
Heart across centuries: echoes of the silent abyss

"Heart across centuries" draws inspiration from the haunting depths of forgotten secrets and the chilling resonance of hidden truths. Imagine standing on the precipice, listening to whispers carried by unseen currents—a symphony of lost memories, regret, and ancient enigmas. The word " heart " evokes a sense of repetition, as if the abyss itself remembers every whispered confession, every betrayal, and every sacrifice. The "echoes of the silent abyss(heart across centuries)" conjures images of darkness—an unfathomable void where answers lie buried, waiting for brave souls to unravel their mysteries. Perhaps it's the silence that unnerves us most—the absence of sound, the absence of closure. What lies beneath? What stories remain untold? "heart across centuries " weaves a thrilling tapestry of love, time travel, reincarnation,mystery,suspense, revenge, crime, and the human capacity for both darkness and redemption. As Hye Jin, Sung Woo, and Kim Song grapple with their desires and the dangerous game they're caught in, they'll discover that sometimes, the boundaries we set are meant to be shattered. Get ready for a heart-pounding journey where passion collides with danger, and where love may be the ultimate weapon against the shadows that threaten to consume them all. In modern Seoul, Yoo Ji-hyun discovers an ancient jade pendant that unlocks memories of her past life. Centuries ago, Prince Sung-Woo and General Hye Jin loved fiercely but were torn apart. Now, as Ji-hyun and Doctor Park Min-joon unravel the pendant's secrets, they must rewrite their fate and reunite hearts that span time. Yet, shadows from the past emerge—malevolent forces determined to keep Sung Woo and Hye Jin apart. As the eclipse approaches, danger looms. Ancient curses stir, and betrayal threatens their fragile connection. Ji-hyun and Min-joon race against time, knowing that breaking the curse may exact a price neither of them is prepared to pay. And so, whispered by the wind and etched in the stars, a prophecy resurfaces: "When the moon bleeds crimson, the pendant shall pulse with forgotten magic. The Wolf Prince and the Sorceress shall stand at the crossroads of eternity. One path leads to salvation, the other to oblivion. Choose wisely, for the threads of destiny fray, and the celestial clock ticks relentlessly." As the lunar eclipse approaches, Ji-hyun and Min-joon must decipher the prophecy's cryptic words. Their love, their lives, and the very fabric of time hang in delicate balance. Release date: 4 June 2024 update:2 chapters everyday

Moonstone_novels17 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 2: The unspoken words

As the college bell rang, signaling the end of another academic day, the campus buzzed with the chatter and laughter of students ready to embrace the weekend. At the edge of the bustling crowd, Kim Song waited, leaning casually against his car, a soft smile playing on his lips.

The crowd parted, and there she was—Seo Dan, his best friend's sister , with her backpack slung over one shoulder, looking every bit the picture of youthful academia. Their eyes met, and Seo Dan face lit up with recognition and warmth.

"Hey, Song Oppa! Waiting for someone?" Seo Dan teased, approaching with an easy gait.

"Actually, I was waiting for you," Kim Song replied, pushing off from the car. "Your sister had to leave town for a work emergency. She asked me to make sure her favorite Sister gets home safe."

Seo Dan chuckled, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. "I'm her only Sister , but I'll take the compliment. Thanks for picking me up."

They settled into the car, the engine purring to life as Kim Song pulled away from the curb. The air between them was comfortable, filled with the soft hum of the radio and the quieter sounds of the world passing by outside.

"So, how was class today?" Kim Song inquired, glancing over at Seo Dan with genuine interest.

"It was good, actually. We started a new project in art class, and I'm really excited about it," Seo Dan shared, her enthusiasm infectious.

Kim Song nodded, his smile growing. "Art's always been your thing. I bet it's going to be amazing."

The conversation flowed effortlessly, touching on everything from mundane class assignments to their shared love of old movies. It was easy, this camaraderie, and Seo Dan found himself wishing the drive could last forever.

As they neared Seo Dan house, Kim Song's voice broke through the comfortable silence. "Hey, I was wondering if you'd like to come over to my place this weekend. We could work on your art project, watch some of those classic films, and just hang out. What do you say?"

Seo Dan heart skipped a beat. An entire weekend with Kim Song, away from the prying eyes of the world, where they could just be themselves? It sounded perfect.

"I'd love to," Seo Dan said, her voice steady despite the butterflies in her stomach. "That sounds like the perfect weekend."

As Kim Song turned into Seo Dan driveway, they shared a look that said more than words ever could. This weekend would be a new chapter for them, one filled with the promise of sweet conversations and the kind of friendship that could blossom into something more.


The weekend promised a respite from the world, a chance for Kim Song and Seo Dan to explore the depths of their friendship—and perhaps something more. As they arrived at Kim Song place, the air was thick with anticipation.

**Saturday Morning:**

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the two as they sat at the kitchen table, sketchbooks open and pencils in hand. They were lost in their art, lines flowing freely, occasionally glancing up to exchange a shy smile or a burst of laughter.

Kim Song looked at Seo Dan "I love how you capture emotion in your sketches, Seo Dan. It's like you can see right into the soul."

"Thanks, Song Oppa. I've always found inspiration in the people and the world around me. And this weekend, I'm finding a lot of inspiration right here."

Their conversation meandered from art to dreams, each revelation bringing them closer.

In Evening

As dusk settled, they lounged on the couch, a classic film painting flickers of light and shadow across their faces. Between handfuls of popcorn, their hands brushed, sending jolts of electricity through them.

"You know, Seo Dan, these old movies have nothing on the story we're living right now." Kim Song said

"I couldn't agree more. It's like we're in our own personal film, and I'm excited to see where the plot takes us." Seo Dan replied

Their laughter mingled with the movie's dialogue, creating a soundtrack to their burgeoning connection.

In the Afternoon

The weekend was winding down, but their spirits were high as they strolled through the park, the autumn leaves crunching underfoot. They talked about everything and nothing, their words as natural as the world around them.

Kim Song looked up "I wish weekends like this could last forever."

Seo Dan looked at him and said "Who says they can't? We can make our own rules, carve out our own little world within this one."

They shared a hopeful glance, the promise of countless weekends ahead reflected in their eyes.

As Seo Dan packed her things to leave, the silence was heavy with unspoken words. At the door, they hesitated, neither wanting to break the spell of the weekend.

"Seo Dan, this weekend was... it was perfect." Said by Kim Song

"It was more than perfect, Song Oppa. It was the beginning of something amazing."

With a final, lingering look, Seo Dan stepped out into the evening, the warmth of the weekend enveloping her like a comforting embrace. And as Kim Song watched her go, he knew that this was only the start of their story—a story that would unfold in the weekends to come.