
Haven Online

Yin Xinya’s death was such a cosmic joke that he got a second chance to do it again. In the past, his life and death were a tragic mess, but he swears this time everything will change. Watch as Xinya becomes the most coveted person in Haven Online. [Why are you learning cooking? It's a waste of skill points.] [Your learning potions?! Are you daft? There's no point in doing that.] [Why did you pick that trash class? You will never make it in this game.] Xinya ignored everyone. With a knowing smile, he paid them no mind because he knew they would eat their words soon.

Momocatt · LGBT+
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190 Chs

Quest Triggered

Xinya couldn't help but stare at the sight that was in front of him, he had read the lore about this forest but never did he once expected to see the truth of the matter up close and in person. After rubbing his eyes twice he still had doubts about what he was seeing, right in front of him in this decrepit forest stood a picturesque cottage that wasn't in the slightest disrepair.

It was extremely out of place in this setting, to Xinya it seemed that even as time moved on and everything changed this one place would forever remain untouched. He was a little in awe and slightly fanboying. This was the place he read about, he still could hardly believe it. After taking a picture of the cottage for his personal collection, he messaged Wei and Wandering Snow in party chat.

DC: Guys guess what I found!!


WS: Roaming Wind don't shout at him, i'm sure he didn't mean to wander alone in the forest where he could die.