
Chapter 120 The King of Sichuan (50)

"It's fine if it's not a problem!" Jia Sidao raised his head and looked up the tower for a while, then said: "Let's go! Let's go up to the tower to have a look!" Without waiting for Jia Sidao Stepping forward, Lu Wende stepped forward to stop him and said, "Master, the Mongolian army is attacking fiercely now. Your old wealth and life are related to my Song Dynasty. Do you think you should wait for the Mongols to stop the attack before stepping on the tower?!" "Bastard

! " Jia Sidao pretended to be angry, flicked his sleeves, and reprimanded loudly: "Our officers, soldiers and people of the Great Song Dynasty resisted the attack of the Mongols on the tower. Are we as officials of the Great Song Dynasty inferior to those ordinary people?!" Having said that, Jia Sidao strode up the tower.

At the same moment when Jia Sidao climbed the tower, the Mongolian spies hidden in Xiangyang City sent a signal to the outside of the city. Kublai Khan, who had been standing on the ladder watching the battle, saw the signal and immediately ordered to stop the attack. At the same time, he told his cronies: "Go. Shoot this letter on the tower!" "

Yes!" Lie took the letter in his hand, jumped off the ladder, and galloped towards Xiangyang City on horseback. [] Tian Di Qing Dao 120

Under the strict protection of guards, Jia Sidao and other officials boarded the tower. Standing on the tower, Jia Sidao looked at the Mongolian army retreating in an orderly manner like the tide ###, and asked: "How many times does the Mongolian army usually attack a day?!" Guo Jing looked at the Mongolian army standing beside Jia Sidao Lu Wende and other officials in the camp replied respectfully: "Generally there are no special circumstances. The Mongolian army fought from dawn to dark without any gaps in between." Hearing Guo Jing's answer, Jia Sidao glanced at Lu Wende unconsciously

. . Lu Wende, who was timid and afraid of death, hid in his mansion when the Mongolian army attacked, hurried forward to flatter Guo Jing when Guo Jing's words fell, "Master Prime Minister, what Guo Jing said is not wrong! It is usually true." Speaking of which, Lu Wende looked at the Mongolian army that was rearranging outside the city, and then said: "Today, the Mongolian army stopped after only attacking once. Withdraw from the fight."

Jia Sidao nodded slightly, and just about to speak, an arrow flew up from the city with a "swish". Jia Sidao instinctively shrank his neck when he heard the sound of the arrow piercing the air. I saw an arrow sticking to Jia Sidao's official hat and nailed it to the pillar behind Jia Sidao.

"Catch the Assassin!" "Protect Your Excellency!" Standing not far from Jia Sidao, Guo Jing smiled wryly when he saw the farce-like officials, and aimed at the arrow nailed to the pillar. Seeing a letter nailed to the arrow, Guo Jing walked quickly to the pillar, pulled the arrow from the pillar, looked at the envelope, hesitated for a moment, threw the arrow on the ground, and walked to Jia Sidao with the letter Said: "Prime Minister, this is a letter from Mongolian Prince Kublai Khan!"

Jia Sidao, who was still in shock, took the letter with trembling hands, opened it in a panic, and read it carefully. After about half a stick of incense, Jia Sidao read the contents of the letter, pondered for a while and said, "General Guo, I will leave this to you! The rest of you will come with me to discuss the countermeasures! Long live Lord, go to the memorial!" After that, Jia Sidao patted his clothes, straightened his official hat, and walked quickly to the tower.

Looking at the backs of Jia Sidao and others leaving, Lu Youjiao asked: "Hero Guo, what kind of tricks is Kublai Khan playing?!" Guo Jing smiled wryly and said: "Once the Mongolian Khan died, the entire history of Mongolia has no leader. Now Kublai Khan wants to stabilize us, and then lead his troops back to Mongolia to fight for the Khan position."

Lu Youjiao's eyes lit up, and then he thought of something, and asked hesitantly: "Guo Daxia, you said that the emperor will agree to send troops to take the opportunity to recover Lost land?!" Guo Jing shook his head and muttered, "Only God knows, you and I should do our part!"

Due to the rush of time, Jia Sidao took the officials back to the station with only a cup of tea. After resting for a while in the station, Jia Sidao took out the letter from his sleeve and said, "Everyone, this is a letter from Kublai Khan, Prince of Mongolia, to this old man. Please read it!" After finishing speaking, Jia Sidao Handed the letter to the guard next to him.

After the guard handed the letter to the official on Jia Sidao's left, he returned to stand behind Jia Sidao. Time passed minute by minute, and after a little more than a quarter, the letter was returned to Jia Sidao's hands. Jia Sidao casually put the letter on the tea table, picked up the tea bowl, took a sip of tea and said, "Everyone has read it, so feel free to speak up if you have any opinions! As long as it is beneficial to the country and the people, I will recommend it to Long Live."

The officials whispered to each other for a while, and Guo Xiuzheng, a member of the Ministry of Officials, took the lead and said: "Master Xiang, I have some superficial views and don't know what to say?!" Jia Sidao smiled and said: "What's the right thing to say! The old man has already said it just now, didn't you understand?!"

Guo Xiuzheng thought for a while and said, "Master, Kublai Khan's request in the letter is actually not too harsh. I will agree. Moreover, we have fought against Mongolia for so many years, and the court and the people are already very tired. Why don't you take this opportunity to recuperate." Before Guo Xiuzheng finished speaking, Cao Youshen, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, interrupted: "Master

Guo , Are you blind, didn't you read the contents of the letter clearly?! Kublai Khan wanted Yang Guo's head, do you think Yang Guo would obediently offer his own head?! Now Yang Guo controls the entire Sichuan, and has just eliminated Even the Mongolian Khan lost his life there. The most important thing is that Yang Guo has the last emperor's edict in his hand. If this is true, Yang Guo is in a hurry. When things get out of hand, you are a sinner of Song Dynasty!"

After some debate, Jia Sidao sighed deeply and said: "Since you all hold different opinions, I will write a memorial together with this This letter should be sent to Wanzai within 800 miles, and everything will be decided by Wanzai!" After that, Jia Sidao took the letter, got up and left.

Time flew by, and in a blink of an eye, it was the day when Yang Guo proclaimed himself king, opened a mansion and built a government office. After three days of tense arrangements, the city of Chengdu was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and a festive atmosphere enveloped the whole city.

Early in the morning, Yang Guo, wearing the royal uniform of the Song Dynasty, walked into the courtyard where Dugu Fangyi lived. After greeting Dugu Fangyi, he left Qianlong Villa with his guards and rushed to Chengdu. After driving fast all the way, after driving for half an hour, the city of Chengdu was already within sight.

"Brother Yang, from today onwards, I will become your prince!" Yeluqi joked with a smile. Yang Guo smiled slightly and said: "Brother Yelu, if you call me that, it's too outlandish!" After saying that, Yang Guo reined in his horse, looked at Yeluqi and said, "Brother Yelu, how much affection does Lingmei have for me?" I, Yang Guo, know it well. When this part is over, I will give you and Lingmei a satisfactory explanation."

Yeluqi smiled and said after hearing Yang Guo's words: "You only need to be worthy of my sister, and you don't need anything else. Let's talk more! It's getting late, let's hurry up! Don't pass the hour!" "

Okay! Then let's compete to see who's faster!" After finishing speaking, Yang Guo raised his horsewhip and whipped it down heavily. He shouted loudly: "Drive!" The horse under Yang Guo slammed its hooves and ran forward after suffering the pain.

After about a meal, Du Guangyuan, who was standing on the tower, saw the smoke and dust approaching ###, and shouted: "The prince is here! Everyone is ready to welcome!" Zhou Chaoguo, who was standing below the tower, heard Du Guangyuan's cry, and immediately ordered: : "Everyone follow me!" After saying that, Zhou Chaoguo walked out of the city gate first.

### Yang Guo, who was approaching Chengdu City, saw the officials walking out of the city gate, and hastily reined in his horse. Before Yang Guo could jump off the horse, Zhou Chaoguo brought the officials and the people to the front of Yang Guo, knelt down on the ground and shouted in unison: "Your Majesty, wait to see the lord! The lord is a thousand years old!" Yang Guo waved his hand and shouted

: "All of you!"

"Thank you, King Shu, for a thousand years!" The Zhou Dynasty and the officials and people stood up and voluntarily moved out of the way. Yang Guo led Yeluqi and the guards and walked along the road that the officials and common people made way for. Walking in front of the city gate, Yang Guo looked at the towering city gate, stomped his feet, flew onto the tower, and said loudly with all his internal strength: "The emperor and the empress are above, and I swear in the name of the grandson of Song Ningzong. From now on, everyone I, Yang Guo, belong to the land, and I will never add gifts! If I violate this oath, heaven and earth will be destroyed!" When

the people in the city heard Yang Guo's oath, they fell to the ground one after another, and shouted: "The king of Shu is a thousand years old! The king of Shu is a thousand years old! age!..."

After being busy for more than two hours, Yang Guo finished all the procedures and returned to the temporary palace in Chengdu. Yang Guo had just sat down and picked up the tea before he had time to take a sip, when he saw Manager Wang hurried into the living room, came to Yang Guo's side and said, "My lord, Lord Zhou and all the officials in Sichuan are asking to see you!" Yang Guo put down the teacup and said

: "Please come in!"

"No!" Director Wang replied and prepared to leave the living room.

"Wait a minute!" Before Mr. Wang could walk out of the living room, Yang Guo stopped Mr. Wang and said, "Mr. Wang, please help me and prepare some food and wine for me." Immediately, com thought of something, nodded with a smile and walked out of the living room. Not long after, Zhou Chaoguo led the officials into the living room, and saluted Yang Guo, "See you, King Shu

!" Master Zhou!"

"The minister is here!" Zhou Chaoguo heard Yang Guo's cry and immediately responded. Yang Guo looked at Zhou Chaoguo and said, "Master Zhou, I don't know much about the officials in Sichuan at the moment, please give me the resumes of all the officials in Sichuan within three days, I wonder if Master Zhou can finish it?!"

"My lord, it won't take three days!" Zhou Chaoguo took out a thick booklet from his sleeve, and handed it to Yang Guo respectfully with both hands: "My lord, the resumes of all officials in Sichuan have already been prepared. Please take a look, my lord!" Yang Guo raised the corner of his mouth slightly, took the booklet with a smile, and carefully flipped through the pages.

Before I knew it, the time for a meal passed. Yang Guo closed the booklet, put it aside casually, pondered for a while and said, "I will not transfer officials from Sichuan within half a year. After half a year, I will conduct an assessment. According to your abilities, I will transfer Put you in the most suitable position."