
Hazbin Hotel:Hell's Wondrous Casino

A guy died and ended up in hell and is trying to make a very successful business there.

Onemax9272 · Others
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14 Chs


In the city of Hell, at a particular place a huge blazing fire was currently lighting up the red sky and amidst the fire a loud and clear scream of what seems to be a girl in her 20s could be heard saying.


As she finished screaming out those words she was being carried out of the blazing house in a bridal style, and on her arms were two somewhat big bags. As the demon carrying her was running, one could see that beside her were a few dozen demon like creatures known as imps.

Each one of these small and cunning rascals were also holding a bag on both of their hands. As they were fleeing the fire, one of the imps shouted out to the girl that looked somewhat like a demon of some sorts before saying to her


Anne hearing the words of the imp was furious as she shouted out to the imp in an angered tone and said.


[Two days ago]

Me and a group of imps fled from the blazing house, catching our breath once they were a safe distance away.

One of the damn imps had accidentally burned down my house and everything inside was reduced to flames. With a look of rage, I looked at the one who had caused this and said.


Grog Grog was a burly and buff imp who was taller than your average imp and actually towered over Anne with a height of 6'1. But Grog hung his down in a sad manner and apologetically said to Anne.

Grog Grog:Sorry Anne.

Hearing his words, I just sighed and let it go. Cause what was the point of crying over spilt milk? What had happened had already happened anyways but I was luckily able to take out my important papers and said in a defeated tone.

Anne:Anyways all of you gather around, we are still doing that heist.

I turned and faced the dozen of imps around me and said to them with a grin spreading across my face.

Anne:Alright, now that out of the way let's get down to business. We need to plan this heist perfectly if we're going to pull it off.

The imps hearing her words gathered around her and nodded eagerly, clearly excited to be part of such an ambitious scheme made their trusted friend Anne. And then one of the imps known as Scratch spoke out to Anne and asked her.

Scratch:So, what's the plan, dear Ann?

After hearing his words I pulled out a map of the city, spreading it out on the ground for everyone to see clearly,the map was quite huge because it needed to be as one of the imps known as Spec Spec, as his name suggested was almost blind and was wearing a pair of spectacles and Spec was his last name just the same as Grog's last name was also Grog, Anne knew all thier last names except for one, Scratch.

Anne would ask him what his last name is but he would just reply saying no last name, which had led Anne to believe Scratch had no last name or was just unwilling to share it, but she didn't care the slightest about it at all. Anne then spoke out loud and clear as she said.

Anne:Ok listen carefully. Here's what I know about the bank. The bank we're targeting is heavily guarded, with at least a dozen demons patrolling the perimeter at all times. There are also guards placed in towers acting as watch towers, traps, and other defenses we need to get past if we're going to make it inside.

The imps looked at each other nervously, but I wasn't deterred as I continued on and said.

Anne:But we fortunately have one major advantage. The bank is located right next to a river of lava, which means we can use the underground tunnels to sneak in undetected.

Hearing her words one of the imps known as Joe Wallace asked Anne.

Joe Wallace:How are we supposed to locate this tunnel? And how do you plan us to gain access to this specific tunnel you speak of?

I smiled as I said to Wallace.

Anne: Don't worry Wally, I've already taken care of that. I have some friends who told me where to locate this tunnel, and we would be able to easily enter the tunnel as I have already bribed the guards guarding the entrance of the tunnel. We just need a way to safely access the vault of this bank. I am open to suggestions.

As is said that imps began throwing out ideas, ranging from distraction tactics to being sneaky and the other being to just straight up raid the place. Anne listened patiently, weighing each suggestion carefully. Finally, I spoke up and said to them after the best from each of the plans they threw in.

Anne:I think I have an idea. We're going to split up into two teams. One team will create a diversion to draw the guards away from the entrance to the tunnels. The other team will use that opportunity to sneak in undetected and disable the security measures from the inside.

The imps nodded, impressed by Anne's leadership skills and one of the imps asked me eagerly.

Mole Paste:And what about the loot Anne? What are aiming for and how are we going to split it?

Anne look at Mole, grinned and said to him.

Anne:That's where you come in. Each of you will be responsible for a specific item on our list. We're going after the rarest and most valuable items in the bank, including gold, jewels, and even a few souls. Once we have everything we need, we'll split up and meet at our safehouse on the outskirts of the city. But remember I am bound to get the biggest share as this operation only happened because me.

All the imps nodded their head in agreement as her statement was true, this while operation was because of her in the first place.

And now let's talk more about the main currency of Hell, Souls (symbol: $) are the currency of Hell. Souls are the medium of exchange for goods and services in the afterlife, and are printed under the authority of the lords of Hell.

Souls are seen to take the form of banknotes printed on an acid green paper. The banknote for a hundred souls feature the same face as on one of Mammon. The prince of greed himself.

Several occult seals can be found printed on the money, including the sigils of both Lucifer and Baphomet, as well as a cross meant to represent the element of sulfur. And each and every one of the souls had the same code 666 on them.

A Latin motto is written below the sigil of Baphomet, reading In nomine Dei nostri Satanas Luciferi excelsi, translating roughly to "In the name of our Lord Satan, the great bringer of light." And each one of the. notes were printed on the number 666.

The imps nodded, clearly eager to get started and then Scratch looked at Anne and asked her in a somewhat nervous tone.

Scratch:But what about the guards?

Hearing his words I just shrugged and then said to him.

Anne:We'll have to take them out if we have to, but we want to avoid unnecessary bloodshed if possible. We're not just thieves, we're professionals. We'll get in, get what we need, and get out without anyone even knowing we were there.

With the plan in place, we got up from and the ground and went into one of my other house to grab some equipments for the great heist. After reaching the house we quickly moved and took what we would need and immediately left for the bank.

We moved with precision and efficiency, each member playing their part perfectly. Spec and Wallace were sent to distract the guards after we existed the tunnel, they created a diversion that drew the guards away from the entrance to the tunnels, allowing the second team to sneak in undetected. Once inside, they sneakily looked around the place, grabbing whatever they can. After awhile, they were able to completely disable the security measure of the bank entirely.

I placed my ears against the wall and listened closely then I hear a tapping sound.

• —...• — • •.• — • •....— • — •...• — • •...•...• —...• — •(Translation=All clear)

After learning about this, Anne and the rest of the team slowly sneaked near the main entrance of the bank, at the front of the bank were two guards.

Merb and Zipp sneaked behind the two guards and then delivered a karate chop to their neck at a specific spot at a specific angle knocking them out instantly.

After that me and the group made our way inside the bank and then reached the giant vault. After looking at the vault for a few moments, we then started to pull out explosives from our backpacks and then planted them on the vault door.

We retreated back and hid behind furniture and then I shouted out to Scratch and said.

Anne:Do it now!

As my words reached his ears, Scratch pressed a button. *BOOOOOOOOOM!!!!*

After the explosion we quickly rushed inside the vault and started to load all the loot inside our bags.

Scratch:We are rich baby!!

As we were looting the vault, Scratch found a diamond ring with a pink diamond on it. He looked at the ring intently but I paid him no mind as I kept putting things inside my bag.

After filling my bag, I looked around the room and saw that everyone had finished filling their bags. I then said to them.

Anne:Team two, take these already filled bags and head towards the safehouse, we will meet you there.

As she said that seven of the imps left the vault each one of them carrying two bags filled with loot. The remaining which were Anne, Scratch, Grog Grog, Spec Spec, Joe Wallace, Mole Paste and Ripl Mox. She and there rest went deeper into the vault and then started also looting that place and after filling the remaining bags, Scratch had accidentally turned the alarm and now they had to hurry up.

But just as we were about to make out escape, we suddenly heard the sound of approaching footsteps. The guards had caught on to our plan and were closing in on us. Me and the rest of the group braced ourselves for a fight, but before we could strike, they were surrounded by a group of demons.

I panicked and didn't know what to do. We were outnumbered and outmatched, with no hope of escape. I had thought I was prepared for anything, but I had never imagined something like this could happen. As I was having a panic attack, I felt a hand wrapping around me and then I heard a whisper in my ear.

Scratch: Don't worry, we will leave this place just fine.

The words of Scratch, I started to calm down and then I quickly recovered from my panicked state as I steeled myself for the upcoming fight.

The demons closed in on us, their eyes filled with anger and disgust.

[Present Narrator's POV]

Now that leads up back to the present, the group had managed to defeat the demons, but they did it barely as they were severely injured and Anne was not able to stand as he leg was nearly broken so Scratch being the gentleman he is took it upon himself to carry her.

He may have done some other things while carrying her but such trivial things are not important for now.

As the group was escaping, Anne looked up at the sky and saw something that shocked her greatly, at first glance she thought it was an angel but the closer she looked she realised that the thing she saw was not an angel.

The others noticing Anne looking at the sky intently made them curious as they too looked up and saw a demon that looked like a red lizard standing in the sky looking at them from above.

The man then landed infront of them and waved his hands, a huge wind slash formed out of his hands and since the demons were at a state of shock were not able to dodge the blade of wind.

Scratch could not hold onto Anne anymore because his hands were completely destroyed because of the wind slash. As Scratch was losing consciousness, he saw the mysterious approaching Anne.

Scratch mustered all his energy and leaped towards the man shouting.


Just as his claws were about to reach the man dressed in the white, he felt a prick in his neck and instantly fainted.

A huge grin appeared on the man's faced as he thought to himself. 'What an interesting lad.'














That is all for this chapter, thank you for reading and I hope you like it. Have a good day or night and good luck to you all.
