

Elisabeth a Young History teacher at a prestigious high school in Athenas and in love with her fiance Cristhian. And when he was 27 years old, he received a proposal to work at a university, everything was fine when suddenly he saw his life turned upside down, with the betrayal of his fiancé, but the destiny changes overnight. Luiz Carlos is a 32-year-old professor and Dr. In stories and teaches at the advanced level of the university of Athenas Greece, and sees his life turn inside out with the arrival of the young professor because she is very confused, something else that calls her attention on young woman girl. I invite you to embark on this story that will be crazy for this couple and a surprise to their hearts.

Noize_Cristina · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 02 Luiz Carlos


Well, I only have one week of vacation, because on Monday the run starts, runs from the university and I have to prepare my classes. the advanced level that for me will be a relief and less worry in my head so I will be able to dedicate myself to my research and projects that I have, I decided to go out for a while and go to the mall to see some books and in the bookstore that I need to buy to prepare my classes.

And so I left the house and headed only to the center of Athens until the mall arrived I parked and headed towards the bookstore after a quiet lunch, I was already at the bookstore when my eyes saw a beautiful girl with black hair and beautiful fair skin, I had never seen such beauty I watched her follow her movements inside the bookstore and I saw that she likes history books like me, I felt my heart accelerate when I see that she came close to where I was, I turned around and went to the other side and did the observation of her body and that body has a beauty, a pair of legs in a butt that the waist of a guitar breast not too big or small ideal for hands, my mouth and full of water when analyzing it, my whole friend came to life and I had that leaving there would not be crazy with that delight right there without thinking about anything else, it's already leaving when I heard her sweet and sweet voice talking to authorities and maturity and firmness, leave there I want to be closer to her until I forgot about the book and I had to come back later to get it, to my surprise it was no longer there.

And so I bought my books and went to lunch right there in the food court and had sat reading one of the books they bought I felt like going to where she was I saw the moment that a boy approached and kissed her, at that moment I felt angry and jealous, I don't know why she doesn't even know that I exist, even with him close to her I looked at her I couldn't stop looking, the two of them sometimes didn't accept the caresses of this guy and I had the impression that he doesn't like her but I saw an engagement ring on their finger and ask me if she was engaged due to obligation.

And so it was my coveted lunch with her eyes.The days passed and I did not forget the beautiful girl from the bookstore and keep thinking will I ever see her again and because she treated her boyfriend indifferent to his affection with her, will she not like him or be ashamed or she is too shy, and so it was the my Sunday thought about the beautiful girl with black eyes and black hair. On the second I got up, got dressed and had my coffee and headed out towards the university because I would start my routine.

Everything is quiet on the way to the teachers' room when a girl crossed my path looking at a paper, in her hand with a lot of material too and we ended up bumping into each other and her materials went to the floor and I heard her say

-There can't be just myself, and I recognized the voice that disturbed my ear last week and my weekend is not believing it was right there in front of me and then she raised her face and looked at me as if she were in bun with my presence there in front of you and said:

-I'm sorry I was destroyed and I didn't see where I was going, and she lowered her face and started picking up her things from the floor and at this time I was helping and our hands are together and I felt a shiver through my body and an electrical energy go up, and she had flushed and I felt that she felt the same as I did at that time,

-That this is not every day that we can bump into beautiful people around, when I said that, she looked at me with wide eyes and said nothing, just gave a shy smile and took the materials,

-Well I'm sorry again, and that I'm new and I'm looking for the teachers' room

-How good we can go together because I'm going there too, and she looked at me with a questioning look but didn't say anything, just accompanied me, and as soon as we got to the room, the rector came and met us at length and very intimately that made me feel jealous of her again, and it was at this time that i heard her name

-Welcome Elizabeth

-Thank you Mr. Theodoro, and I saw him look at him with a malicious look and not quite as he is and I will keep him away from her because I know how Theo is as I know, he was introduced to her all,-Good morning to all the teachers present I think that no one is missing, everyone is here, he was going to speak at the door in April and the hilarious figure of Max came in. He is gay and exaggerating and everyone laughed at him, except for her. watched in silence, Theo cleared his throat and said:

- Well now everyone is right, I want to introduce you to our new professor, Miss Elizabeth Áster Adalberon, a new professor of history at the basic level, and everyone looked at her and says she is too young to be a professor at universities, but he said:

-She is graduated in history and has several specializations in the area and master and is finishing her doctorate, I heard him say with excitement everything about her but at the end he said:

-Ha and fiancee this means the bachelor is not available right, and everyone looked at her at the same time until me, and she was flushed at the time,

-Dear, it was a joke, right, guys. And everyone was silent and so we went to their classrooms, waiting for their students and classes. During the break, I talked to some students in the hall and saw that she was very popular, and captivating and friendly, and I heard one of them say:

-There teacher Liza will be delighted to take classes with you and you know that it was you who inspired me to make history, talk about our ancient and beloved history Greece and Greek men OOOOOOOOO what a pity that in reality there is no more man as in the past hem , and everyone laughed at the commentary of the class and that's when our eyes met and I was lost in it again and I heard someone clear their throat behind me and speak

-Take her eyes off because I had her first and if her fiancé has checked I will be the first on her list, it was Theo who told me of his intention with her and inside me told me not to let him get close to her because I know the piece . So the classes ended, I saw her going towards the parking lot and stumbling and I hurried my steps and held her by the waist, preventing her from falling on the floor and the same shiver and touch that had taken over my body before and was facing each other and close to her mouth went I helped she is I walked away, she

- Thank you very much and the second time today that you help me I think you will be my guardian angel. I looked at her and smiled from the corner of my mouth and I saw her skin goose bumps and she blush,

- It will be a pleasure to be your guardian angel. My name is Luiz Carlos Adônis Gorgeu, professor of advanced history

-It is a pleasure to meet Dr. And to be able to work with you here I know your research and your work,-Good to know, that I have a fan of mine here at the university,

-Let's say yes, after talking we walked to the parking lot she went to her car and I went to mine, and besides being a teacher she also had money because her car was a beautiful metallic turquoise blue Mercedes year like the owner, my car was an Audi S3 and it was not of the year.

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