
Hearts Can Tell

Dawn loses her capacity to recognize faces as a result of a traumatic event when she was a child. She can only recognize someone by touching them. Sabrina, a regular music instructor, brushed a hand against Dawn's accidently. She quickly apologized for bumping into her and was ready to walk away when Dawn grabbed her wrist and pulled her in for a hug. Sabrina then wondered to herself, "who is this woman, and why is she hugging me?"

perksofbeingobey · LGBT+
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12 Chs

Sabrina's music school

"Why are you just standing there, Sabrina?" She turned around, only to see her cousin, Margaret, holding a small, brown-furred puppy named Boot.

"Ah, just—just, I met someone a little weird. Nothing to worry about," Sabrina replied, linking her arm to Margaret's and caressing Boot's head with her free hand.

"Okay," Margaret said simply. "Your father has just now contacted me and asked about you."

Sabrina simply bobbed her head, as she was uncomfortable discussing her father. Margaret instantly noticed this and said, "Sorry, I just thought you should know," she apologized.

"No, it's fine," Sabrina responded with a little smile, "it's just that he always pretends to care about me like that, when, in reality, he doesn't give a fuck about what I do."

"I understand," Margaret responded.

"If this Music School fails, I am very sure he will tell me all sorts of stuff and push me to run that messed up company of his," Sabrina smiled, rather bitterly. "He just doesn't get it whenever I say that running that company is not something that interests me," she went on to say.

"You know, Sabrina, I am proud of you for not caring and doing what you want," Margaret said sincerely, smiling.

"Why don't you do what you want and stop supporting me? I'm not a kid who needs a babysitter, anyway."

"Your dad will probably fire my ass if I do that," Margaret said, shaking her head.

"And why is that? You work for me, not him," Sabrina responded.

"But... he was the one who fed and sheltered me, and I can't go against his instructions."

"I'll talk to him, okay?" Sabrina muttered. "I feel very bad having you tailing me around all the time. It's as if you don't have a life to live."

"It's not boring coming with you anyway," Margaret responded, an uncertain smile on her face.

"I'm not sure if you're mocking me or not," Sabrina said, laughing, "but if you could do something else, what would you do?"

"Well, I want to try anything that comes to mind."

"What kind of plan is that?" Sabrina asked, dismayed.

"Who told you it was a plan? When did I ever plan for anything?" Margaret questioned, laughing.

"Yeah, of course, I almost forgot you were free-spirited," Sabrina said, pulling a copy of her speech from the book and reading it again.

"You'll do great, Sabrina."

Dawn entered a coffee shop, which was operated by one of her friends. There aren't many people around today, so she can easily spot Zera, who is wearing a sweatshirt, sunglasses, and a facemask to hide herself.

"Dawn!" exclaimed Zera, waving her hand in the air. And as Dawn approached, she extended her hand in the proper manner.

Dawn, of course, did not hesitate to accept it, greeting and murmuring with a subtle smile, "Zera Blair."

"Where have you been? You've been walking for so long," Zera asked as they sat down together.

Dawn remembered what had happened earlier, including the awkward hug with someone who didn't recognize her.

"Are you with me, Dawn Windrow?"

"Oh, I... just spaced out a bit," Dawn said timidly, gulping.

"Are you sure you can work today?" Zera inquired, concerned.

"Of course, I've already finished two chapters; I'll have you check it later," Dawn remarked before pulling out her laptop and promptly starting it.

"Do you think she'll accept it?" Zera asked as she watched Dawn set up her laptop.

"This book?" Dawn inquired before turning to face Zera, who appeared to be worried about having her book published, given that it was also a confession book for her long-time best friend.

"Yes, I'm just wondering what will happen to us when I'm rejected." Zera sighed, adding, "I might lose her as a friend as well."

"I don't think that's going to happen." "Do you think anyone in this world will reject Zera Blair?" Dawn smirked, "Well, maybe except for me, because I surely will."

"You're so cruel, Dawn."

"I'm saying don't give up! We have to keep this book going because I need the money," Dawn stated honestly.

Zera shook her head in disbelief, later asking, "What do you need money for anyway?"

"Iris will be creating a painting for a new gallery, and it will be her first painting to be released publicly, so I am preparing to give her a gift," Dawn stated as she typed the introduction to the following chapter.

"What gift?" Zera inquired, curious.

Dawn hummed and replied, "A personal art studio," before casting a quick peek towards Zera.

"Art studio?"

"Yes," Dawn smiled, "I feel bad for her because every time I go into her room, it's just... very messy. I don't know how she sleeps with all this stuff around her."

For a brief moment, Zera pondered, eventually leading her to this idea. "I can just get her one," she said, "as a gift to both of you."

"No, Zera. I want to work hard for it, and you've already helped us a lot, so that's enough."

The opening of Ensemble Music Instruction Academy was a success, which is not surprising given Sabrina Sarratt's background. One might mistake her for a flawless woman if she isn't extremely stubborn and haughty at times.

"That's amazing! Your speech was impressive!" Margaret said, clapping her hands with Boot still in her arms.

"When did I ever fail?" Sabrina smirked, stroking Boot's head, "I did good, Boot, right?"

"A lot of guys would chase you if you weren't so egotistical," Margaret muttered. "You're twenty-seven years old, are you already planning to marry?"

"You're twenty-seven, too; have you considered marriage?" Sabrina remarked cynically. "Of course not," she exhaled, "it's been four years since you last dated."

Margaret was stunned for a few seconds before saying, "It's because... fine, I lost."

Sabrina could only shake her head while Margaret sulked, trying to think of a better retort. But then they heard false coughing behind them.

Margaret murmured, "Sabrina," when she realized who it was.