
Heaven Arcane

In a small town that on the surface seems peaceful, teenagers come across old records and then begin to follow their story. However, it soon becomes apparent that these seemingly innocent records hide a much deeper and darker secret. The diaries, letters and documents date back to the 1980s, the authors being students of the same school. The stories contained in these records tell of mysterious disappearances, strange occurrences and complicated relationships between them. The characters begin to discover that events of the past seem to influence contemporary events, and some of the mysteries still remain unsolved. As they delve deeper into history, they discover that some of the students from those years are present in their community and still carry dark secrets with them. Some of the secrets seem to threaten the safety of the townspeople, while others try to hide them at all costs. During their investigation, the teens discover that some past events were connected to the surrounding forest, which itself is full of mysterious phenomena and potential dangers. They must confront not only the mysteries and people from the past, but also the supernatural forces associated with them. This is a true tale of friendship, trust and courage in the face of dark secrets that lie deep in history.

GabrielvanRobern · Sci-fi
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: Journal

Sunday morning at home was always calm and warm. The sun was gently trickling in through the curtains, painting golden stripes on the bedroom floor. Alex stretched out in bed and sighed contentedly, smelling the pleasant aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting from the kitchen.

Memories of the past day scrolled before his eyes. Their discoveries were fascinating and mysterious, and the journal found under the old oak tree promised more puzzles to solve.

He got out of bed, sniffed the fresh air carrying the scent of flowering shrubs in the garden. He walked to the bathroom, where he felt under the stream of water the fatigue from the previous day drain from him. All of this was exciting, but also exhausting.

After a while, the smell of breakfast reached him, indicating that his father had already prepared something delicious. He went downstairs, where he saw his father standing at the kitchen counter serving breakfast.

Father: "Good morning, son. I wanted to treat you to pancakes with maple syrup."

Alex: "Good morning, dad. This looks amazing!"

The pancakes were crispy on the outside but soft on the inside, and the maple syrup added a great flavor. My father was a great cook and always took care of the morning breakfasts.

After eating, Alex went to the window and looked at the beautiful view of the surrounding town. Clouds of fog were rising above the forest, giving the surroundings a mysterious feel.

Alex: "Thanks, Dad. It's really nice after a day like yesterday."

Father: "No problem, son. Now you can rest, but remember that the final solution to the riddle can be very dangerous. ''

Alex: "Yes I know, I also hope to find more answers. Tomorrow we will come back to investigate this strange case again."

The father looked at his son with concern and pride in his ventures. The youngster was full of determination and curiosity, and at the same time aware of the potential dangers.

Father: "You have a big heart and a mind full of ideas, Alex. But remember that sometimes the truth can be difficult to accept. Try to be careful and not expose yourself too much."

Alex: "Okay, Dad, I promise. We'll be careful."

After breakfast, Alex went to his room, where he opened his notebook. Flipping through page after page of the diary, he thought about what steps to take to unravel the mystery.

Meanwhile, Max and Emma were also gathering strength as they prepared for another day of exploration and school. Sunday morning brought a moment of peace, but also strengthened their resolve to find out the truth that was hiding in the shadows of the town.

Alex flipped through page after page. In it he noticed the notes of several girls, starting from 1945. Their accounts told of increasingly strange and mysterious events in Arcane.

The diary described mysterious encounters at night, footsteps that led to the woods and unexplained disappearances of people. Subsequent entries from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s were full of anxiety and horror.

As the girls kept their notes, they seemed increasingly stressed and obsessive. They mentioned "Whispers" several times, suggesting that it was a key part of their mysterious search.

Alex understood that their research involved disappearances and mysterious phenomena that had occurred over many years. What began as one girl's curiosity had become another's obsession, and now their fate seemed intertwined with the 1980 mystery.

The main goal now was to understand what all these stories had in common and what the causes of the mysterious disappearances were. Alex felt he was on the trail of something big, but the question was: would they find the answers before they became the next participants in this dark work?

Alex browsed through the journal, immersing himself more and more in the mysterious descriptions and entries of the girls. He read in fragments nervously flicking through the pages:

**Act of 1945:**.

*"The night was full of whispers and sounds that could not be understood. We gather at night, along with the girls, to set out in search of answers. Our parents say it's just children's games, but we know something is going on. Last night one of us saw something in the woods, something that went through the trees, but it was just fog. This is the beginning of our research. "*

**Dated 1956:**.

*"We found a strange symbol on one of the old trees in the forest. It seems to be something from the old days, maybe some kind of protective sign. If only we can discover what it means, maybe we can stop what is lurking in the shadows. "*

**Interview from 1968:**.

*"The sounds at night get louder and louder. We sleep with knives under the pillow and the door padlocked. We found a mysterious hollow at the edge of the forest, as if someone was trying to bury something big. Maybe we will find answers underground. "*

As Alex read more entries, he comprehended that these girls were not just investigating mysterious disappearances, but were convinced that there was something more - something that hides the forest and lives in the town.

In another entry dated 1973, the girl wrote:

*"One of us began to speak in dreams. It's not a language she learned, it's something completely foreign and frightening. When we tried to translate what she was saying, it turned out to be a linguistic mix that no one knows. Is this some kind of message from mysterious beings? Are they trying to contact us? Our research is becoming more and more confusing, but we can't stop. "*

Alex realized that this was something much more disturbing than he initially thought. These posts suggested that the girls were in the middle of something beyond their comprehension. Could it be related to the mystery they were investigating? He had reached the 1980s:



6 September

Today I was in the library again. I spend most of my free time there, sifting through piles of old books and documents, looking for any clues. Although everyone says I'm crazy, I can't stop thinking about what's going on around us.

It started with disappearances. First animals disappeared, then people. No one knew what was going on. My parents said it was just an exaggeration, that I was too caught up in the stories. But I believe that something wrong is going on at Heaven Arcane.

I accidentally tore a piece of paper out of one of the books in the library, and on it were strange symbols and writing that were completely foreign to me. It looked like something old, something I hadn't seen before.

Some time ago I met a boy in the library, Alex,a. He, too, is interested in these strange disappearances, and, like me, is trying to find answers. We seem to have a similar goal. Alex showed me a piece of paper that also had the same symbols and writing on it. That's when I realized that this must be some kind of key, something that could help us unravel this mystery.

I can't stop thinking about these mysterious disappearances and these strange signs. I hope that together Alex and I will be able to discover what is behind these mysteries. Although everyone says we're crazy, I'm ready to go to the end to find out the truth. It may cost us our lives, but I can't just stand back and pretend that nothing is happening.

When Alex read the 1980 entry, his reaction was immediate. His eyes widened in shock.

Alex: "Fuck...What's going on here...She's talking about Us! It's about us, this girl...it's fucking impossible...Emma! It's Emma after all!"

Suddenly he felt the warmth leave his face and his legs became soft, he almost fainted from fright. Everything that until now had seemed like a simple investigation of a mystery suddenly made a different sense. It became downright improbable. Impossible.

Alex nervously read the 1980 entries, which exposed more and more gruesome facts to him. The girl described how she had stumbled upon the mysterious discovery of documents, a key, a diary with friends. He read disbelievingly as if it were a flashback to yesterday.



September 9

"Today I found them. Bones hidden in the dark forest, as if nature wanted to hide them forever. There are signs of this. But that's not all. Along with the bones, I found a strange mark jaky burned on them, something that seems to be part of a puzzle. It all seems to be spelled out. The disappearance of people, the bones and these symbols."

Alex turned page after page of the journal, his heart still beating fast. He couldn't believe what he was reading. Every now and then he rubbed his eyes, pinching himself to make sure it wasn't a dream.

Her words painted a picture of a nightmare:

"When I went deeper into the forest, I found more bones. This can't be an ordinary phenomenon. The bones had their hands cut off, a jagged cut was visible, as if someone or something was trying to tear them away from the rest of the body. This is disgusting. The symbols on the trees are similar to those I saw with the bones. They must have some connection to this cemetery."

What could this have meant? What forces or who was operating in the forest, leading to such cruel events?



June 5

"Today I saw them again. Alex and Max were conducting their own investigation in the town. Is it possible that they are still trying to discover the truth? Even though so many years have passed, they still carry those marks, those symbols. I'm beginning to think that these two souls are now inseparable from the mystery of the forest, like me. Does this mean that I can't leave? Am I doomed to wander forever in the shadows of this cursed place?"

Alex didn't know what was going on. A jump of 19 years. What was this all about. He had a vague idea in his head. He wondered if he should tell it to the others. But something told him it was a story just for him. He read on.



September 7

''Today I was at school. I saw Alex. All these years I managed to avoid him, to avoid contact with him, but today something changed. When I entered the cafeteria, he looked in my direction, and our eyes met for a split second. It seemed to me that he understood that it was me. My heart began to go crazy then, and fear gripped me anew. Could it be that we are now so close to each other? I didn't know what to think. Could this be happening all over again? Are our past and this strange present intertwined in an infinity spiral?''

Alex felt a shiver run down his spine as he read this entry. Questions burned in his mind, but the answers still remained hidden to him. After all, it was her he had seen at school. Now he had proof that he wasn't crazy. This dream, this gray girl is Emma...But he didn't recognize her because of this blurring of reality...Thoughts swirled in his head...he felt he was about to go crazy....

A ringing smartphone knocked him out of suspension. It was Max.

Alex: Hey.

Max: Hiya Dude. I'll see you tomorrow after the first lesson. I've already discussed the topic with Emma. I found something interesting.

Alex: Sure. What did you discover like that.

Max: You will see. Your skull will explode. See you tomorrow Dude.

Alex: Until tomorrow.

The phone call knocked him out of his emotions and confusion, and he decided to remain calm. He needed to find out more, to understand why these events took place and what their significance was. It all seemed like something out of a crazy movie. He opened the window to catch some fresh air and clear his head.

Alex calmed down a bit, leaning on the sill of the window and looking at the peaceful town that stretched before him. He had a plan in front of him, he needed to find out what was behind those diary entries, and understand why his and his friends' lives were connected to this long-forgotten story.

He decided that he would return with a cool head to read the journal to explore more information and look for answers. He knew he was not alone, that Max and Emma were also part of the puzzle. They had to work together but this time he couldn't tell them everything.

He returned to his room, picked up his journal and sat down at his desk. He delved into the past which was now his present.