
Heart of Greed

Izekiel was once the purest angel in Celestar. He was polluted by the dream to escape the grasps of the first God's creator however, the only way to escape was to become a God himself.

Brother_Yu · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Shattered Dream

"You know I've never met someone more stupid than you Izekiel," Noe spoke, flying down from the open patch in the clouds. "I thought that you would've found out long ago."

"You thought I could've found out that you were lying to me before you tell me yourself?" Izekiel spoke in despair, tired of everything around him. "As you said, I'm an idiot."

"Not that... you really don't know?!" Noe seemed surprised. The purple haired male then smiled and and placed his hands on Izekiel's cheeks. "An angel can't become a God you moron!" Noe said with a mocking smile.

"...What?" Izekiel was stunned. After he decided to give up on everything including his purity, position in Celestar and even committing numerous sins just for a foolish dream, he was now told that non of that even matters?

"An angel is a being created to serve Gods, therefore they cannot become a God themselves. In fact, they can't became anything other than an angel. So basically," Noe showed a crazed smirk, "you were born to fall Izekiel!" Noe let go of Izekiel, letting the angel float on his own.

Izekiel felt like his whole world was shattering. He knows that he's nothing but a stupid angel but he never meant to be this naive.

'Fuck everything! I want to live! I don't want to die! Hurry and fly! hurry!'

Izekiel internally panicked, flapping his injured wings as his unhealed wounds opened; causing blood to continuously pour out and rapidly dye parts of his wings dark red.

'It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It fucking hurts! Please! Please, I'm begging you...'

Izekiel felt his senses being overwhelmed by pain, but he still ignored it. No matter how much it hurt to move his wings, he continued to keep trying in desperation. He didn't want to die. No one wants to, not even an angel following a God's will.

"You're so pitiful Izekiel. When humans jump down from a high height but change their minds mid-air, they can't save themselves but even you who has wings can't either," Noe spoke with a sigh. "How about this? I break my wings too and we see who Altheist will save?"

Izekiel wanted to ask 'why bother?', but he could only stay silent in pain as Noe grabbed his hand that still held the small knife, and cut off his (Noe's) own wings without any hesitation. As soon as Noe's wings were cut off, a new pair of clean white wings without any stains of blood appeared again on Noe's back. Of course, it was Altheist's doing.

"The result came earlier than expected. Even if he doesn't really love you that much he's still your father Izekiel. Don't you think he should've been a little reluctant to chose who to save? Actually no, I'm sure we both know that the truth is," Noe smiled tauntingly but his eyes held a bit of pity as if looking at an abandoned animal, "he could've saved the both of us!" Noe turned around, waving before flying back to Celestar.

"Izekiel!" Al then appeared in front of Izekiel, "I'll save you! I can do it but promise me to forget about your dream!" Izekiel squinted his eyes.

'Forget about my dream? I'd rather die a dog death then give up on it! What's the difference between dying like this and living like a dog under someone's orders anyways?! Either way I would not have a life of my own!'

Izekiel knows that he'll probably die soon, but he won't die without achieving anything! He won't die without relieving his anger or else he won't be able to die without any regrets!

"Al," Izekiel spoke softly while smiling through his pain. He then pointed in a certain direction, "don't you have someone more important to save?" Just a moment later, another patch of clouds disappeared as a green haired angel slipped right through.

"Cedric!" Al cried out, flying towards her lover without any hesitation and leaving behind a dying Izekiel.

'I can't save myself.'

Izekiel closed his eyes.

'I was ready to give up on life, but in the end I can't deny that I'm afraid of death, but is this... fair? Why am I the only one who must die?'

Black smoke them appeared bellow Izekiel as if trying to shield him but the damage had been done. He was hurt. Incredibly hurt and he was sure that he was about to die but when he landed on the ground, it surprisingly didn't hurt. Izekiel thought he was dreaming but the stinging feeling that he felt from his wings said otherwise.

'I'm... alive.'

Izekiel was beyond shocked. He had somehow survived the fall to the land of humans! That strange smoke- that strange smoke had saved him but... whose power was that? He knows that he does not possess an ability like that, so who the hell decided to save an abomination like him?

A bit of black smoke then appeared before him. Although the feeling of this power was not warm at at and even felt a little sinister, Izekiel didn't feel afraid of it. This was the power that saved him after all.

"... Thank you, I'll definitely pay you back," Izekiel managed to speak out some words to show that he knows that the other had saved him just now. The smoke then disappeared without a single trace as if it was drifting in the wind.

Izekiel then proceeded to slowly stand up to take a look at his surroundings. The place he had landed in looked like it was nearly completely in ruins. There were many buildings and skyscrapers around him, but most of them were destroyed and dirty. The stoplights were still working however the cars on the roads near him were destroyed and abandoned without an owner.

'This must be a nation without a God then.'

As long as there's a God supporting a nation, the nation would be able to function just fine and if lucky, they'd be filled with wealth however, this place looks uninhabited and empty. Whatever nation or ex-nation this is, it's clearly doesn't have a God.

"What kind of God would want a nation like this?" a voice spoke, as if reading Izekiel's mind. "You're an... angel, yes?"

Izekiel turned around and saw a male with sunny golden hair, skin that was slightly tanner than Izekiel's pale skin and a scar on his face. The scar was under his right eye, curving along with his eye shape and it didn't stop the man from seeming extremely friendly and approachable. Not only that, but instead of the scar making the man look ugly, it greatly empathised his warm yet foggy grey eyes; making it stand out significantly.

'A mind reader?'

Izekiel closed up his wings behind him, showing caution against the sunny looking man. He didn't know if he could trust an ability user, especially since most of them are... cunning.

After Gods started appearing, humans began to awaken abilities and most of the time, the abilities they awakened relate to themselves in some way. Humans believed that those who awakened abilities were acknowledged by a God, but that wasn't necessarily the reason. Because of the high demand for help, Gods decided to allow humans with the strongest desires, prayers and wills to obtain abilities that lets humans exceed others, depending on how they use it.

Desires are the most common things that humans had awakened abilities with, but of course not all desires are pure and most humans are quite greedy to the point that they'd make others suffer for their own benefit. Since the desire awakening method is the most common, it means that most ability users are most likely not good people.

"Yes I'm a mind reader. My name is Klein Xavier, yours?" Klein answered the question Izekiel had in mind.

"... Izekiel," Izekiel replied. There was no point in lying, Klein would be able to tell sooner or later.

"Well then Izekiel, what is an angel like you doing down here on human's land?"

Izekiel was reluctant to answer, or more like he didn't know how to answer. If he said that he is a fallen angel from Celestar, would the other no longer trust him? Then what should he say? How should he answer?

"Your mind is very messy Izekiel. It's to the point that I can't even anymore than a few simple thoughts, I swear. Take your time to answer, no pressure," Klein said sincerely with a gentle smile.

"I... I've come to save this nation," Izekiel spoke softly as if unsure of his own words. He then stared at Klein's face to observe his reaction.

"That would be great," Klein continued to smile. "Come on our future saviour," Klein motioned Izekiel to follow him, "let's travel to the capital of the nation then. Nearly everyone is there."

"You don't suspect me?" questioned Izekiel, trailing behind Klein.

"Not at all. I've always hoped that there would be someone who could save this nation- my home anyways. Maybe those prayers were answered?"

"You're not worried that I might not be this nation's saviour but its destroyer instead?"

"Look around you, this place is pretty much destroyed already, but of course that does not mean that I'd appreciate it if you did make my home disappear from the maps. Plus, there a guy who's very well known in the capital. Apparently he has a cold personality but is loyal to this nation. His influence on this nation is equal to the king and he's incredibly strong. If you do become an enemy of this nation, I'm sure that he'd be able shut you down."

"He's that strong? Strong enough to kill an angel?"

"I've seen him in combat before and I can confirm that he's strength cannot be matched by anyone in this nation, but to kill an angel?" Klein took a glance at Izekiel, "an injured angel is what he could kill."

Izekiel shivered.

Klein dear, I swear you're my favourite.

Also there's maybe no grammar mistakes???

Brother_Yucreators' thoughts