
Hazbin Hotel:Hell's Wondrous Casino

A guy died and ended up in hell and is trying to make a very successful business there.

Onemax9272 · Others
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14 Chs

You died(2/3)

I thanked mom for the food and looked at what had been gifted to me by her, and saw that in my plate were two fried eggs, a little bit of lettuce, tomatoes, small cuts of carrots and at the middle of the plate was a cooked dark brown steak. The steak was cooked medium done and was coated with a thick layer of Vermont maple syrup, giving it a boost in flavour and texture. I pick up my and was about to start to eat until my mom slapped the fork out of my hand and said.

Sweet Eve:Did you forgot your manners young boy, what should you do before eating dinner?

Her question put me into a deep thought for a while until I realised what I had forgotten to do before eating dinner, pray.

Eden Naga:Sorry mom, I accidentally forgot about it.

As I said that I put my fingers together as how you would do it when you were trying to slap someone, my fingers were all connected now and I took both of my hands and joined them together in a praying position and started to pray.

Eden Naga:Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation. And bless my me and my family, all these things I ask in the of Your son Jesus Christ. Amen.

I finished the prayer and slowly opened and then picked my wooden fork and spoon and started to eat my food. As I was eating I saw my parents kissing each other in the lips as they do evey day, but deciding to ignore them I kept on eating my dinner. I started eating from the carrot pieces, I poked the steak with my fork and cut a piece out of it and ate it happily.

I finished eating my dinner and saw that the rain had already stopped, so I got up from the table and took my plate to the dish washer and started to wash it.

After I finished washing my plate I immediately went towards my room and just as I was about to enter it my father called out to me and said.

Sweet Adam:Good night son.

I stooped near the door of my room and replied back to my father and said.

Eden Naga:Good night mom, good night dad.

After wishing the both of them good night I entered my room. My room was approximately 21 feet wide and 10 feet tall, this measurement were not done using a measuring tape or of any other tool, I was able to come up with a rough estimate of how big my room is by just looking at it. I have seen the interior of the house once and could tell it was about 67 feet wide and 32 feet tall house, the upper apartment of the house is divided into two rooms, my room and the room of my parents.

I have seen the texture of the wood and had knocked on the plank to know the hardness and density of the plank, and could tell the density is around 3.5 to 3.6 punds per board foot. And came to the conclusion that this wood is oak wood. The house has been standing here for about 59 years, my parents had likely built this place together and have lived here ever since.

My room was lit up with this thing which I would like to call a light bulb, a light bulb is something I invented myself as I took inspiration from Benjamin Franklin's electricity. By using electricity as it's main power source, I created a water drop like glass by collecting some sand near the river and heating it up in high temperatures, I had to use my dad's fire forge to make the glass as I needed it melt it at a very high temperature, after I made the glass water droplet I needed to find a good enough metal which would not melted easily and hence, one type of metal came to my mind, called tungsten metal as tungsten metal has a high melting point. And then I created a tungsten filament to go into the bulb.

But I still had a problem, the light bulb cannot have oxygen inside it as the bulb would just burn up so I had to fill the bulb with another type of gas to replace the oxygen, and at last, I finally decided to use the gases called argon and nitrogen and was finally able to create a working light bulb.

Since me and my parents lived in a rather quite forest with no other house around for more than 1000 miles, I had to make all of it myself.

Now there was only one thing that I needed to worry about now, I needed a steady supply of electricity. But a solution quickly came inside my mind, I asked my father to create a water mill near the river, I created a custom generator using scarp metals and other things that were in my father's rather big tool shed. The water mill produced around 127kw of energy per day and since I only have two light bulb, one at my room and one at downstairs it is enough for the light bulbs to run continuously as they only use about 60 kw of electricity per day. And I was currently hanging it in the middle of my room.

Near the windows of my room was a table filled with glass bottles of different shapes and sizes, and each one of those glass bottles had a different chemical inside them. I made my way towards the table and sat down at a chair, after sitting down I pulled one of the drawers from the table and took out a small box with a skull on top of it and the top part of the box was filled with a number of huge holes.

The box was filled with sulfur. Sulfur is a type of chemical which I had found in my dad's tool shed, he told me that he had no idea what the thing was used for and said that I could have it if I wanted it. Sulfur is a chemical which will produce ignitable air or gas in an enclosed space, it will react explosively with OXIDIZING AGENTS such as PERCHLORATES, PEROXIDES, PERMANGANATES, CHLORATES, NITRATES, CHLORINE, BROMINE and FLUORINE.

I currently have only one of these chemicals, which is Bromine that I made myself, I have it currently stored in an enclosed glass bottle, I have one made small ball out of wood and filled it with a little bit of sulfur, I threw the ball with a glass of Bromine.

As soon as the both of them hit the tree an explosion happened, blowing the entire tree apart. My parents probably did not hear of it as I had done it in the deep part of the forest. Even though sulfur and bromine could mix together, I found a way so that it would instead create an explosion.

I closed the drawer which was containing the box with sulfur in it, and I opened another drawer which had a gun inside of it, but unlike this time's rifles and firearms, the gun I made was small and kinda weaker compared to the gun's used by the military. I decided to call this gun a Glock 17 pistol.

With the pistol by my side, I tried to make a bullet for it using sulfur, and after trying to make one for a few hours, I was finally able to one bullet and loaded my pistol with the one bullet, I looked outside my window and saw that it was already pretty late. I took all my things and stored all of them back into my drawer and decided to head to bed.

I got on bed, and right next to me was a lever, I pulled the lever down turning the lights of my room off, I sat at my bed and prayed.

Eden Naga:Oh dear God, please protect me and my family for the night. From our fears and worries, let your angels please protect us. Until it is day again. Amen.

I after saying my prayer, I laid in bed and closed my eyes and feel asleep.

*Shatter* The sound of something shattering woke me up from my sleep, I got out of bed and walked towards my bedroom door and slowly opened it, I peeked through the door and heart felt fear and panic as I saw blood leading from my parents bed to the first floor, I rushed towards my table and took out my pistol which had one bullet, I also took one of the bottles from my table which contained hydrochloric acid inside of it.

With my gun and the bottle in my hand, I walked out of my room as slowly as I can trying not to make any noise. I kept walking until I reached the start of the stairs, I looked down the stairs and saw that the blood on the ground was still fresh, I slowly made my way downstairs.

I reached the end of the stairs and my heart sank as I saw what was downstairs, my heart was aching as I saw-

Eden had seen something that made his heart sank, what could that something be. Find out next time in Dragon ba- just kidding, this ain't Dragon Ball Z or Dragon Ball Super or Dragon Ball GT or Dragon Ball Heroes or....








That is all for this chapter, thank you for reading and I hope you like it. Have a good day or night and good luck to you all.
