
Hazelhart’s Reckoning: Wizard’s Resurgence in potterverse

In "Hazelhart’s Reckoning," join Hales Henry Hazelhart, a reincarnated wizard from the earth with a bloodline surpassing Slytherin's, as they unravel their family's ancient secrets. The Potterverse is reshaped by Hazelhart's emergence, blending traditional magic with a modern mall system. As wizards navigate enchanted storefronts, Hazelhart grapples with their newfound powers, forming alliances and facing adversaries. The tale weaves identity, acceptance, and the evolving wizarding world, promising a fresh perspective on J.K. Rowling's enchanting universe. "Hazelhart’s Reckoning" is a spellbinding journey where the past collides with the present, and magic is reborn. Disclaimer: This fanfic is mainly a non-commercial, fan-created work, and the Harry Potter universe belongs to J.K. Rowling.

fictionfanatic7 · Book&Literature
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Overcoming the weakness of most wizards, Part 2

We have started with different spells as before, like ava....., cru..., and especially one with chanting, which has elemental control, as well as Sectumsempra (only myself), our beloved tragic lover's, old bat's spell.

We started to learn Kendo and other forms of martial arts to become stronger and expand our cores and meditation to refill 'mana'.

We started with basic herbology before starting with potion to learn about plants and herbs and their properties and reactions to each other.

Ahhh, this chemistry never leaves me alone, whether before reincarnation or now.

Well, according to what is known to three idiots, I have completed the 3rd year of Hogwarts, and they are around the end of the first year (at age of 7).

Including all subjects of what's taught over there. Including things not taught in Hogwarts like healing, dueling, Dar…(Only myself and that Daddy's Dracula), magic augmentation, alchemy, etc.

Back to the present, 1st June 1990, mah b'day

Name: Hals Henry Hazelhart 

Bloodline: Hazelhart, Slytherin Black, Peverell, and Grindelwald

Mana: 210 (generally, graduate wizards have about 250).

Talent: Spells{max}


 Black magic{max+10}



 And others {max} 

*note: talents are rated from 1 to 10.

Skills: 3 VERY good curses, max., element magic, high level in herbology, potions, transfiguration, healing, alchemy, Flying, Healing with the help of parselmouth, DADA, dueling, weapons' mastery, prophecy, and expert-level combat. Expertise in bloodline powers of black and Slytherin (others' need to master), occumlency, and legitimacy

Mall system: all bloodlines (of houses), crafting site, store [You can buy all things with points and a lucky draw.]

Oh, I see, after 10 years, that seal has been uplifted. Hmmmm

we will update in pattern of 3 day releasing 3 or 4 chapter. Stay tuned

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