
Heart of Greed

Izekiel was once the purest angel in Celestar. He was polluted by the dream to escape the grasps of the first God's creator however, the only way to escape was to become a God himself.

Brother_Yu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


'Why the heck is a baby dragon here?!'

Izekiel thought while dodging the baby dragon's continuous attacks. It was a black dragon with scales as black as the knight and although it doesn't seem to have awakened any ability yet, the constant screams and cries of the humans around Izekiel made the baby dragon seem even more dangerous and menacing.

"Hey you two!" Izekiel called out to the two awakened humans who had offered to give him protection earlier. "Help me kill the baby dragon!"

"Fuck if you want to die then go die yourself!" cried the male with the earth ability.

"Who do you think I am? Feng Zhiyuan?!" shouted the awakened man who claimed to be the "strongest". Clearly he was just bluffing.

'Are they stupid?! This is a dragon! What can running do when it's faster than you?! Don't even try running if you don't have a speed ability! Aren't you supposed to be the strongest? Fucking liars!'

Well, if that guy was the strongest, then that would mean that he's the man that Klein was talking about right? Even though Izekiel has yet to see that man's strength, it was already clear to him that the liar is weak.

'It would be great if I wasn't injured.'

Izekiel continued to dodge while observing his environment before spotting the crow standing on a street lamp. It was the only one here besides from him. The others had either died or had run away as the dragon was being distracted by Izekiel.

'It should be fine, there's no one here.'

Izekiel revealed his angel form, allowing his angel powers to return to him after his halo reappeared in exchange for sacrificing the back of his hoodie. He then flew up and landed on top of a street lamp, continuing to land on another and another while dodging and gritting his teeth as he felt the flesh on his back was tearing apart.

He couldn't stop flying or else he'd be caught. He had already survived from falling so how could he die here? If he dies then wouldn't that contribute to Noe's indirect kill count since he was the one that injured his wings.

'Fuck you! I've never exorcised this much in my whole life!'

Izekiel leaped towards the baby dragon and landed a punch on it, attempting to shut the dragon down but it only wounded the baby dragon wounded instead of killing it. It seemed that his powers had weakened ever since he had fallen from Celestar.

'I'm too damn weak, I can't kill it on my own.'

The stinging sensation that Izekiel felt on his slightly cruised knuckles and the constant pain on his back made him feel alive more than ever. Him, an angel and a creature who can't be called 'alive' or 'dead' was finally feeling something other than just plain fear. He felt alive!

'I feel like I might die anytime now but... why is this so damn exciting?! I want to fight more! This is so much more different than my boring life in Celestar! I can let it all out while fighting! I can do whatever I want! This is... a taste of freedom!'

If someone else was present, they'd probably call Izekiel a psychopath for grinning like a moron in this type of situation. He looked tired and clearly he was severely hurt, so what is there to smile at?!

Izekiel saw the dragon's claws coming towards him and was about to dodge again, when he suddenly felt that couldn't use his wings at all. His wings then disappeared along with his halo, returning him to the form of a human. Even though afraid, he was still smirking like a fool while watching as the claw got closer and closer as if he was unwavered by the fear of death.

As if attempting to save him, Izekiel suddenly felt the wind pick up and surrounding before pushing him out of the way of the claw. Thinking quickly, he grabbed his small knife out from his pocket and swung it at the dragon but of course, 'thinking quickly' does not exactly mean 'thinking smartly'. The blade immediately shattered against the dragon's scales.

The dragon then moved closer to Izekiel with an expression that could only be described as a 'smug look'.

'... I somehow find that look very annoying!'

Opening its mouth, the dragon charged towards Izekiel with intent to kill. Izekiel wanted to say, "brother if you're hungry then there's fried chicken, no- fried crow right there! Just give me a leg, that's all I ask!" while crying and hugging the dragon's thigh.

'Fuck... I hope the devil gets my soul before the God of Creation does.'

Before the baby dragon could bite Izekiel's head off, a force slammed against the side dragon's head, slamming the dragon onto the floor completely dead. The gust of wind that was created by the impact of the dragon landing on the ground and something zooming past caused Izekiel's hood to fall off his head. Although it his appearance was more visible, it also allowed him to see a bit better. In the amidst of the dust that was flying everywhere, Izekiel could see a slight gleam.

When the dust cleared, a man with pale skin and black hair wearing a black jacket with a white shirt underneath stood on top of the dragon, hand on the handle of a shiny sword that stabbed right into the dragon's lifeless eyes. The man then turned to make eye contact with Izekiel, cold and sharp eyes staring into golden ones. Without saying a word, the man then left, leaving behind his sword that shined like a trophy on top of the dragon.

'Who is that?'

Izekiel was completely awed by the man's powers. Unlike him, that man could kill a dragon in one go.

"He's Feng Zhiyuan, Var's strongest man," a familiar voice spoke. It was Klein who had just arrived. "Yo!" Klein greeted Izekiel with a smile.

'Feng Zhiyuan... oh, it's the guy that the liar from before mentioned. So he's the strongest person here.'

"You've arrived in Var quite early. It's only been a few hours, yes? I was expecting it to take you days to come here. You even encountered the dragon haha, quite unlucky," chuckled Klein.

"That guy... how is he so strong?" asked Izekiel. Although he is weakened due to his halo slightly cracking and his wings being injured, the other person that he's comparing himself to is a human! A damn human while he's an angel!

"I'm not sure, but it's probably because of his iron heart."

"Iron heart?" Izekiel was not sure if he believes that Feng Zhiyuan's heart is really made of iron.

"It's a skill," explained Klein. "As I said, there's rumours saying that Feng Zhiyuan awakened his powers after the betrayal of his loved ones and that his desires of revenge were his source of awakening. They say that he awakened 'iron heart' because he no longer wants to be held back by his fears and emotions."

"Wouldn't that mean that he's pretty much just a robot?" Izekiel questioned. Feng Zhiyuan could probably be called a killing machine, literally.

"Not really. He still has his own values and will," replied Klein. The sound of numerous footsteps then stopped Izekiel and Klein's conversation.

"We've received information that an outsider has entered the capital," a man dressed in armour said. "The king has ordered us to capture the outsider and throw him in the dungeon for interrogation!"

"Whoa there, he has no bad intentions," Klein held an arm in front of Izekiel as if defending him, and the other arm in front as if to distance the two if them from the knights.

"How would you know sir Xavier?" the knight raised his eyebrow.

"He told me he wanted to become Var's saviour. Our nation might finally be saved so I'm not going to let you do anything to him," exclaimed Klein, standing firm.

"Var's saviour? Var's one and only saviour is our king! His majesty will lead us to salvation! He is the only one we can trust, not that outsider or those group of rebels lead by that con man Feng Zhiyuan!" shouted the knight, showing his clear loyalty to the king. It seemed that only he thought that way as the knights behind him held a more hopeful look while staring at Izekiel. All of them wanted the same thing, a saviour.

"A con man?" Klein clenched his teeth his anger as his eyes became red. "Then you tell your precious king to go and fight for his people then! You go and tell him to get his lazy ass off the throne and come down here! An emergency just occurred. An emergency! Where the fuck was he while I was busy evacuating citizens with the others and while Feng Zhiyuan and this so called "outsider" took care of the dragon?!"

"Sir Xavier, you must not defame the king's efforts of protecting and guiding our nation! He has dedicated a lot of his time and effort into raising this nation!" argued the knight.

"Time and effort? What time and effort did he dedicate to the people? The citizens of Var raised themselves! Don't you go giving that credit to a dead man in the eyes of the people!" Klein glared, his voice full of anger.

"Sir Xavier, if you continue to stand against the king's orders and defame him then you will be seen as one of the rebels!" the knight threatened. "Just let us capture the outsider and we can let this all go."

"I swear on my name that if you dare to move one step closer to him then the Xavier family will support Feng Zhiyuan's faction. I swear that if you dare to harm Var's future saviour I will kill you all here!" Klein roared as wind started to gather as if summoned by Klein's anger.

'He trusts me so much... why?'

Izekiel could not comprehend why Klein was defending him so much just because of a few words.

'Is it because I'm an angel? Those fairy tales... does he like them too? Well if humans like people who seem pure and kind so much, then what if I become what they like?'

"Klein it's ok, I'll go with them to show my goodwill," Izekiel placed his hand on the other's shoulder. Klein seemed hesitant, but he did not seem to have any intention to stop Izekiel.

"Good luck then, don't get hurt," Klein spoke, sincerely worried about the angel.

"Hello gentlemen, let me introduce myself. I am Izekiel, Var's saviour," Izekiel said with a bright, warm smile.

The knights unconsciously lowered their guard after being attacked by Izekiel's gentle smile.

Izekiel: angelic smile go!

Knights: lowers their guard*

Izekiel: super effective!


I'm feeling lonely, oh I wish that there's no errors in this story.

Brother_Yucreators' thoughts