
He can be the one

what happens when you fall in love with someone you hate. Shawn new boy at school the player who get get any girl he wants chooses the one girl at school that is socially awkward and doesn't have many friends but feels the need to protect and care for her even when she hates his gut

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10 Chs

Do you know something called a 'Tuxedo'

'This girl must be out of her mind I should ask that retard out just for her sake' as I thought of my dilemma "uhm Lu are you sure u want me to ask that clown to the dance for you!?" she gave me a questioning look like I just said something wrong "yes em please do this tiny bity favor for your pal" she said pouting 'I should curse my lucky stars they made me see this day' as I was drifting off trying to get this girl to give up on this ridiculous idea she suddenly said something interesting "please Ammie I'll do anything please even buy you that stupid book you have been obsessing over" suddenly everything is good with the world as my face lit up I could even hide the smile creeping on my face "well my young stupid dumb child lemme take advantage of your little crush and say YES I'll ask that dumbo for you" I said as she pinched my shoulder "hey why did you do that for" I retorted "he's an amazing gentleman okay not stupid or dumb" she said excuse me is my best friend fighting for that clown infront of me what a way to start my day just amazing "fine he's amazing" like hell I mean that "thank you" girls as I shook my head. The bell rung and now I'm going to PT I'll meet that ruscal.

after a little while I entered the gymnasium everyone was already stretching out so I joined them only to be told my partner today is that moron 'I hate my life's I thought "so do u even know how to train" I hear a man's over behind me as I turn I see the unattractive Shawn "I bet know more than your stupid face" I retorted back "you know this cat and mouse game your playing won't end well" he said. 'huh what is this guy talking about' trying to understand this boy is just ridiculous "what game are u talking about stupid" I asked "no nothing let's gym shall we partner" I could see that smug look on his face again oh how I wish I could tear him to shrewds "fine let's" if it possible to hate someone you just met well it is he is so annoying 'I should bear with him and ask him for her' I gathered enough courage "uh hey Shawn my friend would like to be your date for up coming dance" that took a lot "sure I'll go with on one condition I get to wear my hoodie and jeans with my Jordan's" is he having a laugh "no you won't dumny have you ever heard of something called a tuxedo" I asked "yeah something for rich spoiled brats like yourself would know" he said 'how dare this classless boy