
Hazbin Hotel:Hell's Wondrous Casino

A guy died and ended up in hell and is trying to make a very successful business there.

Onemax9272 · Others
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14 Chs

First Employee

After reaching the gate and saw that it had a sign next to it saying Welcome to Hell, I opened the gate and I slowly walked through the streets of Hell, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling city, I saw many different so called demons with various sizes and shapes in this city.

Some looked like Wolf's or cows or pigs, they all looked special in their own way. I had only been dead for a few hours now, but I am already quickly adapting to this new place. As a genius in my previous life, I had always been fascinated by new challenges and opportunities, and Hell may just be the place which could provide me with the both of them.

I pushed the gate open with my hands while having a huge shit eating grin on my face.

I had just passed through the large gate with a sign that read 'Welcome to Hell,' I carefully looked around my surroundings and scanned my vicinity carefully. But then something caught the side of my eye.

I looked towards the place where I had seen something and looked closer at it and then I spotted a small figure, the figure looked to be around 5 foot 5 inches, the person had two dogs like eyes with a black fur covering his exposed skin, the man also wore a black shirt which had the words, he honestly looked like a wolf of some sorts with blood red eyes, the shirt had the words 'Coward,' with a skull written on it. He seemed to be nervous and afraid. I walked and approached him and asked the little thing,

Eden Naga: What's wrong? Scared of this place? Mate.

The man looked up at me, his eyes wide with fear.

???:I...I don't belong here.

He stammered.

???:I was sent to Hell because I...I killed someone.

I nodded, unfazed. For I myself had met plenty of murderers in my life and didn't judge them for their past deeds, I just merely ended their pitiful and useless existence. I then looked at the man and asked in a somewhat commanding tone.

Eden Naga:State your name?

The man hesitated for a moment before replying,


Eden Naga:Well, Bob.

I said while extending my hand forwards promoting him to shake my hand and then said again.

Eden NagaMy name is Eden Naga, but I'm better known as The White Devil in the human world.

Bob's eyes widened in surprise at the mention of my infamous nickname. The nickname 'The White Devil' was a convicted murderer and a feared criminal in the mortal world as the person with this nickname, me, had taken dozen of lives before, but the truth is, I had already killed thousands of people through different means without my name being mentioned, but Bob couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for the man standing before him.

Eden Naga or I was fearless and had a reputation for being a genius in my own field of expertise. Bob couldn't help but feel drawn to me.

Bob:I...I know who you are.

Bob said nervously, before taking my hand and shaking it vigorously. Then he continued.

Bob:I...I've heard stories about you. About the horrible things you did in your time on Earth, I am shocked, surprised and happy to see you here. I thought nobody would be able to kill the likes of you.

I grinned after hearing his complimenting and flattering words and said.

Eden Naga:I'm sure you have. But that's all in the past now. I'm here to make a successful business in Hell, and I could use someone like you as my first ever employee I have personally hired. And nobody killed me, I killed myself.

Bob looked at me in surprise and asked me.

Bob:Me? You would want to take me as your first employee.

I then smiled and replied firmly and said.

Eden Naga:Yes, you. You may have made some mistakes in your past, but I can tell that you're a kind-hearted person. You have the potential to do great things in Hell, and I want to help you realize that potential while also working for me. So, what do you say?

Bob was taken aback by my words. He had never had someone believe in him like this before. And then he replied softly.

Bob:Thank you, it's such an honor to work for you. I...I won't let you down sir.

Hearing his reply I smiled and said.

Eden Naga:I know you won't.

I took out my arm and put it around his shoulder and started to walk forwards, I then noticed that even though Bob was 5 foot 5 inches, I noticed that I was exactly two times his height, which means I am 11 feet tall.

Eden Naga:Now, let's get to work. We have a lot to do if we're going to make a successful business in Hell. But first, we must learn about the ins and outs of this sacursed place before doing anything productive. We need to learn about the heirarchy of this place before anything else.

Bob:But sir, how are we going to learn the ins and outs of this place if none of us knows this place at all?

I looked at Bob with a look that said, 'Bki are you serious?'. I then spoke up and said with a proud voice.

Eden Naga:Bob, my boy. I am a convicted murderer, I had my fair share of torturing people. We just have to find someone who have been in Hell for a while now, and ask him about this place. If we don't find such person. Then we would just go to Lucifer himself and ask him about this place.

Bob was stunned by my reply and asked me in a questioning tone.

Bob:Sir, I get the first part about the plan but I don't understand the second part. How would we able to meet the likes of Lucifer if we are just some random sinners in his eyes.

I then said to Bob.

Eden Naga: Don't worry Bob. I have my ways, just leave it to me and everything will be a-okay. Did you seriously thought I have no plans at all?

Bob:Sorry sir, I knew you had a pl-

Before Bob could finish his sentence I said in a loud tone.

Eden Naga: Because you are right. I have no plan on how we should go with this at the current moment. But I will have one right now.


Eden Naga:Now let's move forwards Bob.

As I said that me and Bob started to head towards the streets of Hell.

[Four hours Later]

After walking for a few hours, me and Bob came across a dilapidated building that caught my attention. It was a tavern, long abandoned and forgotten by the demons of Hell. I saw an opportunity on this small house and immediately began to formulate a master plan inside my head. And I spoke out to Bob in a calm and collected tone while pointing at the rundown and old and rotten house.

Eden Naga:Bob, this is it. This is the perfect location for our base if operations.

Bob looked at the building skeptically and asked me in a somewhat questioning face and tone.

Bob:Are you sure sir? It doesn't look like much.

I then looked at him and replied confidently.

Eden Naga:That's exactly why it's perfect. It isn't much like you said, but it should be able to fulfill the purpose given to it. We can renovate it and turn it into the hottest spot in Hell. We'll make this a place into the most successful business to ever exist in hell. But first and foremost, we need to renovate this house as soon as possible.

As I said that I then put my hands on Bob's shoulder and using my powers, I changed his clothes to look like a workers cloth. After finishing that, I took a chair out of thin air and then sat down. I also took out a glass cup and filled it with orange juice and started to slowly drink it. And then I looked at Bob and commanded him.

Eden Naga:Well then, begin your work and try to finish as soon as possible.

Bob looked at me for a few moments before nodding his head. He started to clean the rundown house as I looked from afar. While watching him, I decided to guide him while he was doing the task.

Eden Naga:Bob, don't touch that part of the house or it will collapse. Start from the left corner of the house.

Matter cannot appear out of thin air, matter can be destroyed by two known means. First one is by using a black hole to suck up matter, whether matter is destroyed after entering the black hole is still unknown. Seconds one is by using another substance called anti-matter, as when matter and anti-matter comes in contact with each other they eliminate each other and their elimination process releases all the stores mass inside their body which causes a huge explosion.

That means I cannot just infinitely create gold using the powers I have obtained, I would need something of equal or greater mass to create gold. So by making myself rich, I would be able to ensure that I have enough mass at all times.

But biomass seems to be a tad different, I need to collect mass from living things like flesh, skin etc. and I have noticed that it is much easier for me to control biomass and directly affect my own.

After finishing my thought process, I looked towards Bob and saw that he had already finished cleaning half of the house. So I got up from my seat and said to him.

Eden Naga:Keep working, I will return soon.

I quickly left the place and went out to search for info about this place.














That is all for this chapter, thank you for reading and I hope you like it. Have a good day or night and good luck to you all.
