
Heart of Greed

Izekiel was once the purest angel in Celestar. He was polluted by the dream to escape the grasps of the first God's creator however, the only way to escape was to become a God himself.

Brother_Yu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


'The crime that Klein said his aunt committed, was it murder?'

Izekiel thought about Klein's cold expression and his aunt's pale face. It was clear that whatever crime she committed, it was not a light one. Even if she did not commit murder, it's likely that she probably at least attempted to because her husband seemed to be aware of her intentions.

[#22 My wife has been acting strange ever since our argument. She had once "accidentally" pushed me down the stairs where the housemaid had dropped some dishes. I would've probably died from glass impaling my head if the bodyguard I hired did not save me in time. The look on my wife's face when she saw the bodyguard appear was a bit strange. She had apologised repeatedly for "accidentally" pushing me but I don't think it was an accident at all. I had hired the bodyguard because lately I've been feeling like someone is watching me but to think that the one that he would save me from is my own wife. Maybe she is just still a little upset about the argument?]

'… Is this man dumb? If your wife tries to kill you then get a damn divorce! If you think that she'd try to kill you over an argument then think about what she'd do if she feels wronged by you!'

Izekiel could not understand this stupid man. He thinks that Louis should've gotten a divorce then move far away from the other after this happened. He would disown Althiest and willingly fuck off without being forced to resort to such methods if he could too, but unfortunately this was the only way to leave.

[#23 I've tried to talk to my wife to appease her anger many times however she always denies it, saying that she was never angry in the first place. Was it really an accident then?]

'... "Accident" my ass!'

[#24 I've been feeling more paranoid lately. I thought that everything would return back to normal after a while, but I feel like the eyes watching me had only increased. Who is it? Who's watching me?]

[#25 Did they find out? Did my family find out about what I did? Are these people sent by them? No maybe my wife was the one who sent people to watch me?]

[#26 The people I was selling blueprints to have blocked me! Why? I could've made more money selling them blueprints. It was the easiest to make money this way, but I guess focussing on the company isn't bad.]


Izekiel furrowed his eyebrows. After searching the whole study, he did not find a single blue print here.

'What kind of blueprints?'

[#27 That bitch! She tried to kill me again! I was sleeping but when I woke up there were alarms ringing in the whole house! I tried to get out but the doorknob burnt my hand! I tried to open it with a cloth but the door was locked! That bitch set the house on fire to try and kill me! What a stupid leach she! She doesn't know that fire won't spread if you leave the door closed.]

The writing was very messy and bold. Louis was definitely overwhelmed by emotion and could not write properly, even pressing down on his pen very harshly from anger.

[#28 I finally feel at ease. My wife and child moved to another house while I built a living area on the 12th floor of the company. I definitely won't be harassed by her now.]

[#29 The eyes are back. They're watching me again.]

[#30 Why won't the eyes just leave me alone? It's because my wife wants to keep an eye on me isn't it?]

[#31 Klein knows something. He's been acting cautious around me and shows clear disgust towards my wife. I've been trying to avoid for the past years because of his ability, but it's unavoidable in family meetings and banquets. Was he the one who sent these spies over?]

Izekiel was not surprised to see Klein's name. He already knows that Klein is aware of a crime that his aunt had committed, so it wasn't shocking to see the mention of Klein's cautiousness or disgust towards his uncle and aunt. What he was curious about was whether Klein was the one who sent over the spies or not.

Klein's ability already let him know that Klein is a little nosy, but would he put his nose in his own uncle's business? In full honesty, Izekiel was getting curious about this family drama himself.

'What does the Xavier family do anyways?'

Louis did not have any experience in negotiation or company business, so it was definitely not the main cause of the Xavier family's growth or strength, but what is?

'The blueprints that Louis was selling isn't his own game designs rights? He had constantly mentioned being afraid that the Xavier family had found out about something so does that mean the blueprints belong to the Xavier family?'

[#32 I have to leave Var. Klein knows something, I'm sure of it! I'll take my two sons and mistress then leave to Maine or Liano! My family won't be able to do anything to me in another nation! I don't mind going to either nations as long as it's not Var!]

'No wonder his wife tried to kill him'

Maine is the Nation of Light, lead by a pretty friendly and righteous God. The God openly interacts with his people and made an order to allow migrants over with welcoming arms. It's the richest nation and was definitely not a bad choice.

Liano is the Nation of Peace who's Goddess is the Goddess of Love. Most people assume that it's a very friendly and peaceful nation judging from the name and the Goddess ruling over it.

'Choosing these two nations... he's clearly planning to settle down with his mistress and children! He doesn't even plan to leave anything to his wife or think about her. What wife wouldn't be angered to death?!'

[#33 Tonight, I saw a pair of eyes. They were glowing red and wouldn't keep their eyes off of me no matter how much money I offered them. I have never seen anything that looked and felt so sinister before. I feel like I've seen these eyes somewhere before, but I don't know.]

'That's it?'

Klein flipped through the rest of the pages however, they were completely empty. It was most likely that the person who murdered Louis Xavier had a pair of red eyes like he had described; as it was the last thing he wrote down before he most likely passed away.

'Red eyes and a sinister feeling... could it be a demon?'

Red eyes aren't really common for humans however, it is very common for demons no matter what type. Izekiel himself had even seen multiple demons with glowing red eyes when he was in Celestfall.

'It would be great if demons only exist in Celestfall though...'

If demons only existed in Celestfall then that would mean that the demon that murdered Louis was probably sent by Alice. It would also mean that someone had asked Alice to judge Louis and whatever act he committed was very heavy.

Izekiel sighed, feeling an incoming headache with all of his thoughts spread out in different directions. Even though red eyes are uncommon for a human to have, it didn't mean that zero humans possess red eyes. It would be a different story if it was 500 years ago...

'500 years ago...?'

Izekiel became confused. No matter how much he tried, he could not remember information about 500 years ago. No, he wasn't alive back then, however he remembered reading something that talked about things that happened 500 years ago. He felt like something was wrong- it was as if someone had erased his memories.

Izekiel felt a tingle at his back and quickly whipped his head up.

"Who's there?"

[The God of Wisdom is looking at you]

'A screen?'

A screen was something that was created to help awakeners get use to things and to help them get use to their abilities... was what Althiest said. The truth is that it's actually used to remind awakeners that even if they're no longer normal, they are still no match for Gods.

'Only Gods could create a message screen while awakeners can only see their own stats, so this is the real deal.'

"Is it you who erased my memories about what happened 500 years ago?" Izekiel questioned the God watching him.

[God of Wisdom, "it's better to be foolish than to know sometimes."]

"The first God that appeared was the God of Creation who was created 500 years ago, that's the only thing I remember. Does this have something to do with it?"

[God of Wisdom, "that's the only thing you need to know. Forgetting the rest is the best outcome."]

"Does it have something to do with Noe?" Izekiel remembered something very important. "He was the one who single handedly changed the world, so it means that he also has the capability to do something so catastrophic that you want to erase history, right?"

[God of Wisdom, "let me ask you a question, is Noe a mortal, or immortal?"]

It was such a simple question, yet Izekiel does not know the answer.

It was Noe who refused to become a God, but no human should be able to live for 500 years. Furthermore, Izekiel can't tell if the God of Creation is the one keeping Noe alive or if Noe has some kind of skill that extends his lifespan.

[God of Wisdom, "you've been with Noe the longest in your life and you can't even answer that, yet you want to know what happened 500 years ago?]

"Oh, I get it. Are you the one who killed Louis Xavier? The eyes that were watching him, are they yours?" Izekiel stared right at the screen in front of him.

... I know I wrote this but I ain't reading all that. Now it depends on luck if I made mistakes or not.

Brother_Yucreators' thoughts