
Haven Online

Yin Xinya’s death was such a cosmic joke that he got a second chance to do it again. In the past, his life and death were a tragic mess, but he swears this time everything will change. Watch as Xinya becomes the most coveted person in Haven Online. [Why are you learning cooking? It's a waste of skill points.] [Your learning potions?! Are you daft? There's no point in doing that.] [Why did you pick that trash class? You will never make it in this game.] Xinya ignored everyone. With a knowing smile, he paid them no mind because he knew they would eat their words soon.

Momocatt · LGBT+
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190 Chs

Wei’s News

As soon as Xinya wheeled himself into the kitchen, he saw that Wei was at the stove, quietly humming to herself. Xinya smiled, happy to see his friend, but also curious as to why she wasn't at work. As if sensing his presence, Wei turned around, a giant smile gracing her face as she looked at him.

"Great! I timed it right." Wei said excitedly. "The food is almost ready. Come and help me set the table."

"Sure," Xinya said, moving over to the bottom cabinet and grabbing a couple of bowls and plates.

After everything was set, Xinya took his place at the table, waiting until Wei brought out the food. He didn't have to wait long, only a couple minutes passed before Wei brought out what she had cooked. As she laid it out on the table Xinya saw that she had made gaifan served with soup.