
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
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116 Chs

Brushes and Blossoms

The day of their much-anticipated date arrived, bathed in the soft morning light that streamed through the mansion's windows. A-ri had awakened early, her heart aflutter with a blend of excitement and nervousness. She decided to seize the moment, to create a perfect start to their day together. With practised grace, she moved around the cosy kitchen, orchestrating a culinary symphony.

The scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the tantalizing aroma of bacon and eggs sizzling in the pan. A-ri's movements were fluid and precise, a testament to her artistry not just with a paintbrush but in the kitchen as well. She had prepared a delectable breakfast spread: sandwiches with layers of flavorful fillings, plump berries glistening with morning dew, and a thermos of fragrant coffee to chase away the remnants of sleep.

A-ri couldn't help but smile to herself as she worked. The kitchen, bathed in the soft glow of the morning sun, felt like the starting point of a new chapter in her life. She envisioned the day ahead, a canvas yet to be painted, where each moment would be a stroke of colour, each shared laughter a vibrant hue.

As if summoned by the aroma of her breakfast, Eun-tae appeared in the doorway, dressed impeccably for their day out. A-ri's heart did a little dance at the sight of him, the combination of his charming smile and impeccable style sending a flutter through her chest.

His appreciative words were a balm to her soul.

"You've outdone yourself," he remarked, his voice filled with admiration.

A-ri's cheeks warmed with a blush.

"I wanted our day to start on a good note," she confessed, her gaze flitting between him and the breakfast she'd prepared.

"Don't worry about that; I'll take care of it. Besides, today is all about us, not just the art," Eun-tae's chuckle was a melodic sound, reassuring and affectionate.

The air seemed to shimmer with shared anticipation as they exchanged a knowing smile. The day stretched ahead of them, promising adventure, connection, and the possibility of something beautiful blossoming between them. Together, they set out on their date, eager to explore not only the art exhibit but the uncharted landscape of their feelings.

As the morning sun cast a warm, golden hue over the city, Eun-tae and A-ri readied themselves for their much-anticipated day out. They exchanged glances filled with shared excitement and the unspoken acknowledgement that this was a day they had both been looking forward to.

A-ri donned a simple yet elegant outfit, carefully chosen for the occasion. Her flowing dress seemed to shimmer with every step, and her hair cascaded around her shoulders like a dark, silken waterfall. Eun-tae, too, had dressed smartly, his attire exuding confidence and sophistication.

The basket she had prepared earlier hung from her arm, filled with the breakfast she had lovingly crafted. It swung gently as they walked side by side, their steps light with anticipation. The art exhibit awaited, promising a day of discovery and shared experiences.

As they approached the bustling ticket booth, A-ri couldn't help but notice the long line of people patiently waiting for their turn. The chatter and excitement in the air added to the anticipation of the event. It was a stark contrast to the quick pace at which she and Eun-tae had been moving through the morning.

When Eun-tae took her hand and veered away from the line, A-ri felt a mixture of surprise and self-consciousness. Her grip on the basket handle tightened as her steps quickened to keep up with Eun-tae's confident stride. She glanced at the people in the line, some of whom cast curious or envious looks in their direction.

A-ri couldn't help but feel a tinge of shame, as if she were cutting in line, an action she had always associated with rudeness. She was the kind of person who preferred to patiently wait her turn and follow the rules. Yet here she was, whisked away by Eun-tae to a VIP section, bypassing the orderly queue.

"Excuse me, sir. I need to see your ticket," the ticket handler, a young woman with a stern expression, stopped them.

Eun-tae's response was smooth and unruffled. From one of the many pockets of his stylish jacket, he produced a sleek, black card and presented it to the handler. A-ri couldn't help but notice the distressed look on the young woman's face as she examined the card.

"The art exhibit is under the InnoArtTech company, which I happen to be the CEO of. I have direct authority to enter and leave as I please," Eun-tae leaned in and spoke with a hint of amusement, his voice low.

The handler's expression shifted from apprehension to a mixture of awe and embarrassment. She nodded quickly, allowing them to pass without further delay.

As they walked through the entrance, A-ri couldn't help but glance at Eun-tae with newfound appreciation. His resourcefulness and confidence were captivating, and she felt fortunate to be by his side.

"So, that's what you meant by taking care of the tickets," A-ri mused, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

"I figured we deserved the VIP treatment today," Eun-tae chuckled softly, their fingers still entwined.

The art exhibit lay before them, a world of creativity and expression waiting to be explored. Together, they ventured into the realm of art, their hearts open to the beauty and inspiration that surrounded them.

Amidst the vibrant canvas of art, Eun-tae and A-ri wandered, their eyes drinking in the diverse expressions of creativity. It was a world they both cherished, a place where words often failed, and emotions found a voice through colours and strokes.

A-ri paused before a particularly striking piece, her gaze fixed on the intricate details and the vivid emotions it conveyed. The artist's ability to capture a moment in time left her in awe.

"A-ri, which art school did you attend?" Eun-tae joined her side, his eyes reflecting the same appreciation for the artwork. He turned to her with a curious smile.

A-ri hesitated for a moment, her fingers lightly grazing the frame of the painting.

"Actually, I never had the chance to go to art school," she confessed, a hint of embarrassment in her voice. "I've learned from experience and, well, watching other artists for inspiration."

She felt a pang of self-consciousness, aware that in the competitive world of art, not having a formal education could sometimes be a mark against her. The art world often held a certain reverence for those who had been trained in prestigious institutions.

Eun-tae's response, however, was reassuring. He turned toward her, his eyes warm with understanding.

"A-ri, there are many renowned artists who never went to art school," he said, his voice gentle and encouraging. "Take Yayoi Kusama, for example, or Banksy. Their talent and vision transcended the need for formal education. Your art is unique, and it speaks to people. That's what matters."

A-ri couldn't help but smile at Eun-tae's supportive words. In that moment, surrounded by art and the man who had come to mean so much to her, she felt a renewed sense of confidence in her own creative journey. She leaned in closer to him, their shoulders brushing as they continued to explore the gallery together.

As they stood in the art exhibit, A-ri turned to Eun-tae, a curious expression on her face.

"Eun-tae, can I ask you something?" she inquired.

"Sure, what is it?" He nodded his attention fully on her.

"What is it about art that you love?" A-ri asked, her gaze sincere. "Is it because of your work at InnoArtTech, or is there something deeper that draws you to it?"

The question struck Eun-tae with unexpected depth. He had never really contemplated his connection to art before, and it made him pause and reflect. His response delved into the essence of what art meant to him, as he tried to put into words the emotions and thoughts that had been stirred by her inquiry.

He glanced around at the artwork, each piece holding a world of emotions and stories within its frame. For a moment, he let himself be immersed in the colours, shapes, and expressions. Then, he turned back to A-ri, his eyes searching for an answer.

"You know, I never really thought about why art matters to me," Eun-tae admitted, his tone thoughtful. "I mean, I work for an art-based company, but that's not the only reason. Art has a way of transcending words and logic. It can touch your heart, make you feel something deeply without explanation."

He paused, his gaze returning to the art surrounding them.

"I think that's what I love about it. In a world where everything is so structured and predictable, art has the ability to be wild and unpredictable. It challenges our perspectives and emotions. It reminds us that there's more to life than what meets the eye."

As he spoke, Eun-tae realized that art had become a sanctuary for him. It was a realm where he could escape from the rigid demands of his business world and allow himself to feel and experience life in its purest, most unfiltered form. Art was his connection to the beauty and chaos of the human experience, and that, he realized, was why it mattered to him.

A-ri listened intently, her eyes fixed on him. In her presence, Eun-tae found himself delving into thoughts and feelings he had never explored before. It was a journey of self-discovery that art had initiated, and he was grateful for it.

Oh hey, I know I have been quiet the last two days. but I'm just right here. Forgot to say anything here because I scheduled every 10 chapter in a batch so when it the next ten, I just forgot to add the author's thought

Aki_Kurecreators' thoughts