
Chapter 20 Caught

"Well I hope you wore a hair net or something to cover your hair and your body. I don't want to see any hair in my food or else I'll get a refund." I teased.

Again he took it as a joke and laughed. Well I knew this and it was a joke that I could not, not say.

"Don't worry honey you won't see any hair in side your dinner cause honestly I did not cook this." He admitted.

I turned to look at him face to face.

"Yup." He confirmed.

"Then what were you inside the kitchen?"

"So you'll think I was cooking, duh." He replied. "Now let's eat, can't wait for your reaction to this food."

"Wait, if you did not cook then who did? I have not seen any maid in this house." I said. Only security guards I've seen walking about. The mansion is heavily guarded.

"Well duh, I did not want you to see her so I hid her in the kitchen, she's the only one left." He explained. "I have no other maids expect Maria."

"Call her,'' I demanded.