
2. Revenge of the Dead


Sometimes you're the ball, sometimes you're the paddle.


This mystic realm was meant to be used as a whet stone on the current generation of youth. Practical combat, decision making and luck where a few of the attributes to be tested and improved. But this time too many deaths and strange occurrences had happened explained George. An inheritance must have been triggered. The restraints on this realm have loosened or changed. It wasn't safe here anymore.

"We leave after I have a rest" said George, "and you John, will clean up this mess and persevere what is left of his corpse." John knew he would be receiving a punishment when they returned, but he didn't care. Derick was dead and no punishment could change that.


Derick: Bastard, you could have at least left my family with a complete corpse... Who am I kidding? (Hahaha) I'm going to take your body as a replacement anyway.


John got started making a crude wooden box form a nearby tree. Using his sword, he took a power stance. Circulating his chi, with a quick swing, his sword went straight through. *creek* *boom* went the tree. Several strange animals scurried out of the fallen tree, all of them were mutants. From a poisonous purple three eyed flying squirrel to a green six-winged flying snake. John was always unnerved by their changes whenever he saw them. It was the reason why humans could never inhabit the mystic realms. The mutation factor was too high.

Fighting within them would always increase the results of training and sometimes cause random battle mutations. From increased strength to pyrokinesis. It was a luxury of the clans to use these realms. In fact, lucky or unlucky, individuals could even find themselves to be turned into a strategic resource of the clan as these mutations could be passed on.


Derick: System… SYSTEM!

System: 0.016%

Derick: Respond to me System!

System: 0.016%

Derick: What the f*** do I have to do to get you the respond?

System: Query information or have a request for the System. 0.016%

Derick: … So, …, no social niceties? No responses to 'Hey System?'

System: Affirmative. 0.016%

Derick: System, I need some entertainment. Maybe an MMORPG or something. Hell, give me that new Dating sim, "Wolf among sheep 3: Rise of the Janitor."

System: System wishes to remind the host; System is currently obliterating a soul. 99.999999999999999% of currently available resource are in use. 0.016%

Derick: … Fine. What entertainment can you do for me?

System: Pong. 0.016%

Derick: Pong!? You can destroy a soul and all I can get is pong?

System: Affirmative. 0.016%

Derick: Fine… Pong, better than nothing.

System: Warning: Installation of Pong into host brain will result in a performance drop of 0.157% and take 0.013% of permanent brain capacity. 0.017%



The casket was done, but the basic preservation array was a mess. Barely function really. Maybe it was the work, or the confusing singing of the three headed robin in the tree, but John found that his mind was wandering more and more. Thoughts of his favorite dating sim series kept distracting him. "Wolf among sheep", "Wolf among sheep 2: Farm Life" – Banned in 42 countries, and his latest acquisition "Wolf among sheep 3: Rise of the Janitor" – Banned in 17 countries before it was even released. That was until the beeping started…


System: Pong install completed.

Derick: Finally, something to do.

System: (ding) A new quest has been created

Derick: A quest?

System: Affirmative. Would user like the new user quest tutorial?

Derick: … No, just skip it and open the stupid quest log.

Quest Log: Quests Available(1), Quests In Progress(0), Quest Completed(0), Quests FAILED(3)

Derick: How the hell did I fail a quest already!? What did I FAIL!?

Quest Log: Quests FAILED – 1. New User Quest Tutorial

2. New User Care Package 1

3. Perfect Streak Quest Bonus

System: Declined quest are deemed as failed and failure consequences are invoked.

Derick: <@.@>

System Warning: Damage to user's soul detected. Scanning…, hostile force(s) not detected.

System: It is not recommended for the user to damage the user's soul.

Derick: …

System: | (Author's note, I so wanted this to be a blinking curser.)

Derick: … System, list the failure consequences.

Quest Log: 1. New User Quest Tutorial – Failure – No other Tutorial Quests

2. New User Care Package 1 – Failure – No future Care Packages

3. Perfect Streak Quest Bonus – Failure – Reset Perfect Streak Bonus

Derick: List available quests.

Quest Log: Quests Available – 1. Soul Pong

Derick: Details?

Quest Log: Description – A deadly game of skill and cunning. Fight the host body and seize everything.

Task – Defeat your opponent.

Reward – Destroy part of the host's soul and invigorate the user's own.

Failure – Soul Damage

Special Features – Repeatable, Drag opponent into Soul Pong once a day.

Derick: Soul Pong? Cunning and Skill?

System: Affirmative and affirmative.

Derick: Are you sure system? It is pong for f***ing sakes.

System: Affirmative. It is recommended that the user does not underestimate soul pong. Please play the in-game tutorial for more information.

System: User may start soul pong by thinking "Start Soul Pong."

Derick: (sigh) Let's see this lame game.

Derick: Start soul pong.

System: |

Derick: System, start soul pong.

System: |


System: |


System: Negative and Negative. The System is not frozen or crappy.

Derick: (breathing noises) Then why won't it work?

System: User must think, "Start Soul Pong."

Derick: … Start Soul Pong.

System: (whirling disk noises) Loading Soul Pong 1%...7%...10%...15%

Derick: <Φ.Φ>

System: (slight burning smell) 85%...100%

System: Welcome to

(Insert cool ASCII word art for Soul Pong v 0.27)

___ __ _ _ __

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(___/ \__/ \__/ (_____)

___ __ _ _ __

( ,\ / \ ( \ ( ) / _)

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(__) \__/ (_) \_) \__/

_ _ __ ___ ___

( ) ( ) / \ (__ \ (__ )

\\// ( () ) _ / __/ / /

(__) \__/(_)\___)(_/