
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
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116 Chs

A Glimpse of Morning

The days passed in a gentle rhythm for Eun-tae and A-ri, their contract marriage evolving into something that felt more real with each passing moment. Since the enigmatic water issue in Eun-tae's private room remained unresolved, he found himself returning to the mansion frequently. Their evenings became a routine of shared dinners, where conversation flowed as easily as the delicious meals A-ri prepared.

While lunchtimes were often occupied by Eun-tae's work, and breakfast was a rushed affair, they found a way to bridge the gaps. A-ri, motivated by a newfound sense of closeness, woke up earlier each morning to prepare breakfast for Eun-tae. She meticulously packed his meal, ensuring he had something homemade to start his day with, even when she couldn't be there to share it with him.

Their nights had taken an interesting turn. Although they still maintained a pillow barrier between them, the intimacy between them was growing. The most daring thing they had done was holding hands, a simple yet meaningful gesture that spoke volumes about the unspoken connection between them.

That one particular night, after dinner with Eun-tae's parents, he surprised her by gently planting a kiss on her hand. It was a fleeting touch, but it left a trail of warmth in its wake. A-ri's heart raced, and she couldn't help but wonder where these small, tender moments might lead them.

As they navigated the uncharted territory of their evolving relationship, Eun-tae and A-ri found comfort in the subtle shifts in their connection. They were no longer just bound by a contract; they were becoming partners in a life they were crafting together.

And so, in the soft evening glow, A-ri shared these developments with her friend Na-yeon over the phone. Na-yeon listened intently, and when A-ri finished, her friend erupted into laughter.

"Seriously, A-ri? You're narrating your love story over the phone?" Na-yeon teased.

"It's not a love story, Na-yeon. It's just... things are changing," A-ri blushed, feeling a bit self-conscious.

"Well, it sounds like someone is bragging about her new life, my dear. But hey, I'm happy for you. Just promise me you won't have your first kiss over the phone!" Na-yeon continued to chuckle.

"Jeez, Na-yeon. I'm not that shameless," A-ri joined in the laughter, grateful for her friend's lightheartedness. "Don't worry, Na-yeon. If anything happens, you'll be the first to know."

"Actually, A-ri, I'd love to meet your husband... Boyfriend? Whichever words you decided to call him, sometimes. He sounds like an intriguing character in your story," Na-yeon's tone turned more serious.

"Sure, Na-yeon. I'd like that too. I think you'd get along well," A-ri considered it, her heart feeling warm at the thought of her friend meeting the man who was slowly becoming an essential part of her life.

As their conversation continued, A-ri couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and anticipation. Life was taking unexpected turns, and she was ready to embrace whatever came her way.

"Oh, and I almost forgot the reason I called! Eun-tae and I are going on a date this Saturday," A-ri's voice filled with excitement as she shared her plans with Na-yeon.

"A date? That sounds wonderful! What are you two planning to do?" Na-yeon's interest piqued.

"Well," A-ri began. "We thought of making it a day-long event, something more active and fun. But I realized I'm not that well-versed in planning dates, so I wanted to ask you for some ideas."

"Of course, A-ri! I've got you covered. What kind of date are you looking for? Something romantic, adventurous, or maybe a mix of both?" Na-yeon, who worked as a web journalist covering lifestyle and entertainment, was the perfect person to turn to for suggestions.

"I think a mix would be great. We've had our share of dinners, so it's time to try something different," A-ri thought for a moment.

"Okay, how about starting the day with a visit to the local art gallery? You're an artist, after all, and it could be a nice way to share your passion with him," Na-yeon was already brainstorming.

"That's perfect, Na-yeon. I'll take him to the gallery in the morning. What about lunch?" A-ri loved the idea.

"For lunch, you could explore a charming little cafe nearby. The kind with a cosy atmosphere and delicious pastries. Then, in the afternoon, why not go for a scenic hike? There's a beautiful trail not too far from the city. It's a bit adventurous and offers breathtaking views," Na-yeon continued with enthusiasm.

A-ri listened intently to Na-yeon's suggestions, the prospect of a hiking adventure giving her pause.

"Hiking?" she echoed, her tone uncertain. "I'm not so sure about that. I'm not really the outdoorsy type."

"Come on, A-ri, it could be really fun! Just Google some images of the trail; you'll be amazed by what you see. Plus, it's a great way to experience something different together," Na-yeon sensed A-ri's hesitation and decided to employ some persuasive tactics.

"Alright, fine. I'll look it up and see how it looks. If it's not too intense, I'm in," A-ri considered her friend's words and reluctantly agreed.

"Trust me, you won't regret it. It's going to be an unforgettable date!" Na-yeon couldn't hide her excitement. "Oh, and Dinner should be a delightful surprise. How about a restaurant with live music? You can enjoy a nice meal while listening to some tunes. It's a bit romantic but also entertaining,"

"That sounds amazing, Na-yeon. Thank you so much for your help. I'll make sure to plan a memorable date," A-ri was grateful for Na-yeon's suggestions.

"I have no doubt it will be memorable, A-ri. Just remember to relax and enjoy yourselves. And if you need any more advice, you know where to find me," Na-yeon chuckled.

A-ri smiled, feeling a sense of anticipation for the upcoming Saturday. With her friend's guidance, she was determined to make it a special day for both her and Eun-tae.

Eun-tae sat in his office, his fingers tapping absently on the polished desk as he pretended to be engrossed in a stack of documents. In reality, his mind was drifting to the upcoming Saturday. He couldn't help but think about the date he and A-ri had planned.

The idea of spending the day with A-ri, and exploring new experiences together, brought a smile to his face. It was a far cry from their initial arrangement, and he found himself looking forward to it with genuine excitement.

As he was lost in his thoughts, Ji-hoon, his uncle and mentor, walked into his office. Ji-hoon had a knack for catching Eun-tae at the most unexpected moments.

"My boy, you seem distracted today," Ji-hoon remarked with a knowing smile as he took a seat across from his nephew. "What's on your mind?"

"Oh, it's nothing, Uncle. Just some work-related matters," Eun-tae tried to appear nonchalant but knew his uncle could read him like a book.

"Work, huh? You're usually more focused than this. Are you sure it's not something else?" Ji-hoon raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced.

"Well, there is something I'm looking forward to this Saturday," Eun-tae hesitated for a moment, then decided to share a bit.

"Oh? Do tell," his uncle leaned forward, intrigued.

"I'm going on a date with A-ri," Eun-tae felt a flush of embarrassment but couldn't help himself from sharing.

"A date? That's quite the development, Eun-tae. How did that come about?" Ji-hoon's eyes twinkled with amusement.

Eun-tae recounted the story, starting from their initial agreement to the evolving connection they had developed. Ji-hoon listened attentively, nodding from time to time.

"It sounds like you're genuinely excited about this," Ji-hoon noted, a hint of approval in his voice.

"I am. It's just... different, you know? Spending time with her outside of our usual routine," Eun-tae admitted.

"Different is good, Eun-tae. It keeps life interesting. Just remember to be yourself and enjoy the day together. And if you ever need advice on dating, you know where to find me," his uncle grinned.

Eun-tae chuckled, grateful for his uncle's support and understanding. As he returned to his work, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the upcoming Saturday, when he and A-ri would embark on a new chapter in their evolving relationship.

"Dating advice from you, Uncle? No offence, but you've been single for as long as I can remember. I'm not sure you're the best source," Eun-tae couldn't help but scoff at his uncle's comment.

"Fair point, Eun-tae. Maybe my experiences—or lack thereof—aren't the most reliable for dating advice. But remember, sometimes it's good to have someone who can provide a different perspective, even if it's just to offer a listening ear," Ji-hoon chuckled at his nephew's response.

"You're right, Uncle Ji-hoon. Thanks for being there, even if it's just as a sounding board," Eun-tae nodded, acknowledging the wisdom in his uncle's words.

"Anytime, Eun-tae. Just remember, relationships can be as unpredictable as life itself. Sometimes, it's the unexpected moments that make them worthwhile," Ji-hoon patted Eun-tae on the shoulder.

With that, Ji-hoon left Eun-tae to his work, leaving him to contemplate the whirlwind of changes that had entered his life in the form of a contract marriage that had evolved into something much more profound.