

ALL MEN SHALL PAY IN BLOOD, NO MAN SHALL GO UNPUNISHED NO MORE, FOR THE TIME OF JUDGEMENT IS HERE. **A love born from revenge, bathed in blood, yet both hearts are unwilling to let go.** Xavier Stones, the enigmatic third prince of the Stones Kingdom, is a man with a shattered soul, consumed by darkness. Haunted by the brutal death of his mother, he has but one goal: seek revenge on his father, with his lover by his side. But fate intervenes when he discovers the woman he swore to kill holds his heart in her grasp. Alexia lives in a male-dominated world where women are seen as mere tools for marriage. She has survived a life on the run through theft, deceit, hard labor, and disguising herself as a boy to protect her younger brother. Working as a guard in the palace, she crosses paths with Xavier. As secrets of her past and an overwhelming darkness threaten to consume her, Alexia finds herself relying on Xavier. Yet, the man she loves happens to be the source of all her suffering. How can she accept such a cruel twist of fate? Join Alexia on her journey to uncover truths, harness powers, and face death as she battles the shadows of her past and the demons of her present. Will she succumb to the darkness within, or will she summon the courage to shape her own future?

Raven_writes · Fantasy
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10 Chs


"Phew!" Alexia sighed with relief as she approached the village.

The sun was already beginning its descent beyond the horizon, casting long shadows across the rugged path she had traversed. Despite the pain from her wounds making each step excruciating, Alexia felt a wave of relief wash over her as she finally reached her destination.

Four Corners Village lay nestled at the heart of the vast forest. Its buildings, though modest, exuded a rustic charm amidst the towering trees that surrounded them. The village had a quiet serenity about it, a stark contrast to the people who lived there.

This dense woodland sprawled out in all directions, with narrow, winding paths leading from its edges to the four mightiest kingdoms: the Stone Kingdom, the Kingdom of Thalorath, the Kingdom of Drakoria, and the Avalon Kingdom.

These kingdoms were renowned across all the lands for their strength, wealth, and influence. Towering above them all was the Azure Empire, a supreme authority that governed and united all the kingdoms under its dominance.

Years ago, the village had been a battleground as the kingdoms fought for control. Whoever held the village could easily infiltrate the neighboring kingdoms, shifting the balance of power.

The conflicts seemed endless until the Azure Empire, with its unparalleled might, intervened. The Emperor decreed that the village was to remain a neutral territory, free from the squabbles of the lesser kingdoms. The wars ceased, leaving Four Corners Village in a state of peace.

For many years, the village remained undisturbed, a quiet and forgotten place in the heart of the forest. That changed when a group of cunning thieves discovered it and made it their home.

They defended the village from nearby beasts, transforming it into a refuge for outlaws. Soon, it became a den of criminals, a place where lawlessness reigned and outlaws from all four kingdoms could find refuge.

Despite its bad reputation, the royals of the four kingdoms paid little attention to the village, dismissing it as a mere hideout for petty criminals.

'Hmm, what's happening over there?' Alexia wondered, her attention drawn to a commotion within the village.

Her eyes fell upon a group of people huddled around two individuals. One was an imposing man with long hair tied back in a ponytail. He held a formidable sword and gazed down haughtily at the ground where a young, handsome boy lay. Blood trickled from his mouth, revealing his silver hair, silver eyes, and a lean frame. The boy's body was riddled with wounds as he lay pitifully on the floor.

"Luke!" Alexia exclaimed in horror as she recognized the injured boy. Disregarding her own wounds, she rushed through the crowd and knelt beside him, cradling his head on her thighs.

"What happened, Luke? How did this happen?" Alexia asked, tears streaming down her face. She couldn't bear the sight of her brother in such a miserable state.

"Sister, you're finally here... That man over there was calling you a whore. He said you went to town to sell your body to rich noblemen. I couldn't bear it, so I..." Luke stammered, struggling to finish his sentence.

"You fought him?" Alexia asked, completing his sentence with trembling lips. Luke nodded weakly in agreement.

"Luke, why did you do that? I can handle myself. You're still a kid," Alexia said, her voice tinged with frustration. If it weren't for his injuries, she would have given him a stern scolding right then and there.

"Excuse me for interrupting your heartwarming reunion, but I'm far from finished teaching that brat a lesson," the burly man suddenly remarked from behind her with a taunting smile.

"Actually, you're not that bad... How about this: since I'm so forgiving, I'll give you a chance. If you agree to spend a night with me, I'll let the matter with this brat go. You know, as a woman, it's not safe for you to be alone. Unforeseen circumstances might occur. But if you become my woman, I'll make sure I protect you," he said, staring at her lewdly, his lips curling into a smirk.


Alexia nearly cursed in frustration, barely able to contain her anger. His mere stare made her skin crawl. She couldn't fathom how this scoundrel even had the audacity to make such a proposition after hurting her brother so badly. Did he really see her as a fool or what?

"Alright, you've finally succeeded in getting me angry. I'll ensure you suffer ten times the pain my brother endured," Alexia declared, her eyes shooting daggers at him. If looks could kill, he'd be long gone.

At first, the man was taken aback by her sudden outburst, but soon, he burst out laughing as if she were a joke. Even the surrounding crowd couldn't help but sneer at Alexia's bold statement.

"Hahaha... little girl, did I hear you right? You want to beat me up?" he scoffed.

"How dare you speak to me like that? There's a difference between ignorance and foolishness. Don't let your foolishness lead you to an early grave. You better know your rightful place, and that's under me..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Alexia suddenly sprang into action. With a swift motion, she delivered a powerful kick to his chest. He didn't have a chance to react as he was immediately sent flying into the air before crashing heavily to the ground a few meters away. Blood spurted from his mouth before he finally lay motionless, unconscious. It was unknown if he was dead or alive.

The crowd couldn't help but suck in a cold breath.

"W... What the heck was that?"

"Did that girl just knock out James with a single kick?"

"Impossible! James is one of the toughest men in the village! I heard he even went toe to toe with a royal knight once. How could a little girl beat him up, and so fast at that?"

"This girl seems more powerful than she looks. No wonder she's not afraid to come to this village. She's got some tricks up her sleeve."

"But could she be that powerful? Isn't she just a girl? She doesn't seem to be over twenty years old."

The crowd was left stunned by Alexia's incredible feat. They couldn't peel their eyes off the scene and kept gaping at her as though she were some kind of alien. How could a girl be so strong?,They almost couldn't believe it, but the sight of the unconscious James on the ground was proof enough.

Alexia herself was surprised by what had happened. She hadn't thought her kick would knock him unconscious; she had simply felt a rush of anger overwhelm her, and then he was sent flying.

'Hmph... such a pathetic old man. So weak yet he was being so arrogant. Can't even take a kick, and he wants to have me under him. He's simply not worthy,' Alexia thought disdainfully.

She was confident in her abilities and was sure she could beat this man. But what she hadn't expected was for him to be unable to defend himself. Well, he was a man; he probably thought there was no reason to keep his guard up against her since she was just a lady.

Alexia took a deep breath, steadying herself as she looked around at the gawking faces. She knew she had to stay calm and composed. Showing any sign of weakness now could be dangerous.

She then turned to Luke, who had a wide grin on his face.

"I knew he wouldn't be able to beat you," he groaned, his words slurred by his bloodied teeth.

"We should head home and treat your injuries," Alexia said, ignoring his comment. She bent down and gestured for him to climb onto her back.

Luke smiled wryly. He was already twelve years old, but his sister still treated him like a child. How was he supposed to climb onto her back? It was so embarrassing.

He hesitated but couldn't bring himself to tell her. Since their parents' death, Alexia had taken on the role of both sibling and mother, caring for him tirelessly.

"Come on, Luke," Alexia urged. "What are you waiting for?"

Reluctantly, he climbed onto her back, his legs wrapping tightly around her waist and his hands gripping her neck for support.

With Luke securely in place, Alexia stood up. The crowd parted as they headed home. She couldn't care less about James's fate. Four Corners Village was a lawless place; even if he died, no one would object.

As Alexia walked through the narrow, dusty paths of the village, she thought about how much this village had transformed.

The evening air was cool, carrying a faint hint of pine from the dense forest surrounding the village. The setting sun cast long, eerie shadows on the ground, making the narrow paths seem even more foreboding.

Along a narrow alley, she witnessed a group of rough-looking men harassing a lone traveler, their menacing figures blocking his path.

The traveler, clearly intimidated, hastily handed over a small pouch before scurrying away, casting fearful glances over his shoulder.

Alexia felt sorry for the man but decided not to act. Now wasn't the time to play heroine.

Her back ached from carrying Luke's weight, but she gritted her teeth and kept moving. The villagers stared at them, some curious, others unfriendly, but Alexia ignored their gazes, focusing solely on her brother's well-being.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached their small, rundown house at the edge of the village. The structure was modest, with walls made of weathered wood and a thatched roof that looked like it might collapse in the next storm.

Alexia gently lowered Luke to the ground and helped him inside, supporting his weight as they moved through the creaky door. The interior was simple but clean, thanks to Alexia's effort to make it feel like a home despite knowing they wouldn't stay there for long.

"Sit down, Luke. I'll get the herbs," she said, her voice calm but firm, masking the worry she felt inside.

Luke sank onto the wooden bench with a sigh of relief, the tension in his body easing slightly. Alexia moved swiftly to a small shelf where she kept a bundle of medicinal herbs, which she had gathered from the forest over the past few weeks.

She knelt beside Luke and began to crush the herbs with a small stone pestle, mixing them with a bit of water to create a thick, green paste. The pungent scent of the herbs soon filled the room, mingling with the musty smell of old wood.

"Does it hurt a lot?" she asked softly, her fingers working gently as she applied the paste to his wounds.

"A bit," Luke replied, wincing as she treated a particularly deep cut on his arm. "But I'll be okay. Thanks, Alexia."

She smiled faintly, her eyes softening. "You were very brave today, but you need to be more careful. I can't afford to lose you too."

Luke looked at her, gently biting his lips and fidgeting with his hands. "I... I'm sorry, Alexia. I just couldn't bear someone speaking badly about you."

"I know," she said, her voice trembling slightly. She paused, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "But I need you to stay safe. For me."

She continued applying the herbal paste to his wounds, the silence between them filled with unspoken fears and hopes and their uncertain future that lay ahead. But she couldn't let her brother see her worry; he needed her to be strong.

"Luke," she began softly, "You're all I have left. Since Mom and Dad... well, it's just us now. I can't lose you too."

Luke looked up at her, his eyes wide with emotion. "I promise I'll be more careful. I just wanted to help."

"I know you did," Alexia said, finishing the treatment on his arm. "And I appreciate it. But we have to be smart about how we handle things here. This village... it's not safe for us."

After she finished treating his wounds, she moved on to her own injuries, grimacing as she applied the paste to her cuts and bruises. She had almost forgotten how much pain she was in.

Once she was done, she stood up and moved to the small kitchen area to prepare a simple dinner. The kitchen contained only a few loaves of stale bread and some dried herbs. She fetched a pot and filled it with water, setting it over the small fire in the hearth to boil.

As the water heated, she tore the bread into chunks and tossed them in, adding a handful of dried herbs to make a basic, nourishing soup. The process of preparing the meal, though simple, gave her a moment to think.

"Luke, do you remember the stories Dad used to tell us?" she asked as she stirred the pot.

"Yeah," Luke replied, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "About the brave knights and the beautiful kingdoms far away."

Alexia smiled faintly. "I used to dream about those places. Somewhere better than this, where we could live without fear."

"Do you think those places really exist?" Luke asked, a spark of hope in his eyes.

"I do," Alexia said firmly. "And I promise you, we'll find a way to get there. We just have to be patient and careful."

They ate in silence, the only sounds being the crackling of the fire and the occasional clink of wooden spoons against the bowls. The quiet gave them both time to reflect on the day's events. Alexia couldn't stop replaying the moment she had kicked James. She didn't know why, but she felt a surge of excitement when she remembered her actions.

'I should have kicked his balls; that would teach him not to mess with women again,' she muttered, somewhat regretful.

Luke, on the other hand, felt admiration for his sister. He never would have thought that she was so strong.

After dinner, Alexia helped Luke to bed, guiding him to the small cot in the corner of the room. She made sure he was comfortable, adjusting the thin blanket over him and tucking it around his body. Luke's eyes were heavy with exhaustion, and it wasn't long before he drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Alexia moved to her own small room, a space barely large enough to fit her thin mattress and a tiny wooden chest that held her few belongings. She lay down, staring at the cracked ceiling above her. Thoughts of the future swirled in her mind, mingling with memories of the past.

Life in the village was hard and dangerous, filled with constant threats and uncertainty. She was determined to find a way out for her and Luke. They couldn't afford to stay in one place forever; they constantly had to move from village to village because of the crimes she had committed.

But that wasn't the life she wanted for her brother. She wanted him to enjoy all the pleasures of life, but since women were not allowed to work, her only options were to steal or deceive noblemen.

The night outside was quiet, except for the distant sounds of animals in the forest and the occasional rustle of leaves in the wind.

Alexia closed her eyes, feeling the weight of the day's events finally catch up to her. She knew tomorrow would bring new problems and challenges, but for now, she was grateful that she and Luke had survived another day.

With a heart filled with dreams of a brighter future, Alexia finally drifted into a restless sleep.

Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Alexia's journey is just beginning, and there's so much more to come. I'd love to hear your thoughts and any feedback you have. Don't forget to support this novel with power stones and gifts. Thanks for your support and for following Alexia's journey.

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