
He can be the one

what happens when you fall in love with someone you hate. Shawn new boy at school the player who get get any girl he wants chooses the one girl at school that is socially awkward and doesn't have many friends but feels the need to protect and care for her even when she hates his gut

Ah_jui · General
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10 Chs

I admire your confidence

If have ever met anyone who knows what they want and they definitely know they can get just about any girl they want well meet Shawn "Ammie Ammie Ammie please wait I need to talk to you" as I turn "well now isn't this crazy what will you talk to me about crazy you just met me" I just blurted out what was on my mind without thinking "oh hey if you really want to converse I would suggest you do that with miss popular over there" I pointed at Cheryl Rider that girl is every guys dream. She's tall ridiculously beautiful and her parents are both lawyers not to mention girl is a part time model wanted by everyone at school looks like her next target is this dumb guy in front of me "would it kill you to get a body like hers" he said. Oh no he didn't this boy who does he think he is well to be honest I don't have a body of a model and I'm definitely not a size 2 and yes I'm fat and insecure he just hit me where it hurts the most " you retard get away from me" I said angry with tears welling up I left him there while Cheryl was busy calling him but instead of going to his well groomed body girl this idiot is chasing me "Ammie wait I'm sorry I didn't mean it I'm just a jerk you know I'm a boy" he says with an apologetic look on his face "well I'm just a girl who doesn't want to be associated with assholes like you now I'd like to go to class disappear tall person" I said in a rude tone as I entered the classroom I go to the back where I always sit with my best friend "Miss Sinclair this is not your classroom you can't just enter late and not give an explanation" Miss Lee roux said to be honest I could be bothered that clown made fun of my weigh how could he. "Em I love you you know that right? " Lucy said in an urgency tone " yes I know" as I said she looks serious "well I'm going to ask the new guy to the open school dance" she said with no hesitation "wow that's crazy but it's you so your crazy" to be clear as long as I have known Lucy she is not one to back out of anything once she makes up her mind "I admire your confidence Lu but do you think he'll agree?" I asked she paused for a moment then said "you will ask him for me"...

what do you guys think Ammie will do!? Will she talk to Shawn after what he said to her

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