
Heat Wave

What if the only way you could interact with others was through a heavy duty suit? What if even your own family couldn’t remember your face? There is a boy who has access to connections that even business magnates would be envious of, talents that even the most monstrous geniuses would cower before, and an appearance that would make even the most gorgeous men feel inadequate bears a sad fate. He is both literally and figuratively the hottest man to ever live. Human contact is impossible, and the simple pleasures of life are almost unattainable. What follows is his personal diary, his records of his thoughts in his life.

InsanityX · Urban
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3 Chs

Fighting idiots.

It's been about a week since my last entry. in that time, the people at school have adapted to my presence. They did so remarkably fast. It usually takes at least a month. I suspect it has something to do with some of the more social and popular kids deciding I'm an interesting person. It seems to have provided me some level of protection and acceptance. Even in school there's some level of politics I suppose. The only difference is power is your personality, interests, etc, instead of money and influence. Anyway, aside from that, nothing much has happened. My grades remain at the highest level. I have yet to encounter anyone I would consider a genuine friend yet though. Then again, is there any such thing as a genuine friend? From what I've seen, all of them are only around because I'm an oddity, they're inherently nice, or they want some level of protection from me after seeing my size and strength. Well, no matter what I can't get close with any of them. No outings or physical contact. There is one who showed a remarkably accepting and relatively innovative mindset, and they have begun using me as a free drink heater. They bring hot chocolate, tea, coffee, and similar things and have me hold them. On one memorable occasion they had me boil water for their cup noodles. While they wait for me to heat up their stuff, they talk with me. Others attempted to copy them though. I had to shut that down fast, otherwise I would never get to eat at lunch. I explained it away as a first come first serve situation, where since they came up with the idea, they are the only ones who get to profit from it. Not at all how it would work outside in the real world, but they don't need to know that.

In other news, there was another assassination attempt. They never seem to end, learn, or give up. This one killed themselves after I survived though, so it probably wasn't from the normal suspects. Such loyalty is unusual these days. Unfortunately, what they made up for in loyalty, they lacked in intelligence. This one tried to shoot me. I also suspect they tried to poison me at some point, but that has not, nor will it ever(most likely) work. Most poisons simply get burned off once I ingest them. The one's that don't, and manage to make it all the way to my furnace? They just get turned into fuel. Anyway, the bullet barely even dented the armor. The fool didn't even aim for a gap like the eyes, ears, etc. the armor is thick enough to keep my temperature in. No measly bullet will get through it. It would take at least a grenade, but considering how small the shrapnel is, it's likely to melt and simply splash against the armor after losing its shape. Other than that, not much has happened. A relatively boring week.