile. 

Man:'' And that, my young friend, is the purpose of my returning to Arcane and talking to you.''' 

Alex: ''Do you know Emma?" 

The boy felt the answers were at his fingertips, but at the same time he realized that this was only the beginning. He was stunned. He thought that maybe the old man was simply making things up, but something in his eyes suggested that he was telling the truth. These theories, it was all so true. After all, he had seen it himself with his own eyes. The whole situation was beyond the limits of his imagination. But one thing was certain: there was no turning back.