
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
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116 Chs

An Evening of Choices

Min-jun, their ever-smiling guide in Germany, stood before the team, excitement dancing in his eyes.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he began. "Tonight is your night to unwind and enjoy as you please. Therme Erding offers a wealth of options for relaxation and entertainment. From thermal baths to saunas, pools, and more, the choice is yours."

The team members exchanged anticipatory glances. This was their opportunity to indulge in the various amenities offered by Therme Erding, a renowned wellness haven.

"You have time to explore and enjoy the facilities before dinner. Feel free to indulge in the baths, saunas, or any other activity that catches your interest. Mr. Heinrich's team will meet you here for dinner later," Min-jun assured them.

As they entered Therme Erding, a world of relaxation and rejuvenation unfolded before them. The grandeur of the establishment was awe-inspiring. The spacious and elegantly designed interior exuded a sense of tranquillity. Plush lounges, warm lighting, and serene music welcomed them into a realm of pure bliss.

Their private lounge was a sanctuary of comfort and luxury. It boasted a cosy seating area with soft, cushioned chairs arranged around low tables. A well-appointed bar stood in one corner, promising refreshing beverages. The room featured large windows that offered views of the beautifully landscaped gardens outside.

Eun-tae and his team settled into the lounge, each member finding their preferred spot. It was a moment to unwind, to soak in the ambience, and to reflect on their journey together. Their camaraderie was evident as they shared smiles and laughter, the strains of work momentarily forgotten.

The lounge was filled with nights of anticipation as they looked forward to the evening's festivities. This was a well-deserved treat for their dedication and hard work. The prospect of a private dinner with Mr. Heinrich and his team added an extra layer of excitement to the night.

"Alright, everyone, we have this incredible place at our disposal for the evening. Let's make the most of it. What's everyone in the mood for?" Right before the team settled into their private lounge at Therme Erding, Eun-tae spoke up, rallying their spirits.

"I'm thinking of hitting up the thermal baths. They're famous here," Dae-hyun, always the adventurous one, grinned.

"Me too! I heard there's a wide variety of pools, and each has its unique charm," Ji-eun, excited by the prospect, chimed in. But then, something struck her. "But maybe I'll just stick to saunas and spas. After all, we didn't have all day to be here."

"Yes, yes, any facilities are good," Seo-jin nodded, his English proficiency limited, but he echoed Ji-eun's enthusiasm.

"Hei-ran, what about you? What would you like to do?" Eun-tae turned to Hei-ran, who had been quietly taking in the surroundings.

"I think I'll explore the saunas and maybe treat myself to a spa or a massage. I'd like to experience the relaxation this place offers," Hei-ran considered her options. Like Ji-eun, she knew that some activities could be time-consuming.

"I'll join you, Hei-ran. Saunas and some spa time sound perfect for me too," Dae-hyun, sensing that Ji-eun and Seo-jin might be a little uncertain in such a vast place where language could be a barrier, offered a solution. Still, he didn't want to be a third-wheeler.

"Seo-jin and I will stick together and maybe follow you guys around. We're not very confident with our English, so having some guidance would be great," Ji-eun explained. She and Seo-jin, a couple who wanted to enjoy their time together, were relieved to find a solution to enjoy the place better.

"That sounds like a plan. Let's enjoy ourselves, and we'll meet back here later for dinner with Mr. Heinrich's team. Min-jun said this place is enormous, so stay safe, everyone," Eun-tae smiled, appreciating their flexibility as a team.

With their plans and pairings in mind, they all set off to explore Therme Erding, eager to make the most of their evening of relaxation and camaraderie.

Ji-eun and Hei-ran made their way to the lounge designated for women. It was a cosy and well-appointed area, complete with changing rooms and lockers. As they entered, they couldn't help but admire the tasteful decorations that conveyed a sense of tranquillity.

Excitement bubbling, Ji-eun couldn't wait to make full use of her swimsuit. She had chosen a vibrant red one-piece with a plunging neckline and a playful ruffle along the hip. It was a daring choice that matched her lively personality.

Hei-ran, on the other hand, had selected a classic yet elegant black bikini. The top offered enough coverage to provide comfort and confidence, while the bottom featured a high waist with a fashionable wrap of cloth that added a touch of modesty. It was a choice that reflected her reserved nature.

As they began to change, they couldn't help but exchange playful banter. Ji-eun teased Hei-ran.

"Wow, Hei-ran, I never took you for a bikini girl. You're going to turn heads in that black number!"

"Well, Ji-eun, it's not all about turning heads, you know. I wanted something classic and comfortable," Hei-ran chuckled, her voice tinged with amusement.

"Classic, comfortable, and chic, I'd say. But you know, Hei-ran, we're in a spa. It's all about relaxation and enjoying ourselves. Let's make the most of it!" Ji-eun grinned and winked, slipping into her swimsuit.

With their swimsuits on and spirits high, they locked their belongings in the provided lockers and headed out to explore the wonders of Therme Erding.

As Ji-eun and Hei-ran approached Dae-hyun and Seo-jin, the latter two couldn't help but admire the women in their swimsuits. Dae-hyun let out a playful whistle, earning an amused chuckle from Hei-ran.

Ji-eun, her cheeks tinged with a blush, walked up to Seo-jin, her swimsuit leaving little to the imagination. She asked.

"How do I look in this? Is it too much?"

Seo-jin, slightly taken aback by Ji-eun's bold choice, stammered out a compliment.

"You...uh, look great, Ji-eun. It suits you," he then chuckled, feeling a bit self-conscious himself in his swimming trunks.

Meanwhile, Dae-hyun and Hei-ran stood a little apart, watching the exchange between Ji-eun and Seo-jin. Hei-ran decided to break the silence, her voice a touch teasing.

"So, Dae-hyun, what exactly are we here for?"

"Well, I thought we could give them some space, you know? It was their first trip as a couple, and I didn't want to intrude. Besides, it might be a little awkward for them. So, I asked you to join, and it could look like a double date," Dae-hyun, his gaze never leaving Ji-eun and Seo-jin, replied. "Also, how's your headache? Hopefully, it won't interfere with the fun."

At the mention of a double date, Hei-ran blushed, her mind instantly jumping to the mistaken identity from last night. Dae-hyun's question about her well-being only added to her embarrassment. She cleared her throat and replied.

"No, I'm feeling much better today, thank you."

Dae-hyun nodded, seemingly satisfied with her response, and the two pairs decided to head off and enjoy the various attractions Therme Erding had to offer, their day of relaxation and camaraderie unfolding before them.

As they strolled along, Dae-hyun and Hei-ran found themselves following the lead of Seo-jin and Ji-eun, even though the initial plan had been for the opposite. It appeared that the couple was quite eager to explore, and their enthusiasm was infectious.

Amid the laughter and chatter of their companions, Hei-ran couldn't help but contemplate the strange turn of events. Suspicion had begun to brew in her mind—what if Dae-hyun was the man who had come to her aid last night? Her thoughts raced as she mentally connected the dots: he knew the laptop's password, he had access to her room's key, and he had unlocked her door.

She felt a pressing urge to ask him, but every time she opened her mouth to voice her question, it was replaced by another query. So, she turned to Dae-hyun and inquired.

"Do you know where Eun-tae is? Why isn't he joining us if we all seemed together like this?"

Dae-hyun glanced around, his eyes searching for their leader among the throng of people.

"I'm not entirely sure," he admitted. "When we were changing earlier, he seemed quite interested in trying out the massage, so he might be headed there."

Hei-ran's curiosity was piqued when she heard about Eun-tae's interest in getting a massage. She hadn't imagined him as someone who enjoyed such indulgences, given his professional demeanour. So, she decided to ask Dae-hyun, thinking that he might have more insights into Eun-tae's preferences.

"Does Eun-tae often go for massages?" Hei-ran inquired, genuinely surprised by this revelation.

"Not particularly. He's usually quite focused and professional. But perhaps he felt the need to unwind a bit, given the intense work we've been doing. Sometimes, even the most composed individuals need a break," Dae-hyun considered for a moment before replying,

Hei-ran nodded, satisfied with the answer but unable to completely shake her nagging doubts. She couldn't help but wonder about the mystery man from last night, the one who had come to her aid in her moment of vulnerability.


Time for some more 'would you rather'

Would you rather have the ability to change your appearance at will, but people's memories of you also change accordingly, or be completely transparent, unable to hide anything from anyone?

Aki_Kurecreators' thoughts