
Heat Wave

What if the only way you could interact with others was through a heavy duty suit? What if even your own family couldn’t remember your face? There is a boy who has access to connections that even business magnates would be envious of, talents that even the most monstrous geniuses would cower before, and an appearance that would make even the most gorgeous men feel inadequate bears a sad fate. He is both literally and figuratively the hottest man to ever live. Human contact is impossible, and the simple pleasures of life are almost unattainable. What follows is his personal diary, his records of his thoughts in his life.

InsanityX · Urban
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3 Chs

Shock, Sizzle, Sear

The class of 1-A at the prestigious Rougera school is as most classes are before the teacher arrives, loud, messy, and confusing. Suddenly though, the level of volume drastically lowers as people begin to ask if it is getting hotter. As the door opens, a blast of heat hits everyone in the room. The heat is the second thing the students notice though. What they notice first, as with most people, is the suit, then the size, and then the heat. I can see what they look at and react to, as they first scan the suit and widen their eyes, then they look at the top and go slack-jawed, and then they react to the heat. Well, all of that happens in the span of a few seconds though. Most people wouldn't have the time, skill, or be willing to put the effort into analysis of any level. Not like it's anything new. I walk over to the special seat that no one took notice of, as it didn't look very much like a seat, what with all the fireproofing and air redirection to keep anyone from getting heatstroke or similar conditions. On the way, however, something surprising happened. One of the students, someone who is probably one of the class bullies stands up and gets in your way. Now, insults and obnoxious people are nothing new, but I am surprised someone so much smaller than me wants to try it, not to mention the amount of heat I'm giving off. He must be a special kind of stupid.

He talks to me like I'm less than him, when the opposite couldn't be further from the truth. I'm better than him in practically every way. It sounds arrogant, but it is the truth. I'm stronger, faster, and with the things he just said, most definitely smarter. Not like it matters anyway. There's always someone I have to knock down a peg. Which is easy when all I have to do is touch him. It's a hot day. For you, it's always a hot day, but today more so than usual. You don't need to take off one of the fingers like you usually do to make a point. So you don't. All you do is move your hand near his chest. Not too close, if you did that you might melt a hole in him. I don't particularly care about what happens to this idiot, he's far too stupid for that but cleaning up that mess would be a pain, socially, politically, and physically. It's not worth it. Back to the point at hand, I get close enough to make the fabric of his shirt wrinkle, close enough to give him a very small burn, one that I hesitate to even call a burn. But it hurts. The red appearence will physically disappear pretty fast, before the teacher gets there, and the other students wouldn't notice it unless the idiot took off his shirt. Some of them might figure it out, but anyone smart or observant enough would also figure out I could have done far worse. All I did was basically put him in a hot space, and made him move. The heat didn't do much damage, but there might be a small psychological scar from the fear. They usually feel the danger when I get too close. Or their instincts do. Regardless of the cause, they should be able to instinctively feel how close the person in question was to severe damage. Moving on.

I continue to my seat. And await the questions. Once the shock passes, there will always be questions. The typical routine is the boys get over it first, then talk to me, and get bored pretty fast. I rarely have anything to talk about with them. It's always the same things. The people I do have stuff to talk about tend to be the one's who wouldn't come and talk to me. Then the girls get over it. They tend to be more scared of the suit. I suppose it is pretty intimidating if you aren't used to it. The boys usually think it's either cool or weird. Girls are better though. Not because of their appearence, or anything similar, but because they don't talk about the same boring things boys talk about with each other generally, treating me in a different manner for a variety of reasons. The reasons don't matter. The point is, you can have a talk with them without any mention of makeup, models, or sports. Gossip can be nice occasionally though. It's a decent source of information, and it can be a fun challenge to try and seperate the lord from the truth. It's honestly quite shocking how much of gossip is truth wrapped in slander.

A few seconds after I sit down, the questions start. The usual. Who am I? Why am I wearing the suit? So on and so forth. It's annoying. There's yet to be any question that wouldn't have been answered given time or observation. As annoying as ever. Then, though, something relatively surprising happens. Not completely out of the ordinary, but still surprising considering how cruel the question is. That one asked me why I didn't just stay at home. Not a rare question, but the way it was asked was surprising. They asked it not as if I was a monster and needed to be contained, but out of a genuine curiosity as to why I would go out and about when I could just stay at home and learn online in one way or another. The question didn't warrent thought, but out of respect for the way it was asked I gave them a decent reply. It's lonely. Nothing more or less. It's bad enough I can't touch anybody I don't want to hurt, but at least this way I can communicate face to face. Thankfully, this miserable state of being pestered ends as the teacher finally comes in. Right on time, neither late nor early. Like a wizard. I need to stop putting puns in this diary, no one will see them anyway. I originally thought it was a stupid idea, but I do find it rather therapeutic. Wonder what combination of my conscious mind and the physical body causes that effect. I'm off topic. The teacher being on time doesn't particularly mean much. A single event doesn't provide much data, much less an event so biased. The first day of any job provides stress to most neurotypical individuals. I'm not at that level of deduction, to see through such a little amount of data that is already distorted. They could just be on time for the first day, or it's a coincidence and they just happened to get to class right then. They might not have cared enough to be early, or they could be extremely punctual. Getting distracted again. Point is, up until about 10 minutes after they walked in, I still didn't know much about them. By the end of said ten minutes, however, you knew enough about the teacher. Not a lot, but enough. They are very by the books, but at the same time very loose. A good combination. They will allow most things, so long as they aren't in direct violation of the school's rules. Or the laws. This is probably the best kind of teacher, as they aren't so harsh the kids will hate them, and the freedom given will make the kids feel better about them. It'll also make the kids feel guiltier when they actually do get on their case. Back to the story of today, they gave the usual teacher speech. Their name is, they like, they dislike, they hope they will have a good year, so on and so forth. Nothing important there. I'm not actually sure if the teachers are required to give that kind of speech. Something to look into. Anyway, then comes the part where they make the students introduce themselves. This one I do know was required. The teachers are required to make their students do this. They told us, and explained they thought it was stupid too. Yes, I think I'm going to like this teacher a lot. Thankfully there's only one class and one teacher that I will have to deal with for the year. It's nice not having to go to a bunch of different classes and teacher and introduce yourself in each one. The students laughed at how even the teacher thought it was stupid. I thought it was funny, but not funny enough to laugh at. Not like I laugh at anything though. The students all introduced themselves, and then came my turn. I did as I was told, since it wasn't a hard task. I think I did a good job. There wasn't much else of interest for the rest of the day, aside from lunch.

Lunch is always nice. Food is one of the few pleasures I can enjoy with relative ease compared to the difficulties of everything else. I like cooking. I don't think I'm very good at it though. I had a cooking set specially made so I can cook just with my body heat. I need to be extra careful though. Hot enough to actually taste good and get cooked in my mouth, but not so hot that it just disintegrates before I even swallow. Speed and control are key. My diet is kinda annoying. As it turns out, radiating this much heat takes a lot of energy. The energy needs to come from somewhere, thus giving me a very strict set of things I need to do every day. It doesn't lock my schedule out, and I don't need to do them in any particular order, but if I don't do them I die. Simple as that. It's a good incentive. I need to sunbathe without the suit to make various vitamins and fuel. I need to eat tens of thousands of calories to maintain the heat. So on and so forth. At lunch I got to put on a nice show I think. It seemed to entertain many of the students. Thankfully though, none of them actually disturbed me. I hate it when my focus is off when I'm eating, it usually ends up with me charring my food, even if I'm not cooking it.

After that nothing eventful happened. I went home and wrote in this. Then I did the usual routine. I think this did help a little though. I feel more grounded than usual.

I'll write in this again when I have an important milestone, something interesting happens, or I feel like it.