
Haven Online

Author: Momocatt
Completed · 4.4M Views
  • 190 Chs
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What is Haven Online

Read ‘Haven Online’ Online for Free, written by the author Momocatt, This book is a LGBT+ Novel, covering REINCARNATION Fiction, COMEDY Light Novel, WEAKTOSTRONG Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Yin Xinya’s death was such a cosmic joke that he got a second chance to do it again.In the past, his life and death were...


Yin Xinya’s death was such a cosmic joke that he got a second chance to do it again. In the past, his life and death were a tragic mess, but he swears this time everything will change. Watch as Xinya becomes the most coveted person in Haven Online. [Why are you learning cooking? It's a waste of skill points.] [Your learning potions?! Are you daft? There's no point in doing that.] [Why did you pick that trash class? You will never make it in this game.] Xinya ignored everyone. With a knowing smile, he paid them no mind because he knew they would eat their words soon.

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unbelievable space

The story begins-- There was a 15 year old boy . His name was VEER . He was an Indian. His dream was to be a space scientist he was the brilliant student of his school. So everyone respect him. communicate with them but surprisingly there was a turn back in his life the other two person started a argument no one knows why .But we got a drawback I tried to resolve the conflict but they putted all the blame on us We don’t tell all this to media and common peoples so that there would no worry and rush in all countries They and their people stared a galaxy war a type of war done before.After 3 years we thought that they forgot all the conflicts . But I was wrong a message came from trans mission device..[ I AM STM13 FROM PLANET ALPHOX three days before there was a conflict and you were responsible for it you made joke of me and my planet . So now we are going to target your planet [154-AB]. So be ready . ]After a half of year it was a 6th month it was the month of June we got satellite picture of a huge concave rock with different characteristics THE attack and defence agency [ ind-us ] supported us We work together and lunch a missile to blast the rock before harming earth We were surprised to see that when missile touched the rock it turned back to its position at 00 degree from 1800. No one knows where does the rock gone and how does it happen that a simple touch of a missile to rock made its position back.But the the missile changed his position towards Jupiter-The largest planet of solar system. it became a big storm on Jupiter and according to our reports it will stop around after 73 years. And the last message from their side was :-{ Planet [154-AB] – YOU WON * }We again thought that all the fights are over It was 31st DecemberThere was call for VEER from agency He thought that there is a good news of succeeding his other project [PROJECT: - MARS-15A] .But he was wrong , he again got a message from the transmission device that [ I am AXAR and 4 decades before you were the one who insulted me and all the people of my planet AXAR made joke of me now ill finish your planet [ATY-15] BE READY ] We were feared from the message but we were ready for the fight. Also we don't know how much there world is developed. As before, again a huge object was coming toward us with high speed A employee from our space agency replied: this speed is much more faster than ours rocket When we get the satellite image we were surprised it was a huge spaceship with living creatures but not look like humans, they were like big head octopuses. They started fired on moon. We don't know that's why they were firing on moon. Again a message came from the transmission device (it is our ritual that for finishing any of our enemy we have to finish its natural satellite first. Soon you will be finished too) We were again surprised that how someone can do these type of things and lather he would say that it is their ritual. We started to make a rocket and me (means-veer) and commander with some of the soldier with rockets, guns, etc. launched with a countdown towards moon. After 3 days we reached moon, we saw fire all over the moon We were nervous and scaredWe plotted all the weapons and explosives to set fire against them (aliens).After so much of efforts we won IT MEANS EARTH IS NO. 1

Anant_Singh_0548 · Sci-fi
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Yada Yada Hi Dharmashya, Glaanirvawati Bharata; Abhyutthanam Adharmashya, Tadattmanam Srijamyaham. Paritranaya Sadhunam, Vinashaya Cha Duskritam; Dharma Sansthapanaarthe Sambhawami Yuge Yuge. Meaning- Whenever there is a downfall of Dharma(righteous) in this Bharata( Universe), and upliftment of Adharma(unrighteous), I shall be reborn in this Land and free it from the cluthes of Adharma. I shall protect the righteous and followers of Dharma. And thus, in order to restablish Dharma on this Earth, I shall take rebirth from age to age( yuga to yuga). Thus, the motto behind Mahabharata was to restablish peace and Dharma on this Earth. It is to be noted that the Everytime there is an uplift of Adharma, God himself takes birth and establishes Dharma. Thus, there are 10 Avatars of God. Till date 9 of them have already taken place and the last, the Kalki Avatar is will be born at the end of the present Yuga( Kali Yuga). Let me also say that what Mahabharata really is. It is not a normal war between Pandavas and Kauravas for the sake of a kingdom. It is the fight between Dharma and Adharma, where God stand with Dharma always. No matter how big or how strong Adharma is, Dharma will surely win. But the story of Maha bharata was not only confined to the war in Kuru- kshetra, it was extended to afterlife and Swarga. Again, here victory in Mahabharata war is not personal, it is universal victory. There are two kinds of victory, Jaya and Vijaya. Vijaya is material victory, where there is a loser. But Jaya is spiritual victory, where there are no losers. In the war of Kuru- kshetra there is Vijaya,but not Jaya. Jaya occurs to Yudhisthira later, and he reaches Vaikuntha. And hence, the original name of Mahabharata( the one written by Lord Ganesha) was named as Jaya. Let Dharma Rule. Satyameva Jayate

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11 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3 :Arc 5
Volume 4 :Arc 5
Volume 5 :Arc 5


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I read this a few years back when I was like in late middle school to senior-ish highschool year and now I'm a sophomore and suddenly remembered this...I know that at some point it was supposed to be discontinued but it's put here as completed right now and looking at the chapters I can't remember if there are missing ones but the last chapters I remember were some sort of announcement that had something to do with the pacing of meeting with the ML or something.... Author-san any updates? was this picked up or is there a remake? sorry been a few years so I can't remember the specifics🥹


a lot of chapters are missing ... if I did not already read this story before I might not have understand a lot of things ... kindly check the chapters ....


Autor!! Please come Back!!! And put more Seasons!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️


I have reread this story and still love it. I'm used to slow stories cuz it allows for more info to be added in the world/character building. Im sad that this story will never have a true ending and we will never get to see how the MC heals from his abuse, was kinda looking forward to the SOB brothers face slapping hehehe. I will miss the found family vibes from MC and Puppy 😥 Thank you for allowing me to read this I hope to find something like it in the future.


I remember this being drop a few years back did the author continue and also I remember there also another book that were work on when this was dropped. I forgot it title, can someone tell me it title?


I haven't read this for quite a while but I have also seen there have been no updates for a while so I saw no reason starting it back up it's not a bad story at all it is very heavy on the lgbtq world I guess the right way to put it I'm not sure what the politically correct way to put it is it's not a bad story it's just like a little bit tired of them things that don't align with my sexuality there's nothing disgusting or anything it was just left me wanting from the story it made it harder for me to connect to the main character and some of the other characters on the one that the ones that I did they were the ones that I would want the main character to date if he wasn't gay


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