

ALL MEN SHALL PAY IN BLOOD, NO MAN SHALL GO UNPUNISHED NO MORE, FOR THE TIME OF JUDGEMENT IS HERE. **A love born from revenge, bathed in blood, yet both hearts are unwilling to let go.** Xavier Stones, the enigmatic third prince of the Stones Kingdom, is a man with a shattered soul, consumed by darkness. Haunted by the brutal death of his mother, he has but one goal: seek revenge on his father, with his lover by his side. But fate intervenes when he discovers the woman he swore to kill holds his heart in her grasp. Alexia lives in a male-dominated world where women are seen as mere tools for marriage. She has survived a life on the run through theft, deceit, hard labor, and disguising herself as a boy to protect her younger brother. Working as a guard in the palace, she crosses paths with Xavier. As secrets of her past and an overwhelming darkness threaten to consume her, Alexia finds herself relying on Xavier. Yet, the man she loves happens to be the source of all her suffering. How can she accept such a cruel twist of fate? Join Alexia on her journey to uncover truths, harness powers, and face death as she battles the shadows of her past and the demons of her present. Will she succumb to the darkness within, or will she summon the courage to shape her own future?

Raven_writes · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Debt and desperation

Alexia was running quickly. Her breath heavy and her heart pounding in her chest. She was terrified, running for her life. Something dark and dangerous was chasing her. She couldn't see it, but she could feel its murderous intent. It wanted to catch her. it wanted her dead. It was hungry and angry, and it would not stop until it caught her.

She ran so fast that her feet barely touched the ground. The night was cold, and the wind whipped her hair into her eyes, making it hard to see. Fear pumped through her veins, driving her forward. But in her panic, she stumbled over her foot and fell hard onto the cold, damp earth. Pain shot through her knees and palms, but she didn't have time to think about it. She could hear the dark figure getting closer, its footsteps heavy and menacing.

Breathing heavily, she forced herself to turn around, even though she was terrified of what she might see. Her heart pounded so loudly it drowned out almost everything else. When she saw it, she felt a chill run down her spine.

The creature stood there, looming over her. It had crimson red eyes that glowed like hot coals in the darkness. Its dark red wings were spread wide, blocking out the moonlight and casting a shadow over her. Sharp fangs glistened with fresh blood, dripping slowly onto the ground. Blood-red horns curved menacingly from its forehead, like the devil himself had come to life. The creature's breath was hot and smelled of iron and decay. Its growl was low and rumbling, a sound that made her blood run cold.

"Do you really think you can escape from me, my angel?" the creature said in a rough, hoarse voice. Each word seemed to scrape through the darkness, chilling her to the bone. Its eyes bore into hers with a fierce intensity, as if it could see right through her.

Alexia tried to back away, but her body was still frozen with fear. The creature's hand reached out, its fingers long and skeletal, more like claws than anything human. She could see the sharpness of its nails, glinting in the dim light, and she knew they could tear through flesh with ease.

"Please," Alexia whispered, her voice trembling. "Don't hurt me."

The creature laughed, a deep, guttural sound that echoed around them. "Hurt you? Oh, my sweet angel, you misunderstand. This is not about hurt. This is about possession. You belong to me. Your life. Everything."

It moved closer, its claws grazing her skin, cold and unyielding.

"Ahh!" she screamed, her voice high-pitched and panicked. She quickly closed her eyes, terror overtaking her. Suddenly, she felt the creature grab her and start shaking her. Desperation surged through her, and she blindly reached for the nearest object, hitting it frantically in a desperate bid to break free.

"Alexia! Alexia!" a gentle voice urged. Alexia quickly opened her eyes with a gasp and found Luke's concerned face looming over her.

She was panting heavily, each breath ragged and shallow, as sweat trickled down her back, soaking into her dress. Her heart pounded in her chest like a wild drum, and she could feel the tremors of fear still coursing through her body. Her hands shook uncontrollably, clutching the blanket as if it were a lifeline.

"It's okay," Luke's voice broke through the haze, steady and soothing. He sat beside her, gently patting her back. His touch was warm and reassuring. "It was just a dream."

But it wasn't just a dream. It felt more like a memory, as strange as it sounded. Every sensation was so real, so vivid—the cold, sharp claws on her skin, the breath hot against her ear, the overwhelming terror. She could still feel the pounding of her heart, the taste of fear in her mouth. It was as if she had truly lived those moments.

She had been having similar nightmares for as long as she could remember. They haunted her sleep, relentless and unexplainable. Each time, she awoke drenched in sweat, her body trembling with a fear she couldn't shake. The creature was always there, with its crimson eyes and blood-red horns, its presence so menacing and tangible.

Every time leaving her with the same unanswerable questions. What was that creature? 

A vampire? 

A demon?

Or was it the devil? 

Where the heavens finally punishing her for all her evil deeds?And why was it chasing her?

Also "my angel", it was calling her my angel despite the fact that it wanted to kill her?

She was lost in her thoughts, when Luke's voice suddenly brought her back to the reality. "It's okay, Alexia" he said softly, his hand still on her back "And somebody is waiting at the door,"

"Huh?" She blinked trying to focus.

"Did you see who it was?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly. Who would come to see her at this hour?

Luke shook his head, his expression serious."No, you said I shouldn't open the door and should always wait for you, right?" His eyes searched hers, trying to provide reassurance.

"That's good... but who could it possibly be?" Alexia wondered aloud, her voice barely above a whisper.

'Could it be Alex?' she thought.

Alex was her best friend. They had met in one of the villages she had traveled to during her many journeys. From the moment they met, there was an instant connection. Alex, with a kind heart and quick wit, had become her confidant and companion.

Initially, Alexia had thought Alex was a woman, But soon, she discovered that she was actually a he. Yes, Alex was actually a man who dressed as a woman. This revelation had come one evening when Alexia accidentally walked in on Alex changing clothes. The shock quickly turned to amusement and understanding, deepening their friendship.

It was Alex who had given Alexia the idea of disguising herself. Inspired by him, she began dressing as a boy during her travels. It offered her freedom and safety, allowing her to navigate through places where a woman might be vulnerable.

Now, Alexia lived with multiple identities. Sometimes she was Alexia, a young woman. Other times, she was Alex, the boy who wandered from village to village. She also took on other personalities as needed, adapting to the situations she found herself in.

Thinking of this, Alexia quickly got up from the bed and went to the door. Her heart raced as she reached for the doorknob. As soon as she opened the door, she was greeted by a thunderous slap. The force of the blow sent her crashing to the floor.

Pain exploded across her face, and she tasted blood. The slap was so heavy that it left her stunned, her vision blurry. She touched her lips and felt the warm, sticky blood trickling from her mouth. The world spun around her, and she struggled to understand what had just happened.

She quickly raised her head to see who was responsible, and when she saw his face, a shiver ran down her spine. It was Scorpion. She didn't know his real name; she only ever heard people referring to him as Scorpion and followed suit.

He had deep, dark brown eyes that seemed almost black, intense and piercing. His black hair was short and unkempt, framing a rugged face that bore the marks of countless battles. Scars crisscrossed his skin, running from his face down to his neck and disappearing beneath his clothes. 

His body was bulky and imposing, every muscle defined and honed through years of physical labor and combat. He stood tall and intimidating, his presence filling the house with an aura of danger. His arms, crossed over his chest, bulged with strength, and his stance exuded a quiet menace.

His eyes, though dark, held a coldness that sent a chill down Alexia's spine. They seemed to bore into her, assessing and calculating, as if he could see into her very soul. There was no warmth in his gaze, only a steely determination and a hint of cruelty.

Scorpion was the main reason she kept stealing, no matter how much money she made. Her father had owed him a huge debt, and when he passed away, Alexia was taken to his brothel. There, she was forced to work as a harlot. Unable to endure the torment, she ran away. In revenge, Scorpion kidnapped her best friend and personal maid, Beatrice.

To secure Beatrice's release, She had to come up with three hundred gold coins. Where could she possibly find such a large sum? Desperate, they struck a deal: Alexia agreed to pay Scorpion fifty silver coins each month. It was a daunting task, but she had no choice. She didn't understand why but Scorpion agreed ; perhaps there was still a flicker of decency in him. Nonetheless, this agreement meant she had to resort to stealing in order to fulfill her end of the bargain and free Beatrice from Scorpion's clutches.

But Alexia couldn't pay last month's debt because her brother had fallen ill, and she had to flee. She never expected Scorpion to track her down so quickly.

"Did you really think you could get away from me, Alexia? And without paying up? Looks like you don't give a damn about your friend," Scorpion said, his voice as cold as his eyes.

Alexia's mind raced as she tried to come up with a plan. She needed to protect Luke and herself from this monster. Summoning all her courage, she glared up at Scorpion. "I'll get you the money, just give me more time."

Scorpion sneered. "You've run out of time. But maybe there's another way you can repay me."

Dread filled her as she understood what he meant, but now wasn't the time for fear. 

"I told you, I will pay you back. Give me until tomorrow... And remember, I still have the power to expose all your illicit business to the king," She threatened, her voice rising in intensity.

Scorpion simply scoffed, then bent down and grabbed her chin brutally "Are you threatening me?" his voice low and dangerous "If I kill you right now, who will find out?"

Alexia winced, tears stinging her eyes,but she held her ground, and met scorpion's gaze "I've already told my friend. If I'm gone you'll be exposed. All I'm asking for is one day. l promise, I'll pay you a hundred silver coins by tomorrow,"

Silence hung in the air, Scorpion just kept his gaze on her, his fingers tightening on her chin. Finally, he released her with a forceful shove, straightening up, he looked at her contempt etched into every line of his face.

"One day," he growled after a long pause. "If by tomorrow I don't have a hundred silver coins in my hand, I will start by killing your darling brother before sending you to join him in hell."

Without waiting for a response, he turned sharply and strode away. Alexia remained on the floor, trembling, her body still throbbing from Scorpion's rough grip.

After a few moments, she gathered herself and turned to Luke, who stood nearby with wide eyes, having witnessed the entire exchange.

"Luke, I need you to stay here and watch over things," she said firmly, her voice steady despite her inner turmoil.

"Where are you going?" Luke asked anxiously, his voice laced with concern.

"I need to get more money. We need something to keep Scorpion off our backs for a while," she replied.

"Be careful," Luke pleaded, his eyes getting droopy.

"I'll be fine. Just stay here and keep watch. I'll be back before you know it," she reassured him, mustering a small, reassuring smile.

She quickly got up from the floor, urgency. Time was running out. Rushing to the chest where she stored her clothes, Alexia grabbed a set of men's garments. She hastily pulled on the oversized shirt and trousers, tucking her hair under a black scarf which she wrapped tightly around her head. And finally put on a set of boot. Now, she looked like a young boy.

Hurrying out the door, she ran across the small yard and into the forest. The trees were tall, and the path was dark, with a bit of sunlight peeping through the canopy of trees. She dodged low branches and jumped over roots sticking up from the ground.

After a while, she finally reached the edge of the forest. In the distance, she could see the tall stone walls of the Stones Kingdom, the largest kingdom in the region. Alexia took a deep breath and stepped out of the trees.

She walked swiftly through the bustling streets of the city. Vendors shouted, hawking their wares, and people hurried by, either heading to work or shopping. Market stalls lined the cobblestone paths, overflowing with colourful fabrics, gleaming trinkets and aromatic food that filled the air with tantalizing aroma.

People streamed by, workers in worn out clothes hustling to their various jobs. Children ran by, chasing each while giggling happily. Alexia kept her head down, trying not to draw attention.

Soon, she spotted a small shop selling fine clothes and jewelry. This would be the perfect place to steal what she needed. 

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, She pushed open the door of the small shop. Inside, the air was heavy with the scent of perfume and the murmur of voices.

Customers browsed displays of luxurious fabrics and glittering jewelry, their conversations blending into a low hum.

Browsing through the crowded shop, Alexia carefully moved to the back of the shop, where the most exquisite items were showcased. She kept her movements subtle, her eyes darting around to ensure no one was watching too closely. Spotting a necklace adorned with a large ruby pendant, she swiftly grabbed it, and hid it in her pockets. 

Just as she turned to leave, her heart skipped a beat as she collided with someone in her haste. She looked up and her heart sank. It was the city guard. He frowned down at her.

"Hold on there, boy," the guard said sternly. "Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?"

Alexia's mind raced as she stood there, trembling slightly. She knew she had to come up with something convincing, and quickly.

"Um, I was just...looking for my father," she stammered, trying to sound innocent. "He said he'd be waiting for me outside."

The guard narrowed his eyes, clearly not buying her story. "Is that so?" he muttered skeptically, reaching out to grab Alexia's arm. "Let's see what you've got in those pockets."

Alexia's heart pounded as the guard's rough hands rifled through her clothes. Panic surged through her veins. She had to get away, but how? Her eyes darted around the shop, searching desperately for an escape route.

With a surge of adrenaline, She elbowed the guard hard in the stomach, causing him to double over in pain. Seizing her chance, she sprinted towards the exit, hurring down the busy streets, she kept glancing back anxiously, half-expecting the guard to come charging after her.

Turning around a corner sharply, she collided with someone unexpectedly, nearly losing her balance in the process.

Looking up, she found herself face to face with a strikingly handsome young man who seemed to be in his early twenties. His jet-black hair cascaded in unruly waves, framing a face of chiseled features and a strong jawline. His piercing silver eyes bore into hers with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. They were framed by thick, dark lashes that accentuated their depth and allure.

His complexion was flawless, a jade white that glowed softly, Smooth as porcelain, his skin held no imperfection, radiating an otherworldly charm. Despite his slender build, he was still quite muscular.

Dressed impeccably in a robe, he exuded an air of effortless elegance and confidence. His presence commanded attention from those around him.

Despite the urgency of the situation, Alexia couldn't help but drool over this young man.

"Are you blind? Can't you watch where you're going?" Xavier asked coldly, his voice cutting through her thoughts.

Caught off guard, Alexia stumbled over her words as she quickly raised her hand to wipe her drool. "Sorry, sorry," she managed to mumble, hastily averting her gaze and pushing past him to continue her frantic escape down the street.

"Your Highness, that boy stole something. I need to catch him," the guard's voice called out urgently as he caught up to Xavier.

"Leave him," Xavier ordered firmly.

"But, Your Highness..." the guard started to protest but quickly fell silent under Xavier's cold gaze.

"We have more important things to attend to, let's go," he commanded, striding towards a particular shop down the street.

Xavier is finally here guys,

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Raven_writescreators' thoughts