
Hazbin Hotel:Hell's Wondrous Casino

A guy died and ended up in hell and is trying to make a very successful business there.

Onemax9272 · Others
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14 Chs


As I lay dying on that fateful day in 1777, I knew I was about to face a judgment unlike any other as the sin I had just commited was quite severe to be honest. but let us first start with introductions, my name is Anne, and I was raised in a strict household that followed the teachings of the church. But as I grew older, I began to question everything I had been taught.

On that day, I found myself alone in my room, holding a Bible that had been passed down through my family for generations. As I flipped through the pages, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anger and frustration. How could a loving God allow such cruelty and suffering in the world? If he was all powerful and all knowing then why didn't he stop Lucifer from tricking Eve to eating the apple in the middle of The Garden of Eden? Why don't he just erase the concept of evil from this world itself?

In a fit of rebellion, I got up from my bed and rushed towards my drawer and grabbed a box of match out of it. I then struck a match and set the Bible ablaze. The flames licked at the pages, consuming the words that had once held so much power over me. For a brief moment, I felt a sense of freedom.

But then the fire began to spread, consuming everything in its path. The walls of my room crumbled around me, and I was swallowed up by the flames, the flames slowly burned my skin and flesh as I felt my eyes melting because of the heat and fire.

As I gasped for breath, I felt a searing pain throughout my body but only smoke came into my mouth. And then as my vision went black, I felt a low but deep and demonic like laughter echoing in my ear.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw a huge pentagram in the sky and felt as if I was falling from the sky for some odd and weird reason. Then I noticed that I was actually and truly falling from the sky. As I was falling I let out a scream.


After a while, I closed my eyes as I had finally made contact with the ground but I somehow survived the impact from falling that high. I felt a massive headache as I crawled out of the hole, I the opened my eyes saw that I was in a place unlike any I had ever seen. It was dark, somewhat twisted and the sky was red. And there were creatures all around me, unlike anything I had ever seen before.

At first, I was filled with terror as the place I was in was very unfamiliar to me. But then I started to one and one together and quickly realized that I was no longer in the world I had known. I was now infact in Hell.

I explored the place and made some discoveries about this place.

And over the next few days, I struggled to come to terms with my new reality of actually being in Hell. I learned that I had been sent to Hell for my sins or in other words not just burning the Bible but also my parents and 'intentionally' killing myself withthe fire, I learned that I would be forced to suffer for all eternity and live here forever if I do not die that is.

But as I looked around me, I saw that I was not alone. There were others like me, condemned to suffer in this fiery pit. And there were those who had been born here, creatures who had never known anything else.

As I explored more of this place, I soon discovered that there were different factions within Hell, each vying for power and control. There were demons who ruled over vast territories who were called Overlords by the residents of Hell and at the top of this pyramid was Lucifer Morningstar himself and at the second position is his wife the first woman that was ever created and like Adam she was originally made out of the land like him, and at the third postion is the Seven Princes of Hell, each one of them representing a sin out of the Seven Deadly Sins, and there were others who roamed the landscape like wild animals.

And then there were those like me, the damned souls who were caught in the middle of it all. We were the not the lowest of the low, we were infact the middle point in Hell. The bottom most positions are held by demons who were born in Hell themselves.

My days were filled with hard labor and work. Even though this place was shit. I learned that there were 7 rings and 9 circles in Hell and sinner like myself are not capable of leaving the Pride ring. And it has also come to my surprise that each New Year's Eve, angels known as Exterminator angels will descend from the heaven above and kill any demon in sight, even though we sinners were immortal, the likes of angels would be able to easily kill us if they wanted to and each New Year's Day, they would then return back to Heaven. I have made sure to always have a hiding spot whenever one of these happened.

But even with all of these problems, I was always able to live a peaceful life in Hell, even though it was much shittier than my time on Earth, I was still living and that is what counts.

And then there were the creatures known as "imp," mischievous little creatures who roamed the landscape like vermin and were originally born here on Hell along with another race of demons known as Hellhounds. They were the lowest of the low, even lower than the damned souls like me. But they were also the most interesting.

Over time, I began to develop a strange sort of kinship with these weird little creatures. They were cunning and resourceful, and they seemed to know how to survive in this brutal world.

Then I started to make friends with these imps, but not all of them are willing to be my friend. And I have also learned that when a sinner gets sent into Hell, they will no longer look like their former self or in other words they would no longer look like humans.

The appearance of sinner depends on the animal they were most with and shared the most similarities with too.

Knowing this, I once looked at myself in a mirror and saw that my features and body structure were similar to that of a mountain lion. And even though I was stronger than my orginal human self, I was still nothing but a small tiny little ant infront of the true powerhouses.

But I didn't care about that as was still able to live a somewhat normal and easy life in Hell. I didn't need to work that hard to support myself and I was strong enough to protect myself from some of the people.

But I was very shocked and surprised to see that there are actually stores in Hell that sells food and other important things for basic human life.

Did I regret what I did while I was alive? Yes, I regretted doing many things in my past life and also regretted not doing many things in my past life, but, as they say, the past is the past.

I should just focus on the future ahead of me instead. And also while I was alive, I always wanted to be a mother, I wanted to know how it felt like to be a mother.

But I guess I will never know or experience that feeling ever. But it is now too late to cry over spilt milk.














That is all for this chapter, thank you for reading and I hope you like it. Have a good day or night and good luck to you all.
