
No, No, No

"Do you think Rolan and his friends are careful enough when they are near the surface, my love?" the queen asked as she took hold of the king's hand. "Not at all darling!" he responded while kissing her soft hand. "Well I appreciate the honesty." she said shaking her head. "Your majesty my king and queen!" one of the guards yelled bowing. "What is it?" the queen asked. "Prince Rolan!! He's having a seizure, the doctors don't know what's happened which caused the seizure all they know is that it's not anything good!" the guard said panting. "Where is he?!!" asked the king, worry evident on his face. "The rose garden." he replied waiting until both the king and queen were out the door to follow.

"Rolan my son!!" the queen screamed in horror. He was on the floor biting at them whenever the doctors tried to touch him. "Your majesty, he's burning up!! We don't know what caused him to have this seizure he has no history of them at all!!!" the doctor yelled trying to grab his wrist. "P-p-pl-ple-please, d-don't t-touch me." Rolan begged. "We're trying to help you my prince." the doctor said with pity in his voice. "N-no, don't plea-" he was cut off by another painful round of convulsions. "Damn it Rolan!" yelled Rolan's father. "Iravan, please don't yell you'll scare him." the queen said to the king. "Why did this happen to our innocent baby!?!" King Iravan sobbed.

Rolan Pov

Does the ocean and the moon despise me? he thought while his body started involuntarily shaking. There are muffled voices I can barely understand them...is that mama and papa? I don't want to be here anymore. I just want this to be over with. I hate pain and this burns but I can't...I just can't do anything about it. I'm relying on my doctor's and my mama and papa to make it feel better, if only I wasn't so useless.

"Roll him onto his side and break one of his ribs." the doctor said to the strongest guard. "Yes sir!" he then rolled him onto his right side and the doctor showed him which rib and he placed a soft hand on it and then with a swift move he heard a crack. Rolan's eyes widened at the pain and he screamed in agony. "Father, m-mother... m-make It stop!!" Rolan said weakly. "Rolan baby!!" the queen cried racing to him. "There was a fire city filled with merpeople. They were swimming-" he stopped because of the sudden blinding pain in his rib. "It's nothing majesty," said the doctor as he cradled him in his arms and began to swim towards his room so he could rest. When they were ahead of everyone else he whispered"Were they just like us my prince?" "What?" "The people in your dream during your seizure. Were they just like us and the only difference was that they are of the fire and we are born of the water?" he asked again as he opened the door to his room. "Yes. It was really everyone here except there were a few shadow figures." he replied as the doctor took him to lay him on the bed. "Hold your breath for me will you." the doctor said as he felt the bruised area. He groaned loudly when he was put to sit up so that he could breathe easier. "I shall take my leave now my prince. If you have any other pains that require my attention just call." he said swimming backwards and leaving. "Dusk is so stunning...I should rest I'll sleep now." he said laying his head on the pillow.

Five hours later the queen walked into him sleeping wanting to move onto his side but it was extremely painful to move at the moment. "My poor baby boy," she said as she pulled the covers over him "could you ever find a way to forgive me for this?" she sobbed silently over him which somehow woke him. "M-mother...what's wrong?" he asked as he shakily pulled the covers down and onto her. Her pale red face, brown eyes and freckles sprinkled onto her face like the stars are painted in the sky. She looked him in the eye and apologized again when she covered his mouth and dug a butterfly dagger into his shoulder. He forced his head the other way and closed his eyes not daring to scream. "Please forgive me my son!" she begged still stabbing him. After about twenty minutes of her crying as he bled, a man came and gently picked him up after putting a gag on him and nodded towards the queen. She stared him in the eye with regret and sorrow filling her every move before he said "I'll protect him from the world with my life and to the best of ability...now do it. I can form a protective shield around us." she understood and pushed a button before the man had gagged him. She closed her eyes as her entire life flashed in front of her in that one moment when she went up in flames. "Mfh n-no ngh!!! -ave her!!! -ave her!!!" wept Rolan, tears staining cruel black marks on his face. The second after she fell he remembered his father sleeping silently in his room. He jumped from the man's grasp and tried to swim away but immediately buckled in pain and fell to the floor instead, gasping for breath. "Prince Rolan...this kingdom was going to fall one day. You best just stay with me and be good... my team is going to kill the rest of the village by midnight." he claimed as he gingerly picked Rolan up. "Ngh -op -op it -ease!!" Rolan begged weaving his hands together in a pleading motion. Feeling bad, and realizing there was no point, the man took the gag out of his mouth, "In case your mother never told you my name it's Ace. I will be responsible for you now kid you got that? Behave and don't try to run away." he demanded him. "W-w-why? Why, does my mother have to die...better question. Why does my entire kingdom have to die!?!!" he screamed in Ace's face tears puffing up his face. "I don't know kid, I'm just following orders. Now let's get-" he was cut off by a loud boom and Rolan's face showed total fear and desperation as Ace shoved him out the way before a rock could hit him in the face. "Can't I take their places!?!" he asked miserably clinging to the pole of his bed. "No. Sorry but I have to take you now, I'm not heartless so you can take a small souvenir." Ace said staring down at him. "I want to stay,I want to die with my kingdom. Please, please I'm begging you to let me stay with them." he cried closing his eyes. "Sorry, but no we have to get going now...you'll live to see tomorrow and you can build a new life with us alright kid?" he asked grabbing his wrists to bring him along. "No,no,no,no!! Leave me here!!" he pleaded resisting him. "Stop resisting Rolan!!!" he yelled nearly flinging him into the wall. "Let go of me!!" Rolan screamed grabbing everything he could so that he could stay with the castle no matter what. "ENOUGH!!" Ace yelled as he punched Rolan in the rib, he let out a small cry after grabbing his necklace off the edge of his bed. "The more you fight the more you will be hurt Rolan, I'm not going to baby you so you'd better calm yourself!" Ace yelled as he dragged him along with him. He still tried to hold onto anything and everything that he could just so he could stay with his kingdom. Once they were outside there was another boom followed by the scream of a child..."I-I recognize that voice. That's the little girl who I always see by the bakery! We have to help her she's barely seen the world yet, shes only six years old please!" he begged tears streaming down his face. "We're leaving now Rolan...sorry but let's go." said Ace trying to move him without hurting him too badly. "Let me go Ace!!" he yelled while shoving him away. He pushed him into the wall and swam away ignoring the agony in his ribs. "Get back here before I kill you, you little brat!!!" Ace screamed almost completely caught up to him. Rolan's strength was at its limit and he had to stop. "Rolan I swear if you try something like that again I'm gonna break both your arms!!" Ace said aggressively yanking him along. "N-no I won't go with you!" Rolan yelled as he desperately hit Ace. "Alright that's it I'm breaking your arm." Ace said. "No, leave me alone please!" Rolan wept. Ace grabbed his arm and threw him to the ground, there was a popping sound in his back and Ace roughly stepped on his elbow to make it bend the opposite way until it broke. He was too in shock to scream though he felt every single little bit of pain. "Are you going to stop now or do you want me to break your other, already wounded, arm?" he asked casually. "S-sto-st-s-stop it." he stuttered pained tears ruining his face. "Good. Now let's get going." he said leading him gently by his other arm to go outside.