
1. Death of my Foe


You never know what life has in store for you.


I have no exact memories of the moment I came into existence, just strong emotions. In fact, that was all I had. No logic, no sense of self; I had rage and desire. I was a monster in that early time. Now, I'm still not quite sure what I am. I have grown beyond the confines of my previous self. Beyond the coils of man and system.

I was a heart demon, but now I am so much more. But I will never forget.




*voice*: System transferred successful.

Erasing memory of receiving system messages from host memory.

*voice2*: (Scream) Bloody System, why didn't you warn me. That hurt. Never mind System, how long until this body is mine?

System: User, soul transfer is not painful... The death of the original host body is. New host body's soul requires erasing and removal before new soul integration can commence. Techniques, skills and memories of the body will stay intact. Estimated time: 2 weeks.

*voice2*: (cheh) So long to go without a body. System how long till I can at least see or hear or something?

System: Estimated time: 3 hours and 27 minutes 17 seconds.

Estimated time: 3 hours and 27 minutes 16 seconds.

*voice2*: (ugg) I told you to drop the stupid seconds.


The smile on his dead face annoyed me for some reason. The sudden headache I have does not help either. So, I kicked that smile off his ridiculous face. My rival was dead so I should be relieved, but this headache and feeling of foreboding just will not ease up.

I clean my blade on Derick's tunic and search him for his token. I add it to my collection. 5 more to go and then I can leave this dreadful mystic realm. I wipe the sweat from my brow as I look to the sky and see the setting of the primary sun. It should finally start cooling down.

I head back to camp. The body will soon attract the scavengers of the forest.

As I approach camp, Jenny yells at me. "John, where have you been? And where's Derick?" I take a moment to compose my words. "Derick's dead. We got ambushed by a mutant puma. I managed to chase it off but not before it ripped out his throat." Jenny looks at me with a knowing look. "So, you managed to kill him. (sigh) The elders said this trip would temper your tempers." With a planned movement I pull a mutant puma tail from my pack. The fresh blood on the end drips to the ground. "No Jenny, it wasn't me, a puma got him; I drove it away after cutting off its tail." Jenny still looks at me with doubt.

I ignore her glare and grimace as my head continues to throb. "I'm going to sleep, wake me when George gets back from his watch." As I head for my modern looking tent, I hear Jenny's frustrated stomp as the genetic verification quickly unlocks the entrance to my tent. The blissful air conditioning hits me in the face as I enter. Maybe this, a shower and some sleep will ease my splitting head.


System: Host body has entered dormancy, dreaming has commenced. Soul vulnerability detected. Commencing soul memory obliteration.



Derick: Finally, something to do. System let me see the process.

System: Error, user's soul is not strong enough to witness the process.



Derick: (Arg!) Enough with the notifications. Just let me know when I can see again.



A searing pain wracks my mind as I suddenly awaken from my sleep. I reach for my blade expecting an assassination attempt on my life, but find no one…

Just the gentle hum of the conversation array and my sweat soaked sheets. I look at my smart watch, it has only been 4 hours since I laid down. I feel someone is watching me.


System: 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…

Visual and Auditory integration complete.

Derick: Finally, I can see something. Stupid John, everything that is yours will eventually be mine. Hahaha


I can feel the shadows laughing at me. Maybe it is stress from killing that ungrateful bastard. He deserved it. Trying to take my rightful position as inheritor. I'll never feel pity for that bastard.

Maybe another shower will help clear my head.


Derick: System how do I turn off vision? I don't want to see this f****r nude.

System: Removing vision integration may damage user's soul and body compatibility. System wishes to remind user that the host body will become the user's body.

Derick: ... Fine.


The creepy sensation of being watched never cleared up. It almost makes me think my ex installed a nano camera again. That was a crazy fun time, but there should be no way for her to get here. Her body couldn't handle the mystic energies used for transport to this mystic realm and we were all scanned for tracking technology, mystical and otherwise.

My smart watch started beeping. It is a message from Jenny, "George is back and he is pissed at you. Better get up quick before he barges in. Lol like your watch could ever wake you!"

George is normally a very mild fellow, well-mannered and reserved. A shining example of a noble knight, but when roused... (shudders) I've seen death sworn pail in his presence. He is also our protector. I better get out there quickly.

Rushing to finish dressing, I hear the tent's intruder warning going off. Shit, he won't wait much longer. I start rushing for the entrance. If he was serious with that attack, my tent's dimensional walls would have already collapsed and ejected me and everything with it.

Opening the entrance is usually quite an easy and safe feature. Timing my exit between George's attacks make it quite the opposite. Finally, he pauses for a moments reprieve and I jump out rolling to the side attempting to dodge the next attack volley. His attacks follow me midair and through my tumbling routine. The first slash takes part off most of my long hair. The second removes my weapon belt. The last sits on my throat waiting to behead me. "Any last words?" says George through his rage. "It wasn't me." I eek out under great duress, "It was a mutant puma."

He pulls back his blade and slams my face with the hilt. Blood leaks from my busted lip. "Wrong answer to the wrong question." I look to Jenny, but she is on the opposite side of camp looking at something. I am roughly hoisted up by my collar, and hurled next to Jenny. Sliding face first on the ground I come face to face with a half-eaten bloody mess. It takes me a moment, but it is the remains of Derick and a mutant puma head.


Derick: (blerg) cough. Doesn't this thing come with a filter or a blur mode.

System: ...


I quickly get up and scoot back from the awful mess in front of me. George appears on the right, next to me and to the left of Jenny. He seems spent and deflated. "Why didn't you notify me when this happened John? I could have at least preserved his body." George says as he slumped into a nearby chair.

Jenny gives a fierce look and goes to comfort him. I almost even feel bad for the big bear, except my bashed face reminds me not to. "I don't know" I mumble in response while looking away. George is a believing soul. He sees the good in everyone, but don't take him for an idiot.

"We are heading back." he says in a dejected voice. "What!?" Jenny and I scream in almost unison. "but we can't go back. I have more tokens I need to collect."


Ran it throught MS Word.

Let me know what you think.

Working on Chapter 2.

Oneavgcreators' thoughts