
Hazbin Hotel:Hell's Wondrous Casino

A guy died and ended up in hell and is trying to make a very successful business there.

Onemax9272 · Others
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14 Chs

First Encounter

The sun was shining bright high up in the sky. But unlike your regular and plain yellowish Sun, the color of this sun is actually red.

The place was quiet and silent, almost too silent and in the middle of this silence, one could hear the singing of someone.

???:Do you know the Muffin man

The Muffin man, the Muffin man

Oh, do you know the Muffin man

Who lives down Drury lane?

A somewhat melodic and beautiful voice sang out to no one in particular but in a slow, deep and malicious sounding voice. The owner of this somewhat beautiful voice was singing a song or nursery rhyme known as The Drury Lane Slicer.

Eden Naga:Oh yes, we know the Muffin man

The Muffin man, the Muffin man

Oh yes, we know the Muffin man

Who lives down Drury lane.

The face on the person singing this rhyme had a grin on his face, it was continuously enlarging as he kept singing the song.

The song which is known as The Drury Lane Slicer, is a song made for a serial killer..... Well technically it was not made for him but was made as a warning for children or maybe not

Eden Naga:Oh, we all know the Muffin man

The Muffin Man, the Muffin man

Oh, we all know the Muffin man

Who lives down Drury lane.

(Skip if you don't want your childhood to be ruined)

[Narrator POV]

The popular nursery rhyme "The Muffin Man" supposedly originated as a caution to children, warning them to beware of a 16th-century baker-turned-serial-killer who enticed his young victims by pulling a muffin down the cobblestone streets of London with a string.

At least, that's one version of the origin story.

In a widely shared TikTok video posted on Jan. 16, 2021, self-described "CEO of History" Jack Williamson claimed that the song originated as a warning to children to avoid England's first known serial killer. At the time of this publication, the video had been shared more than 8,700 times.

"So, as you might have already learned, the muffin man was indeed a serial killer. He killed 15 children and seven rival pastry chefs," said Williamson in the recording.

When it came to the origins of the children's song, Uncyclopedia mockingly claimed that the Muffin Man title came from the manner in which he killed his victims:

His nickname The Muffin Man is actually a reference to how he committed the murders. By local folklore, it is said Frederic would tie a muffin to a string, and as a child tried to get it, he pulled the string, eventually luring the child to his house and giving him ample time to knock the child out with a wooden spoon. However, people often question whether these children actually died from being beaten with said wooden spoon or if the Muffin Man would kill them some other way.

"The song Do You Know the Muffin Man? was used as a warning to small children of the presence [sic] life of crime, and to help identify his modus operandi so that children can report him to the authorities," joked the website.A Medium essay written by Sarah Cottrell, meanwhile, reported the legend is either "one hell of a folklore story or one of history's most creepy mysteries." In her piece, Cottrell also claimed that Lynwood, who supposedly was born in 1563 and died in 1612, delivered his freshly baked goods to homes on Drury Lane.

But according to the book "The Singing Game" by Opie & Opie (page 380), "The Muffin Man" was first recorded in a British manuscript in 1820 and was preserved in the Bodleian Library at the University of Oxford. In its original form as a poem, it read:

Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man, the muffin man. Do you know the muffin man Who lives in Drury Lane?

Still, there are small grains of truth to the rumored claims. A passage recorded in the Cambridge World History of Food confirmed that households during the Victorian period — which spanned between 1837 and 1901 and not during Lynwood's alleged reign of terror — would often have fresh foods delivered door to door by a "muffin man." The "muffin" of the rhyme is believed to have been an English muffin baked of bread, not the sweeter U.S. version. And the rhyme could very well have been inspired by a real muffin man of Drury Lane, which is a thoroughfare bordering Covent Garden in downtown London.Another English version of the song substitutes "Drury Lane" with "Dorset Lane," an area of east London. Dorset Lane was once reputed as the "worst street in London," marking the 1888 murder site of Mary Jane Kelly — the youngest of Jack the Ripper's victims But that's where the similarities stop. There are no historical accounts of the so-named Lynwood rumored to have been the first serial killer in England. In fact, that title goes to Mary Ann Cotton. At the time of her 1873 hanging for the murder of her fourth husband's son, the 40-year-old Cotton was known to have committed at least 21 murders, including 11 of her 13 children, three of her four husbands, one lover, and her mother, according to Huffington Post.It appears that nobody really knows the muffin man, after all.

Snopes contacted historical literary experts at the University College London and Oxford University for more information about the origins of the muffin man but aren't able to tell which story is true, yet.

[Now back to MC's POV]

Eden Naga:My my, must I say. This nursery rhyme is splendid. A good way to pass time if you are bored.

I said those words and I kept walking, before jumping up from the ground. I changed the structure of my tail and made it look like the tail of an Ankylosaurus but with a much sharper spike.

Ankylosaurus have a club like tail and can grow upto 1.7m meters in height. These dinosaurs were living duing the end of the Cretaceous period which was about 66 to 68 million years. They dinos have an armor like shell over their back to protect them against predators.

As I jumped up I swung my tail downwards and slammed down hard, creating a very small crater because of the strike. I grew out wings like that of an eagle and propelled myself backwards away from the mysterious and unknown thing I slammed with my tail.

I changed my tail back to its original state and then retracted my wings back into my body as I examined the crater.

And from the smoke emerged an ugly looking monster, the weird creature had purple skin. Or more accurately, it had Mauve colored skin.

In the world there in about one hundred and forty or so different shades of purple, and Mauve is a different type of color while still also being classified as a purple color by many.

But to keep it simple, let's just call it purple skin color.(Color image here)

As I looked more closely at the weird creature, I can tell that the creature infront of me kind of resembles a cat.

Fun fact of the day:In Asia, puple colored cats are a popular traditional symbol of prosperity, good fortune and protection. The cat's raised paw will beckon good fortune into your home. In Japan these lucky cats are called Maneki Neko literally meaning beckoning cats.

The cat also seems to be female judging by its appearance or is genetically wrong and looks like a female cat.(The MC is a zoologist and is a genius, he would be able to tell if a creature is male of female by merely looking at them.)

The cat? Had a slender and lean figure, it also appeared to be wounded by me, and also quite severly by my previous strike at her body. The strike had not killed it, as I have calculated the trajectory, speed and velocity of the attack.

And the mass contained inside my tail at that time was more than an average elephant's total mass. Even if the target was a Blue whale, the would have been a huge sent in its skulls and would have crushed the brain immediately resulting in a quick and painless death.

But this small and fragile looking creature was actually able to survive the attack. Quiet impressive I may say, but the consequences for attacking me can only be forgiven by death.

All of these thoughts were finished within seconds as Eden than dashed towards the cat, he stopped infront of the cat, stomped his left feet hard in the ground and took a fighting stance similar to that of Akaza from Demon Slayer or also known as Kimetsu no yaiba.

He cocked back his right hand all the way down to his hip, then he swung his right hand in a clawing position, with a speed that surpassed the speed of sound(which is 331.29 meters per second) he swiped his claws upwards and diced the cat into five different sections.

The body of the cat then suddenly started to wither at an alarming rate and within a matter of seconds, the entire of body of the cat was not gone.

I got up from my stance and then looked at my claws which had slaughtered the cat which had tried to ambush me from my back, and I said in a grim tone.

Eden Naga:Good riddance.

I took out a napkin from my front pocket and cleaned my hand but not before absorbing some of the blood gushed out by the cat I had just recently killed.

After I finished cleaning my hands, I threw the napkin away and said in a low tone, with a huge grin on my face while chuckling, as I had just discovered something new.

Eden Naga:An interesting body she had.














That is all for this chapter, thank you for reading and I hope you like it. Have a good day or night and good luck to you all.
