

"Rolan!!" his mother called. "Coming mother!!" he yelled back as he swam to his castle below. "Yes mother?" he asked while his long, black, silky hair dispersed throughout the water around him. "Let me see your eye darling." she said as she swam towards him. She felt around his eye patch and frowned when she removed it. "Have you been putting contacts over it?" she asked in a disappointed tone. "Y-yes mother. I just... I don't like being different from everyone else." he said as she put it back on after removing the contact. "You know that this simply means you are special. It's nothing to be ashamed of." she said kissing his forehead. "I know." "Now go play with your friends my love, and do be careful if you plan on going near... the surface." she finished while rubbing her eyes because he had already swam away. "Don't worry, beautiful. I'm sure he'll be just fine...I mean he did get his looks from his mother!" the king joked, kissing his bride. "Very funny, what am I going to do with you two?" she asked leaning into the kiss.

"Wait for me, Nalina!" yelled Rolan swimming as fast as he could to catch up to her. "I'm not slowing down slow poke just hurry your tail up and swim!" she yelled back her red hair following the waves of the ocean. He swam up to her when his friend Zain flew down. "Hey!" he exclaimed hugging Nalina and then planting a light kiss on her lips. "Hey Zainy wainy, can I have another kiss...That kiss ended too quickly?" she asked while blushing. He planted another kiss on her lip and she smiled and whispered to him "That's much better." when they were finished they saw Rolan grimacing and covering his ear. "What's wrong?" they both asked, worried. "N-n-nothing, I'm going to ask my mother and father a quick question." he said swimming away.

"M-mother?" he yelled placing his head on the arm rest of her throne. "What is it, Love?" she asked while turning towards him. "I-I-I can hear them again... they're whispering. T-t-telling me that the queen and king are in grave danger!" he cried to his mother. "Here take your pill, darling." she said popping it in his mouth as he swallowed it. "Did they stop?" the queen asked. "Y-yes...thank you mother." "You are welcome, my child." she said hugging him. "F-father?" "Yes, son?" "Are there people who want to hurt you?" the king sighed and replied "Yes, there are plenty of people who would like to have us dead for various reasons. But you need not worry my son, for they do not yet know of your existence." "Oh...promise that you'll be okay." he said, worry filling his light baby blue eyes. The king chucked and said "Of course. We will both be alright." "Well now that, that is over with why don't you go play with your friends they seem rather worried about you?" she asked budging him a little with her tail. "Yes mother." he said swimming away after tickling her with the top of his tail.

"What was that all about, Rolan?" Zain asked. "Nothing really, just the voices bothering me again." "Have you ever thought that...I don't know maybe, the voices are a sign of something or that they might be right?" Nalina asked. "Yeah, but my dad says that I shouldn't really worry about it." "Okay then...just promise me that you won't get hurt okay?" she said to him. "Yes, I promise. Now let's go up to the surface!" he said already swimming towards the surface.