

Elisabeth a Young History teacher at a prestigious high school in Athenas and in love with her fiance Cristhian. And when he was 27 years old, he received a proposal to work at a university, everything was fine when suddenly he saw his life turned upside down, with the betrayal of his fiancé, but the destiny changes overnight. Luiz Carlos is a 32-year-old professor and Dr. In stories and teaches at the advanced level of the university of Athenas Greece, and sees his life turn inside out with the arrival of the young professor because she is very confused, something else that calls her attention on young woman girl. I invite you to embark on this story that will be crazy for this couple and a surprise to their hearts.

Noize_Cristina · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 03 Liza


I am very happy with my life very much even though my mother told me that now the time has come to get married, but I think I no longer feel like going on with this engagement because I think I have no more love for Cristhian skin and if it is seeing well there was never love on my part and not to mention that in the last few months he seems distant and I think this is great, and after I started working at the university and met that Greek God of Luiz Carlos and the way he looks at me I feel like to throw myself in his strong arms and give myself body and soul to him, I never felt that with Cris is never even on the point of giving myself to him because even with all the time of courtship and engagement I am still a virgin and he tells me that our wedding is waiting for me patiently and without saying that I always say that if I dream or suspect that he has betrayed me, I betray myself, I can forget everything between us. Well, I'm going to get ready and I'm going to my fiancé's apartment to surprise him for days that we haven't seen each other, I'm going to see him because today he didn't call me, I dressed up and told my mother and left for his apartment, I arrived in the parking lot of his building and saw his car parked mine next to his and went up to his apartment and as I have the key because Angélica the house secretary who helps us clean for him twice a week I opened the door and I didn't see him in place nor did I go to the office, which is here and nothing was at this time that I heard a groan and someone says:

-Fast faster it goes, I don't believe what I just heard, don't know what was happening and I thought I want to with my own eyes and take a picture of this scene. And so I opened the door and I saw him with a blonde on the bed in that scene and I took a photo at this moment he sees I applauded the scene and say:

- Very good Cristhian Apolo Horus very well and I took off my wedding ring and threw it at him and turned and said forget me I never want to see you again and leave, and I heard him call me,

-Liza I can explain,

-No need to explain anything, I saw everything and when you are cheating on me, tell me and at this time the blonde said:

-Two years my dear I do what you don't do with him I do for you

-And that Cristhian and truth speaks your idiot, but he said nothing and I leave that place

-Liza my love I love you more I'm a man

- A and now I am your love will go back to your blonde because 2 years being that I am being betrayed by you two are four of the bride and 1 year of dating and I saw here to mark the date of this farce is over, over. And so I got out of there, got in my car and sang out of their tires and started crying because in the front I didn't do it and stopped at a bar and went to drink something strong to forget what I had just seen, I had already drunk two double glasses of whiskey I asked for one more but it was Yuri who was there, he was not, we were friends from college he was the son of the owner of a chain of nightclubs and bars in Athens,

-Liza I don't know what happened anymore, you won't drink for today because I know you must be driving and I'm going to take you home alone

-Yuri you are a bore did you know let me drink since you are going to take me home

-No lady and you will work tomorrow with a hangover and that Elizabeth you never went to drink now enough will take you now this is how he called another attendant and said I'm going to take her home and it wouldn't be long already coming back to close the bar, someone else approached and said:

- You can let me take you home, and I turned around and I came face to face with the man who hasn't left my thoughts these last days and I went to him and said:

-Hum look who is here and my guardian angel, I was already high with alcohol,

-Liza you know this boy Yuri said,

-Yuri I know he is my angel saved me twice in one day and is here and I can see that God sent him to save me from alcohol, but I heard Yuri said:

-Good Liza's guardian angel and a pleasure to meet you, my name Yuri Hércules Acelero

-My and Luiz Carlos Adônis Gorgeu I am Liza's angel as she said,

-Well I think you better save your protected angel because I don't know the reason for her drinking I never had a drink in my life, I heard Yuri say I say:

-No more being a big mouth Yuri I, I already drank again, and laughed, I remembered college and my first bludgeon,

-Liza I remember very well we woke up in jail because you painted the college statue with red paint, I wanted to make strips,

-One of that I don't remember anymore that I sang and danced like crazy I did that to see-Isn't Elizabeth here?

-Yuri just a little bit

-Look angel and you better take her right before that, I heard talk and leave the bar alone outside woke up I didn't know where I was and I didn't even remember how I got there and I looked at the clock it was 4:30 am, and I said:

- My God where I am and what a place and this was dark and I got up and saw that I am wearing a T-shirt and looked for my clothes and I found it nowhere I left the room and saw that it was a house and it was not mine and I thought of who this house is and I bump into something that ended up on the floor and formed in a thousand pieces, and I heard doors open, it was beautiful, just dressed in black sweatpants without a shirt, I felt my body shiver and burn and he said:

- What a scare and you Liza, where else are you going like that as a young lady, and I was silent without being able to say anything at that time

-You had it scared and wondering right, I just answered with my head

-Well, I met you at the bar and brought you to my apartment because you didn't know how to tell me where you live,

- And who took my clothes off, and where did she go?

-Well I took it because you threw up on it and I put it to wash, I heard her say she had taken off my clothes I was embarrassed and I looked at him but he said:

-Don't worry, I just took off your clothes and nothing else Liza

-I need to go home because tomorrow I have class-I know more and at dawn and dangerous to leave at this hour except to dawn first,

-Ok, but tell me something because I don't remember anything just arriving at Yuri's bar

-Yes you told me the reason for your blurring

-Really are you know I've not engaged anymore?

-Yes and was happy to know, he said this is approached me

-Liza I'm in love with you since the day I was at the bookstore I think it was passion, at first sight, I heard him say it made my heart race in a way that I never felt before,

- How had you seen me before and that?

-Yes, a week before classes started, I was at the bookstore and bought books and you went in. I was enchanted by you that day and then at university, and now knowing that you are free, I can invest in this feeling, and so he came closer to me and looked in my mouth and kiss with a nice kiss I had never felt kissed that way because I felt my leg lift.

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