
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
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116 Chs

Unspoken Gratitude

Hei-ran reached the hotel reception, her heart pounding in her chest. In the distance, she spotted Eun-tae engrossed in a phone call. She hesitated, contemplating whether to wait for him to finish or simply leave her message of thanks. However, Eun-tae caught sight of her and gestured for her to approach.

As he ended the call, she couldn't help but overhear snatches of the English conversation he'd been having, confirming her suspicion that it was related to IAPC. Eun-tae turned to her with a warm smile.

"Hei-ran, I just got off the phone with IAPC. Mr. Heinrich has arranged a special treat for us."

"What kind of treat?" Intrigued, Hei-ran leaned in.

"We've been invited to Therme Erding for dinner and a spa evening. They've even booked a private lounge for us," Eun-tae's eyes sparkled.

"That sounds amazing," Hei-ran was taken aback by the generosity of the offer.

"Yes, it's a wonderful gesture from IAPC. I'll text the others about it later," Eun-tae nodded.

"Eun-tae, I wanted to thank you. For last night," before he could leave, Hei-ran mustered her courage.

"Last night? Carrying you back to the hotel? It wasn't a big deal, Hei-ran," Eun-tae looked puzzled for a moment.

"No, not that. I meant for… for helping me when I wasn't feeling well," she bit her lip, realizing that she needed to clarify.

"Oh, that. You're welcome, Hei-ran. I'm glad I could be of help," understanding dawned on Eun-tae's face, and his expression softened.

"Thank you, Eun-tae. For passing me the painkillers and helping me with my report," Hei-ran felt her cheeks flush.

"Report? No, I don't think I did such things," Eun-tae's brow curled slightly as if it were questioning.

Hei-ran began to explain further feeling like Eun-tae was missing what she wanted to convey. However, as she began to explain further, she noticed the bewilderment in his eyes. It struck her that she might have completely misunderstood the situation. With a faltering heart, she decided to let it go.

"Actually, never mind. Let's just forget it. Have a good day, Eun-tae."

"You too, Hei-ran. See you later," Eun-tae, still slightly confused, nodded.

As they parted ways, Hei-ran couldn't help but wonder about the complexities of unspoken gratitude and the mysteries of the heart.

Hei-ran retreated to her hotel room, her thoughts in turmoil. She sat on the edge of the bed, replaying the events of the past twenty-four hours in her mind. Her feelings for Eun-tae, which had seemed so real and consuming, now crumbled under the weight of uncertainty.

Last night, she had dreamed of being Eun-tae's wife, of a life together filled with happiness and love. It had felt so vivid, so palpable as if it were reality. But now, in the stark light of day, that dream had lost its lustre. She realized it was just a figment of her imagination, a fleeting fantasy.

Hei-ran began to question herself. What was real and what was not? Did she genuinely have feelings for Eun-tae, or was it merely a product of her vulnerability and the circumstances they found themselves in? She couldn't deny that Eun-tae's kindness had warmed her heart, but she also couldn't ignore the fact that he was engaged.

She sighed deeply, burying her face in her hands. It was foolish of her to let her emotions run wild like this. She didn't want to be the kind of woman who harboured feelings for someone who was already committed. She needed to regain control of her emotions and put this brief infatuation behind her.

Just as Hei-ran was trying to put her contemplations aside and move on with the day, there was a knock on her hotel room door. She checked the peephole and saw that it was Ji-eun. They had greeted each other earlier in the morning, so what is her reason now to meet here

"Come in," Hei-ran called out, as she swung open the door to reveal Ji-eun with a determined look on her face.

"Morning again!" Ji-eun chirped without missing a beat. "Guess what? We have some swimsuit shopping to do."

"Swimsuit shopping? You mean for this evening?" Hei-ran raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

"Eh? So you had heard about it. Eun-tae just messaged everyone about the spa evening later today at Therme Erding. I didn't even bring any and I need a swimsuit for this special event!" Ji-eun flashed her phone with a text message from Eun-tae on it, and the group chat was displayed on the screen.

"I see. So, you need a new swimsuit. But why do you need me for that?" Hei-ran nodded in understanding.

"Because I need another woman's opinion on it, and I need someone to help me with all the German descriptions and sizes. Plus, it'll be a fun girls' outing!" Ji-eun grinned mischievously.

"Alright, I suppose a little shopping won't hurt. Let's go find you the perfect swimsuit," Hei-ran couldn't help but smile at Ji-eun's enthusiasm.

Ji-eun led Hei-ran to a nearby department store, which had a decent selection of swimsuits. Racks upon racks of colourful, elegant swimwear greeted them as they entered. The scent of chlorine wafted from a nearby swimming gear section, and Hei-ran couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of excitement.

"Okay, Hei-ran, here's the deal. We're going to find you a swimsuit, even if you don't think you'll enjoy the spa," Ji-eun immediately dove into the racks, her eyes scanning for the perfect swimsuit.

"I appreciate the sentiment, Ji-eun, but I really don't feel like diving myself in the water," Hei-ran was hesitant.

"Come on, Hei-ran, you have to consider the benefits. Spas are relaxing, great for your skin, and they can relieve stress. Besides, there's always a chance you might change your mind and have a good time," Ji-eun wasn't easily deterred.

"Alright, alright, you've convinced me. I'll get one just in case," as Ji-eun enthusiastically hunted for swimsuits, Hei-ran couldn't help but be drawn into her energy.

"That's the spirit!" Ji-eun beamed.

As they started browsing through the swimsuits, Hei-ran couldn't help but wonder about Ji-eun's sudden excitement. She decided to satisfy her curiosity.

"So, Ji-eun, are you trying to impress someone with your new swimsuit?"

"Maybe," Ji-eun's cheeks turned slightly pink, and she grinned sheepishly.

"You can't keep secrets from me, Ji-eun. Who's the lucky person?" Hei-ran arched an eyebrow playfully.

"Well, I am trying to impress someone, but my lips are sealed on who that might be," Ji-eun chuckled.

Hei-ran didn't need to press further. She'd had a conversation with Dae-hyun where he'd let slip the information that Ji-eun and Seo-jin were a couple. It seemed that Ji-eun's mystery crush was no longer much of a mystery. But for now, she decided to keep that knowledge to herself.

After purchasing their swimsuits, Ji-eun and Hei-ran ventured out for a light lunch and some sightseeing in the beautiful city of Munich. They enjoyed a leisurely meal at a charming café, savouring delicious local dishes and chatting animatedly about their day.

As they explored Munich's historic streets, the two women couldn't help but marvel at the architecture, the quaint shops, and the vibrant atmosphere of the city. They took pictures, shopped for souvenirs, and shared laughter as they strolled.

When it was time to return to the hotel, they found Eun-tae, Dae-hyun, and Seo-jin waiting in the lobby, chatting amongst themselves. The moment Ji-eun and Hei-ran entered, their expressions brightened, and they greeted the women warmly.

"Look who's back!" Eun-tae exclaimed, flashing a warm smile at Hei-ran.

"Did you find some fantastic swimsuits?" Dae-hyun nodded in agreement.

"Oh, we did! You'll see them soon enough," Ji-eun and Hei-ran exchanged amused glances before Ji-eun answered.

Just as their conversation was wrapping up, the sleek black car they'd been waiting for pulled up in front of the hotel entrance, and Ming-jun, their ever-reliable driver and guide, stepped out to greet them.

"Good afternoon, everyone!" Min-jun's friendly greeting echoed through the lobby. "I hope you're all ready for a relaxing evening at Therme Erding."

Hei-ran and Ji-eun, having quickly changed into more comfortable attire for the evening, shared eager glances. They couldn't help but feel the excitement building within them. After days of hard work and exploration, this was their well-deserved reward.

As Min-jun expertly navigated the bustling streets of Munich, the atmosphere inside the car was filled with animated chatter. They talked about the highlights of their trip, the beauty of Munich, and the art they'd encountered. There was an undeniable sense of camaraderie among the team members, a shared bond that had grown stronger throughout their journey.

Approaching Therme Erding, the building's grand facade came into view, its warm lights beckoning them like a beacon of relaxation. The anticipation was palpable, and the entire team was ready to immerse themselves in the luxurious experience awaiting them. It was a perfect way to cap off their time in Germany, a well-deserved treat for their hard work and dedication.

As they stepped out of the car and into the welcoming embrace of Therme Erding, they were filled with gratitude for the moments they'd shared and the memories they'd created. This was more than just a spa evening; it was a celebration of their accomplishments and the strong bonds they'd formed as a team.

Sorry everyone, it's already late here and I don't think I have much time to say anything so this will be what I say today.

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