
Heart across centuries: echoes of the silent abyss

"Heart across centuries" draws inspiration from the haunting depths of forgotten secrets and the chilling resonance of hidden truths. Imagine standing on the precipice, listening to whispers carried by unseen currents—a symphony of lost memories, regret, and ancient enigmas. The word " heart " evokes a sense of repetition, as if the abyss itself remembers every whispered confession, every betrayal, and every sacrifice. The "echoes of the silent abyss(heart across centuries)" conjures images of darkness—an unfathomable void where answers lie buried, waiting for brave souls to unravel their mysteries. Perhaps it's the silence that unnerves us most—the absence of sound, the absence of closure. What lies beneath? What stories remain untold? "heart across centuries " weaves a thrilling tapestry of love, time travel, reincarnation,mystery,suspense, revenge, crime, and the human capacity for both darkness and redemption. As Hye Jin, Sung Woo, and Kim Song grapple with their desires and the dangerous game they're caught in, they'll discover that sometimes, the boundaries we set are meant to be shattered. Get ready for a heart-pounding journey where passion collides with danger, and where love may be the ultimate weapon against the shadows that threaten to consume them all. In modern Seoul, Yoo Ji-hyun discovers an ancient jade pendant that unlocks memories of her past life. Centuries ago, Prince Sung-Woo and General Hye Jin loved fiercely but were torn apart. Now, as Ji-hyun and Doctor Park Min-joon unravel the pendant's secrets, they must rewrite their fate and reunite hearts that span time. Yet, shadows from the past emerge—malevolent forces determined to keep Sung Woo and Hye Jin apart. As the eclipse approaches, danger looms. Ancient curses stir, and betrayal threatens their fragile connection. Ji-hyun and Min-joon race against time, knowing that breaking the curse may exact a price neither of them is prepared to pay. And so, whispered by the wind and etched in the stars, a prophecy resurfaces: "When the moon bleeds crimson, the pendant shall pulse with forgotten magic. The Wolf Prince and the Sorceress shall stand at the crossroads of eternity. One path leads to salvation, the other to oblivion. Choose wisely, for the threads of destiny fray, and the celestial clock ticks relentlessly." As the lunar eclipse approaches, Ji-hyun and Min-joon must decipher the prophecy's cryptic words. Their love, their lives, and the very fabric of time hang in delicate balance. Release date: 4 June 2024 update:2 chapters everyday

Moonstone_novels17 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 1:familiar echoes

Characters introduction

Hye-Jin/Ji Hyun(female main character): the girl that gamble with fate and traveled through time to save her sister. In the realm of fate and time's vast weave,Hye-Jin, a maiden bold, did fate deceive.Through time's firm grasp she deftly slipped,To save her sister, from death's cold grip.

Seo-Dan/Jae-I (female leads sister): the girl that keeps dying in every life time. Seo-Dan, the sister, cursed by cruel fate,In every life, death's kiss would not abate.A cycle vicious, with no respite or end,Her soul in time's cruel dance did wend.

Kim Song(villian): The villain that kill Hye-Jin in her first life and now he is her fiancé in her second life. The villian of the book and guy that is involved in illegal and criminal activities.

Sung Woo/Park-Min-Joon (male main character) the prince that became immortal to meet the reincarnation of his wife (Hye-Jin) that was killed on their wedding night.

Kim-In-Ha (villians brother): the guy that help the villian (his brother) in all illegal activities and he is Jae-I's boyfriend.

Kang Ha and his son (Jin)-(female lead's uncle and cousin) : the female lead's selfish uncle and cousin that always wants to be center of attention and wants to control everything.

He-Ra (female lead's personal assistant): the female lead's best friend that is always there for her through hell and heaven 

Lee-Bo-Young (male lead's personal assistant): The girl with one-sided love for the male lead and the girl that join force with Jung-Wook to make the female lead's life miserable.

Jung-Wook (2nd Villain): the man that randomly comes back to life seeking revenge for an event that took place 400 years ago and the psychopath who you can't hack his motive.

Inspector Na : the inspector that knows about Ji-Hyuns/Hye-Jin's parents death 10 years go but he is now paralyzed.

Thus are the players in this tale spun,Where time and fate have become undone.Each with a role in destiny's grand play,On life's vast stage they find their way.


Chapter 1

She looked confused, lost in the city's maze,

A crossroad where destiny's whispers played.

Horns blared, a cacophony of urban strife,

And she wondered, "Where am I in this life?"

The sun hung low, casting shadows long,

As if time itself had twisted and gone wrong.

"Eclipse?" she whispered, her heart aflutter,

Seeking answers from the sky's silent shutter.

Beside her stood an old lady, wise and serene,

Her eyes holding secrets, memories unseen.

"You've been here before," the lady said,

"Across ancient ages, where destinies thread."

"Me?" she pointed, disbelief in her gaze,

The past collided with her present days.

"Yes," the old lady affirmed, voice low,

"Once, in forgotten realms, your footsteps did go."

Before she could question, fate intervened,

A black van halted, a scene unforeseen.

A young lady emerged, urgency in her plea,

"Miss Hye, where have you been? We've searched for you everywhere."


Four hours earlier, at the police station's door,

Ji Hyun pleaded, "My sister wouldn't take her own life."

The officer's cold reply echoed despair,

"It's suicide, not murder. The truth laid bare."

Kim Song, steadfast, took Ji Hyun's hand,

Guiding her away from the case's shifting sand.

His car veered off the familiar route they tread,

To a penthouse refuge where secrets bled.

"Thank you," Ji Hyun murmured, heart aflutter,

Kim Song's "never mind,she is my sister also"

er friend, her buffer.

Yet unease settled, a storm in her chest,

As if fate's dice were cast, leaving her distressed.

Inside the penthouse's opulent embrace,

Kim Song's query pierced her fragile space:

"The USB," he demanded, eyes ablaze,

Ji-Seo Dan's legacy, a puzzle to unmaze.

Fear clenched Ji Hyun's throat, her pulse wild "which USB?" She asked in fear

"The one Seo Dan gave you before she died," he said

Seo Dan gift—did it hide truth or guile?

But betrayal loomed, unexpected and stark,

Her sister's, a painful mark.

He called his personal bodyguard to search her

The bodyguard's report, chilling and grim,

"No USB found," he confessed, eyes dim.

And Seo Dan's fate, sealed by shadows deep,

"Then get rid of her," he instructed

They thrown her in the sea

Her memory drowned in the unforgiving sweep.

**Two months before Seo Dan's death**

The city never sleeps, and neither does Harper & Co. The towering skyscraper is a beacon of ambition, its lights burning well into the night, a testament to the tireless drive of its inhabitants. Among them is Ji Hyun, a young executive assistant whose dedication is only matched by the silent yearning she harbors for her enigmatic boss, Kim Song.

Ji Hyun's days are a blur of meetings, emails, and the ever-present dance of corporate politics. But her routine is disrupted when her cousinsister, Seo Dan, a free-spirited college student, faces academic peril. Desperate to help, Ji hyun hatches a plan that requires enlisting Kim Song's help, unaware of the cascading effects it will have on all their lives.

Kim Song, a man who has mastered the art of hiding in plain sight, agrees to tutor Seo Dam, intrigued by Ji Hyun's uncharacteristic request. The first session is set in the quiet sanctuary of Ji Hyun's apartment, a stark contrast to the chaos of the business world they're used to. Ji Hyun and Kim Song are bestfriends since when they are in college.

As Kim Song steps into the role of tutor, the threads of unspoken emotions begin to weave a complex tapestry. Ji Hyun watches from the sidelines, her heart a tumult of hope and uncertainty. Meanwhile, Seo Dan finds herself unexpectedly drawn to the man who's supposed to be her mentor, and Kim Song is faced with feelings he's long since buried.

The day ends with a simple exchange, a glance between Kim Song and Seo Dan that speaks volumes, setting the stage for a story of love, identity, and the courage to follow one's heart. It's a tale where the lines of friendship, affection, and truth are blurred, and where the journey of the heart promises to be as unpredictable as it is beautiful.


The morning sun filters through the blinds, casting a warm glow over the pages of textbooks strewn across the dining table. Seo Dan sits, a furrowed brow marking her concentration, while Kim Song, ever the patient tutor, guides him through the complexities of Art. The air is thick with the scent of coffee and the sound of rustling pages, a rhythm to their academic dance.

Ji Hyun watches from the kitchen, her heart caught in a silent waltz of emotions. She brews another pot, the bitter aroma mingling with a sweetness unspoken. Her gaze lingers on the pair, the way kim song's laughter softens the edges of Seo Dan's stress, the way their eyes meet and hold—a silent conversation beyond her reach.

As the chapter unfolds, the trio finds themselves in the heart of the city's botanical gardens, a respite from the concrete confines of their daily lives. Here, nature's symphony plays around them, a harmony of rustling leaves and chirping birds. It's an escape, a momentary lapse into a world where titles and expectations hold no sway.

Kim Song's guard drops amidst the greenery, revealing glimpses of the man behind the businessman—a soul that yearns for connection, for the freedom to love without barriers. Seo Dan, emboldened by the openness, finds the courage to voice her dreams, her fears, and the burgeoning feelings that have taken root in her heart.

Ji Hyun, a silent sentinel to their growing bond, grapples with her own revelations. The realization that her feelings for Kim Song may never be reciprocated is a bitter pill, yet she can't help but feel a blossoming hope for her sister's happiness.

The chapter closes with the setting sun, a canvas of oranges and pinks that reflect the warmth and potential of new beginnings. As they make their way back to the rhythm of the city, the threads of their lives continue to weave a pattern yet unseen, a melody that speaks of love's complex, beautiful song.

**Eternal Echoes**

In the order hand, Prince Sung stood,

A wolf prince, immortal, his heart's firewood.

For thousands of years, he sought her trace,

Hye Jin—the soul he'd lost in time's embrace.

His friend, a sceptic, dared to question fate,

"What if she's reborn, another life's gate?"

But Sung Woo's resolve, unyielding and vast,

"I'll find her," he vowed, "through eternity's blast."

"I've become immortal," he whispered low,

His love is a beacon, an undying glow.

To glimpse her once more, across lifetimes spun,

He'd traverse realms, where stars and moons were one.

Then, a nurse's urgent call disrupted the air,

"Dr. Park Min-Joon, a patient in despair!"

Wang So rose, duty tugging at his core,

His heart torn—love's quest, healing's chore.

He lingered, eyes filled with concern,

"We'll talk later after i finish checking on the patient." Sung Woo said to his friend.

in the hospital's corridors, fate would unfold,

Echoes of ancient love, secrets yet untold.

And so, Sung Woo walked—a wolf prince, resolute,

Through sterile halls, where life and death commute.

Hye Jin's memory, a compass in his chest,

Guiding him toward hope, where love could rest.

Sung Woo's determination to find Hye Jin transcends mere mortal existence. Across lifetimes, his love burns like an eternal flame, fueled by memories etched into the fabric of time. Here, in the realm of heartache and destiny, he seeks her—the missing half of his soul.

In each rebirth, he scours the tapestry of existence:

**A Thousand Years Ago:** As a prince, he loved her fiercely, yet fate tore them apart. The moon witnessed their whispered promises.

**Today:** Immortal, he roams the modern world, chasing echoes. Hospitals become crossroads, and emergency calls tug at his heartstrings.

Why? Because love, once ignited, defies mortality. Sung Woo's quest isn't just for reunion; it's a cosmic battle against forgetfulness. He'll unravel the universe if it means finding her—his Hye Jin—once more.

**Veiled Recognition**

In the bustling hospital corridor, where fluorescent lights hummed and life hung in delicate balance, Shng Woo's immortal heart skipped a beat. There, amidst the chaos of emergency calls and sterile walls, he glimpsed her—the echo of a thousand years.

Her eyes held galaxies—the same ones that once met his across palace courtyards. Her hair, now modern and unbound, whispered secrets of forgotten dances. And when she turned, startled by his presence.

their paths converged—a collision of forgotten memories. Ji Hyun (Hye Jin), her eyes wide with alarm, scanned the unfamiliar face before her. Sung Woo, immortal and burdened by time, held his breath.

She didn't recognize him—not yet.

The crescent scar on her wrist remained concealed, hidden beneath the fabric of her sleeve. Fate, it seemed, had woven a different tapestry this time. Sung Woo heart clenched; he'd waited centuries for this moment, and now it slipped through his grasp like sand.

"Dr. Park Min-Joon," the nurse urged, urgency in her voice. The patient awaited salvation, oblivious to the cosmic dance unfolding nearby.

Sung Woo tore his gaze from Hye Jin, torn between duty and longing. "Let's go," he said to the nurse, stepping away. His footsteps echoed down the corridor, a heartbeat out of sync.

He didn't recognize her___not yer

But he feels like he met her before

Ji Hyun watched him go, curiosity etching lines on her forehead. Who was this enigmatic doctor? Why did his eyes hold echoes of forgotten realms?

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